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Contact details +6469519283

Dr Chris Compton BVSc., MVS, PhD, AFHEA

Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Epidemiology

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Veterinary Science

Chris teaches a broad range of topics related to epidemiology, data analysis and animal health management to veterinary under- and postgraduate students. He aims to provide up to date content and analytical methods to students that is relevant to the stage of their careers and that can be applied in their professional practice. He uses modern pedagogies to engage students in his courses such as the use of problem-based learning, group exercises with class feedback and peer assessment. He also supervises postgraduate students at the Masters and PhD level as they progress to higher academic achievements and teaches in courses that develop veterinary capability in developing countries.

In addition to his teaching, Chris's current research interests arise from those of his clinical, earlier research and academic careers: mastitis, reproduction, nutrition and metabolic disorders in dairy cattle and their impacts on productivity, health and farm economics. The main themes of his research experience have involved studies in commercial herds on mastitis in dairy heifers, anovulatory anoestrous and oestrous synchronisation programmes, hyperketonaemia or subclinical ketosis, the extent and causes of culling and mortality in dairy cattle, the emergence of new patterns of salmonellosis in dairy cattle and the economic impact of endemic diseases on pastoral farm animals. In these studies he has used a range of analytic methods, including those suitable for multi-level, survival, spatial and temporal data types.

Chris is committed to serving his profession and the communities he works with, both locally, nationally and internationally. He supports the School of Veterinary Science by assisting in selection of students for the veterinary course and marking and reviewing postgraduate student theses. In his role as a committee member of the Epidemiology, Food Safety and Biosecurity Branch of the New Zealand Veterinary Association he helps provide continuing professional development courses to NZ vets, contributes to the review of branch and parent organisation policies and the planning of upcoming events. Chris also acts as a manuscript reviewer for several national and international scientific journals and contributes to projects of the World Organisation for Animal Health as a representative of the EpiCentre at Massey University.

Chris is a veterinary epidemiologist with a background in clinical practice, field research and more recently, university teaching. Approximately three-quarters of Chris' work is teaching and supervising under- and post-graduate students on topics related to the management of health and production of pastoral farm animals, his field of expertise. The remaining part of his work is applied to collaborative research mainly within this field that apply modern methods to investigate and communicate findings on important current issues that will have a positive impact on the health and productivity of animals, the sustainability of farming systems and well-being of farmers.

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Contact details

  • Ph: 86283
    Location: 3.05 B, School of Veterinary Science
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science - Massey University (1984)
  • Master of Veterinary Studies - Massey University (2006)
  • Doctor of Philosphy - Massey University (2018)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Higher Education Academy (Associate Member/Fellow) (2018)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Registration, VCNZ, Veterinary Council of New Zealand
  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Prizes and Awards

  • Receipt of the ANZCVS Award for the most commendable paper published in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal in 2015. This award recognises the quality of scientific content, style and presentation, and especially the applicability of the findings to veterinary clinical practice. The college commented : "Your paper is both relevant to the veterinary profession and presents the results of a detailed and well presented scientific study." This article is also included in my NRO. - Australia and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (2015)
  • Editor's Choice Award for January 2017. Our article “Invited review: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of mortality and culling in dairy cattle” was selected as an “Editor’s Choice” by the editor-in-chief, Matt Lucy. The article featured prominently on the journal’s homepage for one month and was included in the Editor’s Choice Collection, where it was freely accessible to all. - Journal of Dairy Science (2016)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Mastiits in dairy cattle
  • Reproduction in dairy cattle
  • Nutrition and metabolic disorders in dairy cattle
  • Culling and mortality of New Zealand dairy cows
  • Analytic methods for epidemiologic data
  • Spatial data analysis
  • Economic analysis of animal health and productivity


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000):
Agricultural Economics (140201):
Animal Growth and Development (070202): Animal Nutrition (070204): Animal Production (070200): Animal Reproduction (070206):
Applied Economics (140200): Economics (140000):
Veterinary Epidemiology (070704): Veterinary Medicine (070706): Veterinary Sciences (070700)


