Support for students registered with Disability Services


Disability Services at Massey University provide a range of services and support for internal and distance students who have health and disability issues that are impacting on their study.

Disability Services strives to provide a flexible and responsive service that is focused on a student’s individual needs. This involves identifying how a health or disability issue is making study more difficult, and how Massey University can accommodate students so they can focus on their chosen programme of study. 

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Accessing Disability Services

Students can access support by registering with Disability Services. Students can do this when they enrol with Massey University, or at any time during their course of study by completing the registration form and returning it with supporting information.

Disability Services will initiate phone or email contact with any student who registers. 

Disability Services have staff based on Albany, Manawatu and Wellington campuses of Massey University and welcome the opportunity to meet with all students.  If you're studying at a distance and are able to come to a campus please come and visit. 

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Equipment available for short-term loan

Disability Services maintain a pool of equipment that is available for loan to students to help with disability related barriers. Equipment includes digital dictaphones, portable FM systems, smart pens and assistive software programmes for students with disability issues that are impacting on computer access.   

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Accessible course material

An alternative format service is available to students managing print disabilities who are unable to access the standard print versions of their study material. Please contact us as early as you can if you think you might need alternative formats.

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Assistance in lectures / laboratories / contact workshops

This support can take a number of forms depending on a student’s particular needs. Examples of the support available include organising NZSL interpreters for a Deaf student or providing notetakers for a student with a Specific Learning Disability. If you are interested in arranging assistance for a contact course, please contact an advisor to discuss support when you register to attend.

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Additional assistance in exams

Support is available for students with disability who require alternative exam arrangements so they are not disadvantaged in their exams. Support can include things like a reader/writer, extra time or special equipment. 

To obtain exam assistance students need to complete the Additional Assistance with Examinations form and return it to Assessment Services no later than 9 weeks before the start of the relevant examination round.

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Further information

Please contact Disability Services directly to discuss supports that might be useful and to your specific circumstances, or you could complete the registration form and we will contact you.