Dr Maria Borovnik staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516643

Dr Maria Borovnik

Senior Lecturer

Doctoral Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

Having been trained in geography my key research is within mobilities, migration and development. I am interested in the social strategies that people use to live mobile livelihoods, how families stay connected and how people are affected. My main research has engaged within the complexities of shipping as a main driver of globalisation, and how it affects small Pacific island nations and communities, such as Kiribati and Tuvalu. I have held conversations with seafaring men and women and their families in their home environments and spent time travelling with seafarers on board a containership to understand these complexities.


Contact details

  • Ph: 06 - 951 6643
    Location: SST 2.19, Social Science Tower, 2nd Floor
    Campus: Turitea

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Pacific communities, mobilities and mobile livelihoods, migration and refugees, shipping and marine training, youth and employment, roads and roadworkers

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Human Geography (160400): Other Studies in Human Society (169900): Social and Cultural Geography (160403): Studies In Human Society (160000): Studies of Pacific Peoples' Societies (169905)


Mobilities and mobile livelihoods, migration, Pacific community development, seafarers, Marine training and employment, participatory methods

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Negotiating Labour Mobilities: Seafarers after COVID-19

This project will explore the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 induced crew ship crisis for seafarers. This humanitarian crisis resulted in more than 400,000 seafarers being stranded because of global border closures. The project focuses on the seafarers’ agency to make positive choices in difficult circumstances, while foregrounding seafarers as enablers of global trade. Drawing on the theoretically novel notion of ensembled agency, within a mobility justice framework, this research will address the nuances of this inequitable situation faced by seafarers. Such a perspective acknowledges the uneven systems surrounding global trade, by bringing the usually hidden attributes of seafarers’ agency to the surface. By applying multi-sited and ethnographic methods based on storytelling, the narratives of Pacific seafarers will be explored to analyse strategies they have used during border closures, impacts on their family situations, their ongoing struggles with restricted shore leave, and how some seafarers are negotiating avenues and options for new or ongoing labour mobilities. This study will add significantly to the understanding of mobility justice by underscoring cultural dimensions of (im)mobilities and unpacking the mobility regimes involved in the intersections of the global, infrastructure and embodied scales of labour mobilities in a maritime context.
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Date Range: 2024 - 2027

Funding Bodies: Marsden Fund - Standard; Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Borovnik, M. (2024). Trapped in the COVID-19 pandemic: Seafarers and the global crew change crisis. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 33(1), 93-117
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Wright, S., Palis, J., Osborne, N., Miller, F., Kothari, U., Henrique, KP., . . . Borovnik, M. (2023). Storying Pandemia Collectively: Sharing Plural Experiences of Interruption, Dislocation, Care, and Connection. Geohumanities. 9(1), 1-23
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2019). "Belonging and transnational refugee settlement: Unsettling the everyday and extraordinary", Jay Marlowe, 2018, Routledge, Abingdon, New York. ISBN 9 781138 285453; in: Migration Studies; doi: 10.1093/migration/mnz009. Migration Studies. Retreived from https://academic.oup.com/migration/advance-article/doi/10.1093/migration/mnz009/5435745?login=true
[Book Review]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Slade, N., & Borovnik, M. (2018). ‘Ageing out of place’: Experiences of resettlement and belonging among older Bhutanese refugees in New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer. 74(2), 101-108
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2017). Oceanian journeys and sojourns: Home thoughts abroad. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 73(3), 221-222
[Book Review]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., & Adams-Hutcheson, G. (2017). Introduction: Mobilities and transformation. New Zealand Geographer. 73(2), 81-86 Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nzg.2017.73.issue-2/issuetoc
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.Edited by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2017). Nighttime navigating: Moving a container Ship through darkness. Transfers. 7(3), 38-55
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., & Adams-Hutcheson, G. (2017). Introduction: Mobilities and transformation. New Zealand Geographer. 73(2), 81-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2016). Book review: Seascapes: Shaped by the sea. SITES - AJournal of Social Anthropology & Cultural Studies. 13(2), 246-249Retreived from https://sites.otago.ac.nz/Sites/index
[Book Review]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2016). Book Review: Belonging in Oceania. Movement, place-making and multiple identifications. Asian and Pacific migration journal : APMJ. 25(1), 97-100
[Book Review]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2013). Mobilities: New perspectives on transport and society. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 69(2), 172-173
[Book Review]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2012). The mobilities, immobilities and moorings of work-life on cargo ships.. SITES: a journal of social anthropology and cultural studies. 9(1), 59-82
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2011). Occupational health and safety of merchant seafarers from Kiribati and Tuvalu. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 52(3), 333-346
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). Journeys Towards Progress. Essays of a Geographer on Development and Change in Oceania. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 66(2), 173-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2009). Migration as spatial definition power? Contributions to a new geography of migration in Europe. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE. 100(3), 365-367
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2009). Bookreview: Migration als raeumliche Ddefinitonsmacht? Beitrage zu einer neuen Geographie der Migration in Europa [Migration as defining power of space. Contributions to a new geography of migration in Europe] (Felicitas Hillmann). Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 100(3), 365-373
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2009). Book review: Tahuhu korero: The sayings of Taitokerau (Merata Kawharu with Krzysztof Pfeiffer). Takahe 67. 67, 40-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008). Book review: The future of Tokelau. Decolonising agendas 1975-2006 (Judith Huntsman with Kelihiano Kalolo). Takahe. 63, 47-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2007). Approaches to human geography. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 63(3), 233-234
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2007). Book review: Approaches to Human Geography. New Zealand Geographer. 63(3), 233-234
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2007). Labor circulation and changes among seafarers' families and communities in Kiribati. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 16(2), 225-249
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006). Working overseas: Seafarers' remittances and their distribution in Kiribati. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 47(1), 151-161
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Wang, L., Holgate, J., Clark, A., & Borovnik, M. (2005). Recently completed doctorates in social and cultural geography. Social and Cultural Geography. 6(1), 158-159
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2005). Seafarers' "maritime culture" and the "I-Kiribati way of life": The formation of flexible identities?. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 26(2), 132-150
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2004). Are seafarers migrants? - Situating seafarers in the framework of mobility and transnationalism. New Zealand Geographer. 60(1), 36-43
[Journal article]Authored by: Borovnik, M.


