Sutton, D., Kearney, A., & Ashton, K. (2023). Improving educational inclusion for refugee-background learners through appreciation of diversity.
International Journal of Inclusive Education. 27(6), 671-688
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashton, K., Kearney, A.Read Online:
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Kearney, A. (2021). Infinite Mirror: Critical Reflections on Wayne Barker’s Strategies of Appropriation.
Critical Arts. 35(5-6), 196-209
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
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Sutton, D., Kearney, A., & Ashton, K. (2021). Improving educational inclusion for refugee-background learners through appreciation of diversity.
International Journal of Inclusive Education. , 1-18 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., Alghamdi, Y., & Hansen, S. (2020). The Value high school teachers place on CPD for their professional development.
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET). 11(5), 741-764
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Attwood, S., MacArthur, J., & Kearney, A. (2019). Beginner secondary teacher preparedness for inclusion.
International Journal of Inclusive Education. 23(10), 1032-1048
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
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Kearney, A. (2018). An interview with the Children's Commissioner, Judge Andrew Becroft.
Kairaranga. 19(2), 3-8 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Edited by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., McKay, S., & MacArthur, J. (2018). Supporting teacher agency when planning and implementing inclusive classroom programmes.
SET. Research Information for Teachers. 2018(1), 34-41 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Carvalho, L., Freeman, CG., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., & Martinez-Maldonado, R. (2018). Spaces of inclusion and belonging: The learning imaginaries of doctoral students in a multi-campus and distance university.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 34(6), 41-52
[Journal article]Authored by: De Carvalho, L., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2017). Art History Is Dead; Long Live Art History!.
De Arte. 52(2-3), 102-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., & Holley-Boen, W. (2017). Informal, non-formal, and formal networking: Ensuring autonomy and flexibility for special needs coordinators.
New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work. 14(2), 114-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Kearney, AC. (2016). Book review: Children's rights, educational research and the UNCRC: Past present and future.
International Journal of Student Voice. 1(1)
[Book Review]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2016). Book Review: Locked out: Understanding and tackling school exclusion in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 51(2), 279-282
[Book Review]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Riley, T., Mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2016). Editorial: Equity and Diversity.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 51(2), 139-142
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Riley, T.Read Online:
Mentis, M., Holley-Boen, W., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Budd, J., Riley, T., . . . Bevan-Brown, J. (2016). Māwhai: Webbing a professional identity through networked interprofessional communities of practice.
Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 60(November), 66-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.Read Online:
Mentis, M. (2016). Jenna Gillett-Swan and Vicki Coppock (eds.): Children’s rights, educational research and the UNCRC: Past, present and future.
NZ Journal of Educational Studies. 51(2), 275-277Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Mentis, M., Holley-Boen, W., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Budd, J., Riley, T., . . . Bevan-Brown, J. (2016). Māwhai: Webbing a professional identity through networked interprofessional communities of practice.
Teaching and Teacher Education. 60, 66-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Muralidharan, V., Riley, T.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2016). The right to education: What is happening for disabled students in New Zealand.
Disability Studies Quarterly. 36(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., & Hartnett, M. (2016). Students taking charge of their learning: What are the issues?.
International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum. 23(3), 35-51
[Journal article]Authored by: Hartnett, M., Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2015). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 16(1), 2-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A. (2013). The framing of objects in Penny Siopis' ‘Sympathetic Magic’.
De Arte. 48(88), 46-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
O'Neill, J., Bourke, R., & Kearney, A. (2009). Discourses of inclusion in initial teacher education: Unravelling a New Zealand 'number eight wire' knot.
Teaching and Teacher Education. 25(4), 588-593
[Journal article]Authored by: Bourke, R., Kearney, A., O'Neill, J.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Steed, C., Poskitt, J., & Kearney, A. (2007). Students' perspectives on teacher questioning in the secondary classroom.
SET Research Information for Teachers. set 2007(2), 40-44 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A., Poskitt, J.Read Abstract:
Raskauskas, J., Carroll-Lind, J., & Kearney, A. (2006). Multiple peer victimization in New Zealand: Links to bullying behaviour.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 41(2), 349-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2015). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 16(2), 2-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2015). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 16(2), 2-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
White, C., & Kearney, AC. (2015). The use of stand-downs in New Zealand schools: What are the issues?.
