Yuni Yupiana
Doctor of Philosophy, (Veterinary Sciences)
Study Completed: 2019
College of Sciences
Thesis Title
Leptospirosis in dairy herds
Read article at Massey Research Online:
The introduction and adoption of Leptospira vaccination in most New Zealand dairy herds in the 1980s was associated with a substantial reduction of the incidence of notified human leptospirosis cases in the population and notably among dairy farm workers. However, the long-term effectiveness of vaccination and current Leptospira exposure status remains unknown. The continuation of dairy workers among notified human cases has raised concerns about the effectiveness of the long–term vaccination programme in dairy herds. Ms Yupiana conducted a large cross-sectional study of 200 New Zealand dairy farms involving 4,000 cows. She found that current Leptospira vaccination practices are effective for preventing the exposure of farm workers against the serovars most commonly incorporated in vaccines (Hardjo and Pomona), and the less common serovar Copenhageni. However, she concluded that a non-vaccine serovar Tarassovi has emerged in New Zealand dairy cattle, and poses a public health risk.
Professor Cord Heuer
Professor Peter Wilson
Professor Jenny Weston
Dr Julie Collins-Emerson
Professor Jackie Benschop
Dr Emilie Vallee
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Last updated on Monday 04 April 2022