Contact details +6449793121

Dr Grace Chen

Research Officer

Centre for Public Health Research

Research Outputs


Chen, GX., Douwes, J., Van Den Berg, L., Pearce, N., Kromhout, H., Glass, B., . . . Mannetje, AMT. (2022). Occupational exposures to pesticides and other chemicals: a New Zealand motor neuron disease case-control study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 79(6), 412-420
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, G., Douwes, J.
Glass, WI., Armstrong, R., & Chen, G. (2017). Banning asbestos in New Zealand, 1936-2016, an 80-year long saga. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Chen, G.


McLean, DJ., Chen, G., 't Mannetje, A., D'Souza, W., McConnell, M., van den Berg, L., . . . Douwes, J. (2016). Occupational risk factors for motor neurone disease: A New Zealand population-based case-control study. In M. Simm (Ed.) Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally, EPICOH 2016, September 4–7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain. Vol. 73 (pp. A86 - A86). : 25th EPICOH Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Chen, G., Douwes, J.
Chen, GX., McLean, D., van den Berg, L., 't Mannetje, A., Pearce, N., Kromhout, H., . . . Douwes, J. (2016). OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO ELF-MF AND ELECTRIC SHOCKS AND MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE. Poster session presented at the meeting of EPICOH 2016
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Chen, G., Douwes, J.