  • Animal health
  • Animal production
  • Dairy cattle
  • Reproduction
  • Mastitis
  • Nutrition
  • Epidemiology
  • Economics
  • Survival analysis
  • Spatial
  • GIS

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Case Control Study of salmonellosis outbreaks on dairy farms in New Zealand

Date Range: 2022 - 2024

Funding Body: Ministry for Primary Industries

Project Team:

Project Title: M.bovis Direct Impacts

Date Range: 2021 - 2022

Funding Body: Ministry for Primary Industries

Project Team:

Project Title: M.bovis positive samples collection

Date Range: 2020 - 2021

Funding Body: Ministry for Primary Industries

Project Team:

Project Title: Longtiudinal disease effects and risk factor study of the clinical and sub-clinical impacts of M.bovis at the individual cow level and the whole and part herd levels over time

Date Range: 2020 - 2022

Funding Body: Ministry for Primary Industries

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Wang, Y., Vallée, E., Heuer, C., Wang, Y., Guo, A., Zhang, Z., . . . Compton, C. (2024). A scoping review on the epidemiology and public significance of Brucella abortus in Chinese dairy cattle and humans. One Health. 18
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Vallee, E.
Wada, M., Compton, C., Hickson, R., & Bingham, P. (2024). Development of LIME-NZ: a generic tool for prompt estimation of economic impacts of disease for New Zealand livestock. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 72(2), 79-89
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Wada, M.
Wang, Y., Vallée, E., Compton, C., Heuer, C., Guo, A., Wang, Y., . . . Vignes, M. (2024). A novel Bayesian Latent Class Model (BLCM) evaluates multiple continuous and binary tests: A case study for Brucella abortus in dairy cattle. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 224
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Vallee, E., Vignes, M.
Beasley, LH., Cogger, N., & Compton, CWR. (2023). Use of equine chorionic gonadotropin in lactating dairy cattle: a rapid review. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 71(2), 53-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Cogger, N., Compton, C.
Rodrigues, DL., Amorim, EA., Ferreira, F., Amaku, M., Baquero, OS., de Hildebrand e Grisi Filho, JH., . . . Ferreira Neto, JS. (2022). Apparent prevalence and risk factors for bovine tuberculosis in the state of Paraná, Brazil: an assessment after 18 years since the beginning of the Brazilian program. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 54(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Clausen, LM., Hussein, HM., & Compton, CWR. (2022). Therapy of Subclinical Mastitis during Lactation. Antibiotics. 11(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Flay, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Ewe wastage in new zealand commercial flocks: Extent, timing, association with hogget reproductive outcomes and bcs. Animals. 11(3), 1-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Chambers, GP., O'Sullivan, ML., & Compton, CWR. (2020). Effect of treatment of phantom cows with a progesterone-based synchrony programme. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 68(6), 313-323
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Investigating associations between lamb survival to weaning and dam udder and teat scores. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 163-171
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Associations between lamb growth to weaning and dam udder and teat scores. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 172-179
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
McDougall, S., Compton, CWR., & Botha, N. (2017). Factors influencing antimicrobial prescribing by veterinarians and usage by dairy farmers in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 65(2), 84-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Heuer, C., Thomsen, PT., Carpenter, TE., Phyn, CVC., & McDougall, S. (2017). Invited review: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of mortality and culling in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 100(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Young, L., & McDougall, S. (2015). Subclinical ketosis in post-partum dairy cows fed a predominantly pasture-based diet: defining cut-points for diagnosis using concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood and determining prevalence. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 63(5), 241-248
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Young, L., & McDougall, S. (2015). Efficacy of controlled-release capsules containing monensin for the prevention of subclinical ketosis in pasture-fed dairy cows. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 63(5), 249-253
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., McDougall, S., & Anexa, C. (2014). Patterns of antibiotic sales to Waikato dairy farms. VetScript. , 22-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., McDougall, S., Young, L., & Bryan, MA. (2014). Prevalence of subclinical ketosis in mainly pasture-grazed dairy cows in New Zealand in early lactation. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 62(1), 30-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Emslie, FR., & McDougall, S. (2014). Randomised controlled trials demonstrate efficacy of a novel internal teat sealant to prevent new intramammary infections in dairy cows and heifers. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 62(5), 258-266
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Brownlie, T., De Boer, M., Roberts, K., & Compton, C. (2014). Managing reproduction in the grazing cow. Cattle Practice. 22, 72-76