Kairaranga. 16(1), 27-36
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Bevan-Brown, J., Bourke, R., Butler, P., Carroll-Lind, J., Kearney, A., & Mentis, M. (2012). Essential elements in a professional learning and development programme: A New Zealand case study of autism professional development to promote collaborative practices.
Professional Development in Education. 38(4), 631-646
[Journal article]Authored by: Bourke, R., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Bevan-Brown, J., Bevan-Brown, R., Carroll-Lind, J., Kearney, A., Edwards, T., & Hayes, D. (2012). The evaluation of a multidisciplinary approach to training people who work with severe and challenging behaviours.
The International Journal of Learning. 18(6), 359-370 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2011). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 12(1), 2-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A. (2011). Specialist teachers deliver more to all.
New Zealand Education Gazette. (23 May), Unpaginated Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2011). Getting research into the classroom.
New Zealand Education Review. (May 2011: Postgraduate Schools of Education), Unpaginated Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., Watts, C., & Steeghs, C. (2010). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 11(2), 2-2 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bevan-Brown, J., Carroll-Lind, J., Kearney, A., Sperl, B., & Sutherland, M. (2008). Making assumptions vs. building relationships: Lessons from a participatory action research project to identify effective practices for learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Kairarangi. 9(Special Issue: Weaving Education Threads - Weaving Educational Practice), 22-31 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2008). Exclusion at school: What is happening for students who are disabled?.
International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 7(6), 219-228 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., & Kane, R. (2006). Inclusive education policy in New Zealand: Reality or ruse?.
International Journal of Inclusive Education. 10(2-3: Special Issue: The International Inclusive Education Colloquium), 201-219 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Raskauskas, J., Carroll-Lind, J., & Kearney, A. (2005). Text-bullying: Is it related to relational or verbal aggression?.
set: Research Information for Teachers. set2005(3), 7-10 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Steeghs, C., Bateman, S., & Kearney, A. (2005). Editorial.
Kairaranga. 6(1), 2-2 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A. (2004). Book review: Professional practice in special education: Tirohia kia marama. Whawhangia kia rangona te ha: Observe to gain enlightenment. Participate to feel the essence, by Disley, B. Ministry of Education - Group Special Education (2004).
Kairaranga. 5(2), 57-58 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Carroll-Lind, J., & Kearney, A. (2004). Bullying: What do students say?.
Kairaranga. 5(2), 19-24 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Bourke, R., Kearney, A., & Bevan-Brown, J. (2004). Stepping out of the classroom: Involving teachers in the evaluation of national special education policy.
British Journal of Special Education. 31(3), 150-156
[Journal article]Authored by: Bourke, R., Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC., & Poskitt, JM. (2001). Special Education 2000 professional development: A catalyst for change?.
New Zealand Principal. 16(1), 18-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A., Poskitt, J.
Prochnow, JE., Kearney, AC., & Carroll-Lind, J. (2000). Successful Inclusion: What Do Teachers Say They Need?.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. 35(2), 157-177
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2000). Inclusive education in the 21st century: The role of computer technology.
Computers in New Zealand Schools. 12(3), 33-36 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kearney, A.
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Kearney, A. (2019). Equity in Education: An Overview. In MA. Peters (Ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Teacher Education.. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Taylor, E., & Kearney, A. (2018). School discipline and surveillance: Developments in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. In
The Palgrave International Handbook of School Discipline, Surveillance, and Social Control. (pp. 87 - 104).
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2018). Equity through individualised and interconnected teacher education. In
Teacher Education for Diversity: Conversations from the Global South. (pp. 103 - 120).
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2017). Networked teaching and learning for life-long professional development. In
A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. (pp. 253 - 268).
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2014). Parent-school relationships and the exclusion of disabled students from and within school. In
Tales from School: Learning Disability and State Education after Administrative Reform. (pp. 133 - 147).
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Online:
Read Abstract:
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Kearney, AC., & Bevan-Brown, J. (2014). Inclusive education: Addressing the challenge of equity in education. In A. St George, S. Brown, & J. O'Neill (Eds.)
