Ali Karkaba

Doctor of Philosophy, (Microbiology)
Study Completed: 2017
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Studies of antimicrobial drug resistance in bacteria of veterinary relevance

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Infections with antimicrobial resistant bacteria, in particular extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC beta-lactamase (AmpC)-producing Enterobacteriaceae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in humans is a matter of great public health concern and often associated with mortality. Mr Karkaba investigated the occurrence of selected ESBL and AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae and MRSA in clinical specimens obtained from companion animals in New Zealand, and examined the carriage rate of those organisms in cats and dogs. The results indicate that these organisms cause clinical infections in companion animals and their presence could pose therapeutic challenges to unaware veterinarians. Moreover, ESBL and AmpC-producing Escherichia coli and MRSA are carried in the intestinal tract of cats and dogs. The ESBL and AmpC-producing Escherichia coli, and the MRSA causing clinical infections and carried by companion animals are genetically similar to the strains found in humans, raising concerns about the potential for zoonotic transfer from pets to humans.

Dr Alex Grinberg
Dr Evelyn Pleydell
Professor Jackie Benschop


Published Abstracts:

A.Karkaba, K.Hill, J.Benschop, A.Grinberg and E.Pleydell (2013).Investigating strains of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus that are causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference.

A.Karkaba, K.Hill, J.Benschop,  A.Grinberg and E.Pleydell(2013)Investigating the strains of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus that are causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. Proceedings of 38th Annual WSAVA Congress

Poster Presenation:

A.Karkaba, K.Hill, J.Benschop, A.Grinberg and E.Pleydell (2012). Investigating the strains of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae causing clinical infections in companion animals in New Zealand. Proceedings of First IDReC Science Symposium.

Karkaba, A., Hill, K., Benschop, J.,  Grinberg, A. and Pleydell, E.(2013).Comparison between five methods for isolation of multi drug-resistant Escherichia coli from faeces of hospitalized and non-hospitalized cats and dogs Queenstown Molecular Biology Week and Webster Centre for Infectious Diseases Symposium: Of Microbes and Men – Translational Medical Microbiology in the 21st Century.29 – 30 August, 2013 Rydges Hotel, Queenstown, New Zealand

A.Karkaba, H.elHajj, E.Azar(2011). Epidemiological characterisation of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Lebanon. Enhancing Graduate Research in the Biomedical Sciences in Lebanon: Role of National and International Collaborations. 20 May 2011,AUST, Beirut, Lebanon