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., & McDougall, S. (2013). Anti-microbial usage on Waikato dairy farms. VetScript. 26(10), 34-35 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Rhodes, FM., & Compton, CWR. (2013). Evaluation of three synchrony programs for pasture-based dairy heifers. Theriogenology. 79(5), 882-889
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., de Boer, M., Compton, C., & LeBlanc, SJ. (2013). Clinical trial of treatment programs for purulent vaginal discharge in lactating dairy cattle in New Zealand. Theriogenology. 79(8), 1139-1145
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR. (2012). Managing heifer mastitis. Vet Script. 25(7), 28-28 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., & McDougall, S. (2010). A longitudinal study of reproductive performance and management of 82 dairy herds in the waikato region with differing policies on the routine use of induction of parturition. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 58(4), 175-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Burke, CR., Meier, S., McDougall, S., Compton, C., Mitchell, M., & Roche, JR. (2010). Relationships between endometritis and metabolic state during the transition period in pasture-grazed dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 93(11), 5363-5373
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Cursons, RTM., Barnett, CME., & McDougall, S. (2009). Expression of innate resistance factors in mammary secretion from periparturient dairy heifers and their association with subsequent infection status. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 127(3-4), 357-364
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Parker, KI., Heuer, C., & Compton, CWR. (2009). A review of prevention and control of heifer mastitis via non-antibiotic strategies. Veterinary Microbiology. 134(1-2), 177-185
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Parker, KI., Weir, AM., & Compton, CWR. (2008). Effect of application of an external teat sealant and/or oral treatment with a monensin capsule pre-calving on the prevalence and incidence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy heifers. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 56(3), 120-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Parker, KI., Compton, CWR., Anniss, FM., Heuer, C., & McDougall, S. (2008). Quarter-level analysis of subclinical and clinical mastitis in primiparous heifers following the use of a teat sealant or an injectable antibiotic, or both, precalving. Journal of Dairy Science. 91(1), 169-181
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Agnew, KE., Cursons, R., Hou, XX., & Compton, CRW. (2007). Parenteral treatment of clinical mastitis with tylosin base or penethamate hydriodide in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 90(2), 779-789
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Parker, KI., Compton, CWR., Anniss, FM., Weir, AM., & McDougall, S. (2007). Management of dairy heifers and its relationships with the incidence of clinical mastitis. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(5), 208-216
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Macaulay, R., & Compton, C. (2007). Association between endometritis diagnosis using a novel intravaginal device and reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science. 99(1-2), 9-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Heuer, C., Parker, K., & McDougall, S. (2007). Epidemiology of mastitis in pasture-grazed peripartum dairy heifers and its effects on productivity. Journal of Dairy Science. 90(9), 4157-4170
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Heuer, C., Parker, K., & McDougall, S. (2007). Risk factors for peripartum mastitis in pasture-grazed dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science. 90(9), 4171-4180
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
Parker, KI., Compton, C., Anniss, FM., Weir, A., Heuer, C., & McOougall, S. (2007). Subclinical and clinical mastitis in heifers following the use of a teat sealant precalving. Journal of Dairy Science. 90(1), 207-218
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., & Compton, C. (2006). Reproductive performance in the subsequent lactation of dairy cows previously treated for failure to be detected in oestrus. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(3), 132-140
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Compton, CWR., Hanlon, DW., Davidson, PJ., Sullivan, DJ., Gore, AH., . . . Anniss, FM. (2005). Reproductive performance in anestrous dairy cows following treatment with two protocols and two doses of progesterone. Theriogenology. 63(6), 1529-1548
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., & Compton, C. (2005). Reproductive performance of anestrous dairy cows treated with progesterone and estradiol benzoate. Journal of Dairy Science. 88(7), 2388-2400
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Parker, K., Compton, C., & Heuer, C. (2005). Reducing subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy heifers by precalving infusion of a teat sealant and/or parenteral antibiotic therapy. , 269-273
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Compton, CWR., & Anniss, FM. (2004). Effect of exogenous progesterone and oestradiol on plasma progesterone concentrations and follicle wave dynamics in anovulatory anoestrous post-partum dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science. 84(3-4), 303-314
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.
West, DM., Stafford, KJ., Alley, MR., Badcoe, LM., Hilbink, F., & Compton, CWR. (1993). Serological and necropsy findings for rams infected with brucella ovis which were not identified by the complement fixation test. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 41(2), 82-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C.