Facing the big questions in teaching: Purpose, power and learning. (pp. 97 - 103). Auckland: Nelson Cengage Learning New Zealand
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Edited by: O'Neill, J.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC., & Kearney, . (2014). Parent-school relationships and exclusion from and within school. In R. Wills, M. Morton, M. McLean, M. Stephenson, & R. Slee (Eds.)
Tales From School. Learning Disability and State Education after Administrative Reform. (pp. 133 - 148). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Carrington, S., MacArthur, J., Kearney, A., Kimber, M., Mercer, L., Morton, M., . . . Rutherford, G. (2012). Towards an inclusive education for all. In S. Carrington, & J. MacArthur (Eds.)
Teaching in inclusive school communities. (pp. 3 - 38). Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A. (2012). Barriers to inclusive education: The identification and elimination of exclusion from and within school. In
Inclusive education: Perspectives on professional practice. (pp. 40 - 51). New Zealand: Dunmore Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Mentis, M., Kearney, A., & Bevan-Brown, J. (2012). Interprofessional learning and its contribution to inclusive education. In S. Carrington, & J. MacArthur (Eds.)
Teaching in inclusive school communities. (pp. 295 - 312). Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Carrington, S., MacArthur, J., Kearney, A., Kimber, M., Mercer, L., Morton, M., . . . Rutherford, G. (2012). Towards an inclusive education for all. In S. Carrington, & J. MacArthur (Eds.)
Teaching in inclusive school communities. (pp. 3 - 38). Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A.(2011).
Exclusion from and within the school: Issues and solutions. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers
[Authored Book]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A.(2011).
Exclusion from and within the school. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers
[Authored Book]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., Bevan Brown, JM., Haworth, PA., & Riley, TL. (2008). Inclusive education: Looking through the kaleidoscope of diversity. In A. St. George, S. Brown, & J. O'Neill (Eds.)
Facing the Big Questions in Teaching: Purpose, Power and Learning. (pp. 109 - 120). Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning
[Chapter]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.Edited by: O'Neill, J.
Riley, TL., Bevan Brown, JM., Bicknell, BA., Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC.(2004).
Gifted and Talented Education in New Zealand. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education
[Authored Book]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.
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Mentis, M., Bevan-Brown, JM., Kearney, AC., & Sutherland, S. (2010).
Postgraduate diploma in specialist teaching milestone 1 report.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Bevan Brown, JM., Bourke, R., Butler, PJ., Carroll Lind, J., Kearney, AC., & Mentis, M. (2010).
Evaluation of the 'tips for autism' professional learning and development programme: Final report. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Bevan Brown, JM., Bourke, R., Butler, PJ., Carroll Lind, JL., Kearney, AC., & Mentis, M. (2009).
Evaluation of the 'tips for autism' professional learning and development programme. Education Report Year Two. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Bevan Brown, JM., Butler, PJ., Carroll Lind, J., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., & Bourke, R. (2008).
Evaluation of the 'tips for autism' professional learning and development programme. Child Youth and Family Evaluation Report. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Maw, N., Kearney, AC., & Butler, PJ.(2008).
Taranaki integrated services project evaluation: Final report June 2008. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Liminal Research and Consultancy Ltd
[Technical Report]Authored by: Butler, P., Kearney, A.
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Carroll Lind, J., Bevan Brown, JM., & Kearney, AC.(2006).
Critique of the New Zealand draft curriculum: An inclusive/special education perspective.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Edwards, TR., Hayes, DM., & Kearney, AC. (2005).
High and complex needs unit enhanced training programme for interagency teams involved with families, Whanau and young children who have severe and challenging behaviours: Final evaluation report. Massey University, College of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bevan Brown, J., Bevan Brown, W., Carroll Lind, J., Kearney, AC., Edwards, TR., & Hayes, DM. (2005).
High and complex needs unit enhanced training programme for interagency teams involved with families, whanau and young children who have severe and challenging behaviours: Final evaluation report. Massey University, College of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Riley, TL., Bevan Brown, JM., Bicknell, BA., Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2004).