Bailey, R., Borovnik, M., & Charlotte, B.(2021). Stranded seafarers: an unfolding humanitarian crisis. Devpolicy Blog
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., & Barry, K. (2021). Foggy landscape. In K. Barry, M. Borovnik, & T. Edensor (Eds.) Weather: Spaces, Mobilities and Affects. (pp. 159 - 170). Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.Edited by: Borovnik, M.
Edensor, T., Barry, K., & Borovnik, M. (2021). Introduction: Placing Weather. In K. Barry, M. Borovnik, & T. Edensor (Eds.) Weather: Spaces, Mobilities and Affects. (pp. 1 - 22). Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.Edited by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2021). Seafarers and Weather. In K. Barry, M. Borovnik, & T. Edensor (Eds.) Weather: Spaces, Mobilities and Affects. (pp. 95 - 110). Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.Edited by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., Barry, K., Edensor, T., & Borovnik, M. (Eds.) (2021). Weather: Spaces, Mobilities and Affects. Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge
[Edited Book]Edited by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2018). Seafarers and work: Endless, sleepless, floating journeys: The sea as workplace. In Living with the Sea: Knowledge, Awareness and Action. (pp. 131 - 146).
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., Leslie, H., & Storey, D. (2014). Practical Issues. In Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide. (pp. 81 - 100). : Sage
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). 'Tuvalu, Daily Life'. In World and its Peoples. (pp. 1206 - 1207). New York: Marshall Cavendish
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). 'Tuvalu, Modern History'. In World and its Peoples. (pp. 1203 - 1204). New York: Marshall Cavendish
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). 'Kiribati, Daily Life'. In World and its People. (pp. 1282 - 1283). New York: Marshall Cavendish
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). 'Kiribati, Modern History'. In World and its Peoples.. (pp. 1279 - 1280). New York: Marhall Cavendish
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010). Transnationalism of merchant seafarers and their communities in Kiribati and Tuvalu. In H. Lee, & ST. Francis (Eds.) Migration and Transnationalism. (pp. 143 - 157). Online: ANU E Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008). Tuvalu. In SG. Philander (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change. (pp. 645 - 1552). London/USA: Sage Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008). Kiribati. In SG. Philander (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change. (pp. 367 - 1552). London/USA: Sage Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Borovnik, M.


Borovnik, M. (2003). Seafarers in Kiribati - consequences of international labour circulation. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Canterbury)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Borovnik, M.


Nunns, H., Borovnik, M., & Bedford, R. (2014). Evaluation of New Zealand support to the marine training centre, Kiribati. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Chamberlin, C., Krech, R., Gennicott, K., Beaver, C., Ohno, N., Borovnik, M., . . . Graham, B. (2006). Opportunities to improve social services in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Knowles, J., Chamberlin, C., Borovnik, M., Suliman, E., & Harris, B. (2006). Oportunities to improve social services in Kiribati.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Lima, I., & Borovnik, M. (2004). Canterbury Pacific youth & alcohol awareness fono. Fono Organising Committee.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.Promoting Development through the enhancement of the current seafarers scheme in Kiribati and Tuvalu.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Borovnik, M.


