Zoe Grange

Doctor of Philosophy, (Veterinary science)
Study Completed: 2015
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Ecology, epidemiology and evolution of enteric microbes in fragmented populations of the endangered takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri)

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Complex host-pathogen relationships and transmission dynamics in wild populations can limit our understanding of how pathogens contribute to the decline and endangerment of wildlife. Through the use of network analysis, microbial ecology and genomic epidemiology, Miss Grange explored the effects geographic isolation and translocation have had on the prevalence, transmission and evolution of Campylobacter and Salmonella species within fragmented populations of endangered flightless takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri). Miss Grange showed that translocation and conservation management has created a dynamic network of takahe populations which may vary in their likelihood to maintain and transmit pathogens. The study suggests that range expansion following a significant population decline, isolation and intensive conservation management of takahe has had unforeseen consequences on microbial diversity, which may impact conservation practices.

Professor Brett Gartrell
Lieutenant colonel Nick Nelson
Distinguished Professor Nigel French
Associate Professor Laryssa Howe
Professor Patrick Biggs