The extent, nature and effectiveness of planned approaches in New Zealand schools for providing for gifted and talented students. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.
Riley, TL., Bevan Brown, JM., Bicknell, BA., Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2004).
Gifted and talented education in New Zealand schools: A summary of the research on the extent, nature, and effectiveness of planned approaches in New Zealand schools for identifying and providing for gifted and talented students. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, J., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Final report - Phase 3. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bevan brown, JM., Kearney, AC., & Carroll lind, J. (2002).
A participatory action research project: Effective practices in education for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Final report. Massey University, College of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Final report - Phase 3. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Final Report - Phase 2. Ministry of Education, Research Division.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Chapman, JW., Kearney, AC., . . . Maw, N. (2002).
Special education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Final report summary: Phase 3. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Kearney, AC., Poskitt, JM., & McAlpine, D. (2001).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy - The resource teacher: Learning and behaviour initiative. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, J., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2001).
Special education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Phase two final report. Massey University, College of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2001).
Special Education 2000 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Prochnow, JE. (2001).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy, Phase Two: Ch 11: Early Childhood. IPDER: Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2001).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy: Phase two final report. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2000).
Special Education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy. Final Report - Phase 2. Massey University, College of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., Cullen, JL., Kearney, AC., Mentis, M., . . . Maw, N. (2000).
Special education 2000: Monitoring and evaluation of the policy. Summary of phase 2: final report. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M., O'Neill, J., Poskitt, J.
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Mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2019, November). Purposeful, Personalised Pathways of Life-Long Professional Learning. Presented at
28th ICDE world conference on online learning. Dublin, Ireland..
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Roberts, J., Carryer, J., & Kearney, A. (2019, November). Cultural Safety- Can we decolonise the classroom?. Presented at
Australasian Nurse Educators Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Carryer, J., Kearney, A.
Roberts, J., Carryer, J., & Kearney, A. (2019, November). Kawa Whakaruruhau - Cultural Safety the original model of decolonisation in Nursing. Presented at
Australasian Nurse Educators Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Carryer, J., Kearney, A.
Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Hartnett, M., Butler, P., & Carvalho, L. (2019, July). The library as a space for digital inclusion: Connecting communities through technology. Presented at
Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Butler, P., Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Carvalho, L., Hartnett, M., & Butler, P. (2019, November). The library as a space for digital inclusion.. Presented at
28th ICDE world conference on online learning,. Dublin, Ireland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Butler, P., Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
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Hartnett, M., Mentis, M., Kearney, A., Carvalho, L., & Butler, P. (2019, October). The library as a space for digital inclusion. Presented at
Digital Inclusion Research Forum @ NetHui 2019. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Butler, P., Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2018, April). Changing the pace, place and face of Professional Learning through Networked Learning Hubs. Presented at
Flexible Learning Association (FLANZ) 2018 conference. Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Carvalho, L., Hartnett, M., & Erueti, B. (2018). ThreadED: A networked learning initiative.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning. (pp. 318 - 321). : 11th International Conference on Networked Learning
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: De Carvalho, L., Erueti, B., Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Holley-Boen, WR., mentis, M., & Kearney, A. (2018, May). Networked mentoring: a natural extension of self-directed learning. Presented at
Networked Learning 2018. Zagreb, Croatia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Mentis, M., Kearney, A., & Holley-Boen, W. (2017, October). Life-long, life-wide and life-deep professional learning: What do open badging and eportfolios have to offer?. Presented at
ePIC 2017 - Alternative Credentials, Credentialing Alternatives. Bologna, Italy.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Holley-Boen, WR., Mentis, M., Kearney, A., Butler, P., McLay, L., & Teschers, C. (2017, November). Lifelong learning and practice journeys: Career pathways of former students on the specialist teaching programme. Presented at
New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., & Mentis, M. (2019). A blended learning ecosystem: What are the motivational issues for students?.
