Majid Hashmi
Doctor of Philosophy, (Food Technology)
Study Completed: 2014
College of Health
Thesis Title
Hypobaric treatment: An innovative approach to control postharvest diseases of strawberries
Read article at Massey Research Online:
Consumer resistance to artificial chemicals is driving the development of safe and sustainable methods for controlling the decay of fresh produce. Mr Hashmi tested the efficacy of a non-chemical method (hypobaric treatment) for controlling postharvest strawberry decay. He found that hypobaric treatment reduced rot development in strawberries. Bio-chemical analysis of the fruit indicated that hypobaric treatment stimulates strawberries’ defence system rather than directly inhibiting the fungi. Should hypobaric treatment become commercially viable, this treatment could contribute to the development of an innovative hurdle technology that controls post-harvest fungal decay.
Professor Andrew East
Associate Professor Jon Palmer
Professor Julian Heyes
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Last updated on Monday 04 April 2022