Wada, M., Compton, C., Hickson, R., Hee Han, J., & Bingham, P. (2023). Farm level economic impact estimator of disease. In Conference Proceedings of the Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch of the NZVA Vol. 376 (pp. 35 - 38). , Conference of the Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch of the NZVA: New Zealand Veterinary Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C., Wada, M.Contributed to by: Compton, C.
Wang, Y., Vignes, M., Valee, E., Heuer, C., & Compton, C. (2023). Bayesian evaluation of four serological tests for the diagnosis of Brucella abortus in dairy cows. In Conference Proceedings of the Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch of the NZVA Vol. 376 (pp. 23 - 26). , Conference of the Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch of the NZVA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C., Vignes, M.Contributed to by: Compton, C.
Marquetoux, N., Watts, J., Bingham, P., & Compton, C. (2023). Salmonellosis in dairy cattle: a national case-control study to identify risk factors for outbreaks. Conference Proceedings of the Dairy Cattle Veterinarians Branch of the NZVA. Vol. 376 (pp. 73 - 76). : Conference of the Dairy Cattle Veterinarians Branch of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Compton, C.Contributed to by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., Heuer, C., Marquetoux, N., Bingham, P., & Watts, J. (2022). Salmonella on dairy farms: the emerging story. In Proceedings of the Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA(pp. 5 - 6). , Conference of the Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA: New Zealand Veterinary Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., & Marquetoux, N.Study of impact of salmonellosis in dairy herds. . Wellington
[Conference Other]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., Heuer, C., Carpenter, T., Phyn, C., & McDougall, S. (2018). Patterns and determinants of culling and mortality are unique to pasture-grazed, seasonal-calving dairy cows in New Zealand. (pp. 62 - 63). , The 30th World Buiatrics Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., Heuer, C., Carpenter, T., McDougall, S., & Phyn, C. (2018). Methods to investigate risk factors for culling and mortality of New Zealand dairy cows. In Proceedings of the Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Biosecurity, Epidemiology, Animal Health Management and Industry branches of the NZVA(pp. 97 - 102). , Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Biosecurity, Epidemiology, Animal Health Management and Industry branches of the NZVA: Vet Learn Foundation
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., Heuer, C., Carpenter, T., McDougall, S., & Phyn, C. (2018). Measurement of culling and mortality and evaluation of their electronic records. In Proceedings of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference(pp. 147 - 150). , Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, C., Hogenveen, H., Nielen, M., Heuer, C., Lopez-Villalobos, N., McDougall, S., . . . Phyn, C. (2018). Financial consequences of reduced culling and mortality in New Zealand dairy herds. In Proceedings of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference(pp. 151 - 154). , Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference: VetLearn Foundation
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Compton, C., & McDougall, S. (2014). Patterns of antibiotic sales to dairy farms in the Waikato region of New Zealand. In Proceedings of the Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity, and Industry branches of the NZVA(pp. 361 - 368). , Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity, and Industry branches of the NZVA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Gohary, K., Bates, A., & Compton, CWR. (2016). Antimicrobial usage and resistance. (pp. 25 - 32). , Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference, Vet Learn
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Mcdougall, S., Gohary, K., Bates, A., & Compton, CWR. (2016). Antimicrobial usage on farm. (pp. 45 - 50). , New Zealand milk quality conference New Zealand veterinary association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Heuer, C., Carpenter, T., McDougall, S., & Phyn, C. (2016). Patterns of culling and mortality and their attributed causes in pasture-based seasonal calving cows in New Zealand. (pp. 129 - 141). , Society of dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA annual conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Mcdougall, S., Hunnam, J., Compton, CWR., & Botha, N. (2015). Factors influencing antimicrobial prescribing and usage in New Zealand. (pp. 45 - 62). , Society of dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA annual conference, Vet Learn
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., Heuer, C., Carpenter, T., McDougall, S., & Phyn, C. (2015). Stochastic bias analysis to adjust for misclassification of farmer-reported cases of clinical mastitis in a secondary database on the incidence risk ratio for culling. , International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., & Compton, CWR. (2014). Internal teat sealants. (pp. 35 - 46). , New Zealand milk quality conference New Zealand veterinary association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
McDougall, S., Pearson, L., Perry, M., & Compton, CWR. (2014). Effect of Theileria orientalis ikeda on reproductive performance of a dairy herd. In Proceedings of the society of dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA(pp. 103 - 118). , Society of dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA annual conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR. (2013). Epidemiology and economics of subclinical ketosis in the New Zealand dairy industry. In Proceeding of the society of Dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference(pp. 183 - 188). , Society of Dairy cattle veterinarians of the NZVA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
Compton, CWR., & McDougall, S. (2012). Minimising heifer mastitis what's new?. (pp. 1 - 9). , New Zealand Milk Quality Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.
de Boer, M., McDougall, S., Troncoso, P., & Compton, CWR. (2012). Treatment of bovine clinical endometritis with parenteral (Excede LA) or intrauterine (Metricure) antibiotic therapy. In Proceeding of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA, Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Compton, C.


