Mina Adhikari

Doctor of Philosophy, (Emergency Management)
Study Completed: 2019
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Modelling Earthquake Hazard Preparedness in Recovery Period in Nepal

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In countries exposed to natural hazards, population preparedness is a critical component of a comprehensive disaster risk reduction strategy. However, more often communities fail to prepare adequately, despite acknowledging the risk of disaster. Theory-based approaches have found prominence for helping to identify the factors that drive population preparedness behaviour. Preparedness theorising and research has predominantly existed in culturally individualistic countries. Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in applying the theories to more collectivistic settings. However, limited empirical evidence exists concerning the application of these theories in developing countries where disaster impacts are substantial. Ms Adhikari researched determinants of population preparedness in the aftermath of a major earthquake in Nepal. She found that interaction of individual, community and institutional factors increase the likelihood of preparing in a post-disaster scenario. Her research contributes to developing theoretical foundations for the preparedness of populations in both developed and developing countries

Distinguished Professor David Johnston
Professor Douglas Paton
Associate Professor Raj Prasanna
Dr Sam McColl