ASCILITE 2015 - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, Conference Proceedings. (pp. 476 - 480).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Bevan-Brown, J., Bevan-Brown, R., Carroll-Lind, J., Kearney, A., Edwards, T., & Hayes, D.The evaluation of a multidisciplinary approach to training people who work with students with severe and challenging behaviours.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC., & Hartnett, M. (2015, July). Learners taking charge of their learning: What are the challenges?. Presented at
The Learner. Madrid Spain.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hartnett, M., Kearney, A.
Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., & Mentis, M. (2015, November). A blended learning ecosystem: What are the motivational issues for students?. Presented at
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary EducationAscilite. Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hartnett, M., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2014, April). Inclusive Education and Human Rights.. Presented at
Inclusive Practice. Eastern Institute of Technology Napier.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2014, April). Inclusive Education: Addressing the challenge of equity in education. Presented at
Hawkes Bay Principals and Sencos Professional Learning. Eastern Institute of Technology.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC., Holley-Boen, W., & Mentis, M. (2014, May). Evidence-based practice and the Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching Programme. Presented at
Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour Cluster Managers Forum. Novatel Hotel, Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2013, July). The New Zealand journey towards inclusive education: Where have we come from and where are we going?. Presented at
Inclusive Education Colloquium. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Mentis, M., Kearney, A., Riley, T., Bevan-Brown, J., Holley-Boen, WR., Butler, PJ., . . . Budd, J. (2013).
Webbing a professional identity within a networked community of practice. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Educational Research and Development Society of Australasia. Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Butler, P., Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M., Riley, T.Read Abstract:
Fortier, M-P., Prochnow, J., & Kearney, A. (2013).
Inclusion and behavioural difficulties in secondary education: perspectives of classroom and specialist teachers. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th Biennial Congress of Comite Quebecois Pour Les Jeunes en Difficulte de Comportement [CQJDC]: Violence in Schools: Promising practices to take care of young. Quebec, QC, Canada
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2012, December). The role of the Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour. Presented at
Australian Association of Research in Education. University of Sydney, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2012, October). Facilitating inclusion in your school.. Presented at
First Time Principals Conference. Holiday Inn, Auckland Airport.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Kearney, AC. (2012, October). Inclusive Education. Presented at
First0time Principals' Conference. Auckland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
McLaren, SJ., & Kearney, AC. (2009). Coming ready or not : Are New Zealand tertiary institutions ready for those with significant impairments.
Double Blind Peer Reviewed Proceedings of the Making Inclusive Education Happen: Ideas for Sustainable Change. (pp. 1 - 2).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2008, July). Prescence and participation at school for disabled learners. Presented at
Proceedings of the Comparative Education Society in Europe 23rd Conference. Athens, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2008). Presence and participation at school for disabled learners. In
Proceedings of the Comparative Education Society in Europe 23rd Conference(pp. Un paged). : CESE
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kearney, A.
O'Neill, JG., Bourke, R., & Kearney, AC.(2007).
Discourses of inclusion in initial teacher education: Unravelling a New Zealand 'number eight wire' knot. . University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kearney, A., O'Neill, J.
Kearney, AC. (2007, July). Exclusion at school: What is happening for students who are disabled?. Presented at
7th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Holland.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2006, December). Exclusion within school: How is this happening, why is this happening?. Presented at
New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference. Rotorua, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., & Carroll Lind, J. (2005, August). Special education policy and its spawning of resource teachers: What do RTLBs say about their new role?. Presented at
Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress. Glasgow, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, A., & Kane, R.Inclusive education policy in New Zealand: Reality or ruse?.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2003).
Do we have bullies in our school?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. University of Padova, Padova, ITA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Riley, TL., Bicknell, BA., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2003, August). Taking stock of New Zealand's provisions for gifted and talented students. Presented at
Gifted 2003: A Celebration Downunder, 15th World Conference. Adelaide, SA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.
Kearney, AC., & Carroll lind, J. (2003, August). The role of the consulting teacher: Barriers and solutions. Presented at
10th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. University of Padova, Padova, ITA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., & Bourke, R. (2002, April). Providing for learners with moderate needs through school based resourcing. Presented at
American Educational Research Association Conference: Validity and Value in Education Research. New Orleans, LA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Prochnow, JE., & Kearney, AC. (2002, December). Barriers to inclusion: What are we really saying?. Presented at
New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference. Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., & