Supatsak Subharat

Doctor of Philosophy, (Veterinary Clinical Science)
Study Completed: 2010
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Epidemiology, diagnosis and vaccination control of leptospirosis in farmed deer in New Zealand

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Mr Subharat researched the epidemiology of leptospirosis on mixed-species deer farms, developed and validated a novel molecular diagnostic tool for detection of Leptospira in deer and evaluated control of leptospirosis on deer farms by vaccination and quantified growth and reproduction responses achieved. His research showed that leptospiral infection averaged 70% in sheep, cattle and deer and that inter-species transmission was likely. The real-time PCR assay developed was highly sensitive and specific and a simple, rapid and cost-effective tool for detecting Leptospira in deer kidney and urine as a research and diagnostic tool. Vaccination eliminated the Leptospira shedding in urine and improved growth and reproduction on most farms. His research demonstrated significant potential benefit of vaccination and, provided greater understanding and direction for future research into this disease in livestock in New Zealand.

Professor Peter Wilson
Professor Cord Heuer
Dr Julie Collins-Emerson