Compton, C., & Wells, M. (2022). Salmonella outbreaks in dairy cattle- Looking for new answers to a old problem. : The VetChat
[Internet publication]Authored by: Compton, C.Contributed to by: Compton, C.

Consultancy and Languages


  • October 2018 - May 2022 - South-East Asia-China Foot and Mouth Disease Programme
    OIE Sub-Regional training on applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for advanced spatial analysis of animal health data

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Teaching is one of two main focus areas of the EpiCentre group in which I work. This focus is evidenced in our mission statement which I adhere to: "Our teaching and research support the development of sustainable, resilient and healthy people, animals and environments". I apply my experiences and skills from previous roles as a vet clinician and researcher, together with my experience and qualification in teaching at university, to my teaching practice. I focus on teaching foundational principles, exemplified with practical examples, to equip students to respond to the known and unknown challenges they will face in practice. I keep the rapidly changing content across my courses and my pedagogy up to date and teach my students to do likewise by encouraging lifelong learning.

Graduate Supervision Statement

I supervise graduates in a way that supports them to complete their projects and challenges them to develop their research skills for a career beyond graduation. My approach to supervision is collaborative because I believe that both student and supervisor bring important skills and knowledge to their research project, and supportive also because as a relatively recent PhD graduate myself, I readily identify with the competing external and internal pressures that PhD students must manage. I gained certification in 2021 to be a supervisor at Massey and complete several supervision-related university courses annually to keep me up to date on the requirements of my role and developed my skills to supervise graduate students. 

Dr Chris Compton is available for Masters and Doctorial supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 0
Co-supervisor 0 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Yu Wang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Development of evidence-based strategies to control Brucella abortus in dairy herds in Henan Province, China

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2020 - Kate Griffiths - Doctor of Philosophy
    An epidemiologic investigation of wastage and productivity of ewes in a sample of New Zealand commercial flocks