Cynthia Prince

Doctor of Education
Study Completed: 2007
College of Education


Thesis Title
A knowledge creation approach to environmental education in early childhood: Creating a community of learners

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Ms Prince''sresearch investigated the creation of a community of learners, comprising teachers, children and parents, to integrate environmental education within an early childhood curriculum. The research was conducted in two phases involving two early childhood centres, a kindergarten and a childcare centre. A two week environmental education curriculum was introduced by the teachers in the first phase. Participatory action research that empowered the teachers to lead the research occurred in the second phase. She found that the creation of a community of learners at both centres resulted in the participants creating their own environmental knowledge. A heightened awareness of the importance of environmental education as an integral part of an early childhood curriculum was gained by all those taking part.

Ms Joy Cullen
Professor Jenny Poskitt