Isabel Vialoux

Doctor of Philosophy, (Animal Science)
Study Completed: 2020
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Genetic parameters of body condition score (BCS) and effects of BCS and BCS change on ewe performance

Body condition score is a management technique used on-farm to determine the fat level of the sheep. It is an important indicator of sheep performance, however the current industry average body condition score is below the optimum of 3.0. Mrs Vialoux examined the effect of body condition score and body condition score change on sheep performance and the genetic parameters of body condition score. She found that body condition score increased sheep performance to an upper limit and body condition score at mating was relevant for inclusion in sheep breeding programs as an optimum trait. Body condition score change was associated with sheep performance but showed limited use in sheep breeding.

Professor Rebecca Hickson
Mr Tony Pleasants
Professor Dorian Garrick
Professor Paul Kenyon
Professor Nicolas Lopez-Villalobos