Borovnik, M.Roads: Materialities, flows and disruptions. . Wellington
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.I-Kiribati Seawomen. Structural and Gendered Mobilities. . Trondheim
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.Seafarers and Weather. . Hobart, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.Roadwork and mobilities: Rhythms of disruption, construction and maintenance. . Queenstown
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.Area warning: Delays, roadblock ahead. Stop, go, and roadworker rhythms. . Siegen University, Germany
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.“I want to be a race-car auto mechanic in Australia”: Future Imaginaries of Kiribati Youth. . CeMoRe, Lancaster University
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2017). “I want to be a race-car auto-mechanic in Australia”: Future imaginaries of Kiribati youth. (pp. 66 - 67). , Mobile Utopia. Pasts, Presents, Futures Lancaster University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2015). Monotonous landscapes: Boredom and fatigue at work. , Institute of Australian Geographers Conference "Exploring Geographic Connections"
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2015). Night-time navigating. , 6th Aotearoa/New Zealand Mobilities Symposium "Mobilities in a Dangerous World"
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2014). Women's issues and shipping. , Institute of Australian Geographers/New Zealand Geographical Society Joint Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Davidson, J., & Borovnik, M. (2014). Young Pacific people creating a purposeful future. , The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet) Biennial Conference 2014 Available online
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M., & Slade, N. (2013, October). Settling in New Zealand: Experiences of Elderly Refugees from Bhutan. Presented at Queen Elizabeth College "Best Years" Public Seminar. St David's Church, Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.Contributed to by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2013, November). If I-Kiribati men can ship around the world then why not women?. Presented at PASIFIKA Research Conference 'Communities of Learning. Riding with the Changing Tides'. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2013). Conversations on the high seas. (pp. 6 - 6). , 4th New Zealand Mobilities Symposium – Researching Mobilities: Exploring Flows and Fixity
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2012, August). The mobilities, immobilities and moorings of seafarers on cargo ships. Presented at International Geographical Union Congress, titled “Down to Earth”. Cologne, Germany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2012, December). Mooring strategies on ships. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2012). Mooring strategies on ships. In New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes: Book of Abstracts(pp. 28 - 28). , New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes New Zealand: New Zealand Geographical Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010, July). Occupational health and safety of Pacific Island seafarers wroking on international merchant ships.. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society / Institute of Australian Geographers combined conference. Christchurch.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010, December). Dangerous waters, dangerous jobs: Merchant seafarers and piracy.. Presented at Development Network (Dev Net) Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.(2010, December 1). Dangerous waters, dangerous jobs: merchant seafarers and piracy. , Development Network (DevNet) Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008, July). Tuvalu thirty years on from independence - Perspectives from seafarers' life stories. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.(2008, July 2). Tuvalu thirty years on from independence - Perspectives from seafarers' life-stories. , New Zealand Geographical Society Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008, July). Tuvalu, thirty years from independence: Perspectives from seafarers' life stories. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference. Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M.(2007). Geography of the circus. Discussant for session II. . San Francisco, CA
[Conference Other]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2007, April). The shipping industry, a global force: global pressure to local seafarer unions. Presented at Association of American Geographers Conference. San Francisco, CA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006). Transnational livelihood of I-Kiribati seafarers. In Proceedings of Pacific Transnationalism Tracing Ties to the Homelands(pp. 9 - 9). : La Trobe University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). Transnationality of I-Kiribati and Tuvaluan seafarers. Presented at Pacific Transnationalism tracing Ties to the Homelands. La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006). Emporion space and the transnationality of merchant seafarers. In Proceedings of the International Geographical Union Regional Conference(pp. 27 - 27). : Queensland University of Technology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, July). Emporion space and the transnationality of merchant seafarers. Presented at International Geographical Union Conference. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006). HIV and AIDs in the Pacific - Kiribati. In Dev.Net Conference(pp. 34 - 34). : DEV NET Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). HIV/AIDs in the Pacific. Presented at DEV.NET Conference. Dunedin, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2004, February). 'Seafarers' remittances to Kiribati: who benefits?. Presented at Beyond MIRAB: The Political Economy of Small Islands in the 21st Century. Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2004, June). Remittances, an informal but indispensable form of income for seafarer families in Kiribati. Presented at Remittances, Microfinance Technology. University of Queensland, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2003, July). Impact on the 'I-Kiribati way of life' resulting from the circulatory nature of seafarer employment. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society 22nd Conference. University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2003). Impact on the 'I-Kiribati way of life' resulting from the circulatory nature of seafarer employment. (pp. 4 - 5). , New Zealand Geographical Society 22nd Conference University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ: New Zealand Geographical Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2001). The HIV/AIDS epidemic and Pacific seafarer migrants. (pp. 1 - 1). , Oceania and Asia: The South Pacific looks North Colloquium Christchurch, NZ: University of Canterbury
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2001, February). The HIV/AIDS epidemic and Pacific seafarer migrants. Presented at Oceania and Asia: The South Pacific looks North Colloquium. Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2000). Folgen internationaler Arbeitsmigration fur Kiribati: Erste Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung. Lokal Verankert - Weltweit Vernetzt: Deutscher Geographentag Hamburg. (pp. 314 - 318). Berlin, Germany
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Borovnik, M.


