Caryl Lockhart

Doctor of Philosophy, (Veterinary)
Study Completed: 2009
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Surveillance for diseases of poultry with specific reference to Avian influenza

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Ms Lockhart’s thesis focused on issues related to surveillance for diseases in commercial and non-commercial poultry populations. The motivation for this work largely arose from the unprecedented outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 occurring in 52 countries in Asia, Africa and Europe since 2003. A series of studies were presented using data derived from two countries, Vietnam and New Zealand. The two Vietnamese studies provided in-depth epidemiological analyses of the outbreak of HPAI H5N1 from December 2003 to March 2004. The three New Zealand studies dealt with issues related to the development of effective surveillance strategies for HPAI — informed both directly and indirectly by the findings from the Vietnamese studies. This approach provided an example of how ‘lessons’ learnt from countries that have experienced large scale infectious disease epidemics can be used to assist in the design of surveillance activities in (as yet) unaffected countries.

Professor Mark Stevenson
Professor Roger Morris
Distinguished Professor Nigel French