Borovnik, M. (2017). New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS). Wiley
[Other]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2014, May). Following the participant: Mobile methods in development fieldwork. Presented at Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2013, October). Women Seafarers. Presented at Palmerston North. : Queen Elizabeth Collage 'Best Years' Seminar.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2011, September). Candy Floss, Ferris Wheels and Roller Coasters: Who's having a good time at the Fun Fairs?. Presented at Palmerston North. : Queen Elizabeth College 'Best Year' Seminar.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2011, September). Candy Floss, Ferris Wheels and Roller Coaster. Who's having a good time at the Fun Fairs?'.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2010, June). Living a merchant seafarer's life. In Public Library, Palmerston North City Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2009, August). Pirates and other occupational safety issues for Pacific seafarers. In Centre for Development Studies Seminar Series, Auckland University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008, July). The shipping industry and labour unions: global presssure on local institutions. In Geography Programme, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2008). The shipping industry and labour unions: global pressure on local institutions. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). Promoting development through the enhancement of the current seafarers scheme in Kiribati and Tuvalu. In Pacific ACP Trade Ministers Meeting of Pacific Island Forum Secretariat. Presented at Port Vila, Vanuatu.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). Promoting development through the enhancement of the current seafarers scheme in Kiribati and Tuvalu. In Pacific ACP Trade Officials Meeting of Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. Presented at Port Vila, Vanuatu.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). Promoting development in Kiribati and Tuvalu through the enhancement of the current Seafarers scheme. In Pacific Island Forum Secretariat. Presented at Port Vila, Vanuatu.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2006, November). Promoting development in Kiribati and Tuvalu through the enhancement of the current Seafarers scheme. In Pacific Island Forum Secretariat: Pacific ACP Trade Minister Meeting. Presented at Port Vila, Vanuatu.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2005). Remittances: An informal but indispensible form of income for seafarer families in Kiribati. In CIGAD working paper(pp. ii - 13). : Massey University, Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development
[Working Paper]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2005, September). Seafarers from Kiribati: life 'in between' transitional spaces. : Institute of Development Studies, Massey University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2004, March). A qualitative or quantitative research approach to MIRAB? No need for conflict. : University of Canterbury.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2002, June). Kiribati: a seafarer's life; and his wife's life. : University of Canterbury.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.
Borovnik, M. (2002, September). Who benefits from remittances in Kiribati?. : University of Canterbury.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Borovnik, M.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2004 - East Asia Human Development Sector Unit, The World Bank
    Social Protection Specialist on missions to Kiribati and the Marshall Islands
  • 2006 - Pacific Island Forum Secretariat
    Contracted to assess employment opportunities for Kiribati and Tuvalu
  • April 2014 - August 2014 - Analytic Matters Ltd
    Subcontracted to complete an evaluation on the Marine Training Centre in Kiribati for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


  • English
    Last used: Today
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • German
    Last used: Last week
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

131.121 Rich World, Poor World: The Making of the Third World

131.221 Global Development Issues

131.701 Development and Underdevelopment

131.706 Development and Globalisation

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 2
Co-supervisor 0 3

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Jolene Wescombe - Doctor of Philosophy
    Midwives as agents of change? Exploring empowerment within midwifery in Ethiopia
  • Limu Mou-Vagi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improved nutrition through rural community empowerment in Central Province, Papua New Guinea

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2017 - Axel Malecki - Doctor of Philosophy
    Repoliticising Development: The Diaspora Knowledge Network (DKN) ChileGlobal and its contribution to development in Chile
  • 2015 - Dennis Rockell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pacific Island Labour Programmes in New Zealand: an aid to Pacific Island Development ? A critical Lens on the Recognised Seasonal Employer-Policy

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2018 - Amie Lennox Townsend - Doctor of Philosophy
    Human trafficking in Mindanao: personal narratives and local perspectives
  • 2015 - Peter Cole - Doctor of Philosophy
    The role of energy supply in the shaping of development prospects in small & isolated Pacific Island communities-past,present & future
  • 2007 - Nawal El-Gack - Doctor of Philosophy
    Participatory Approaches to Development: An Analysis of the Experiences of Development Projects in Sudan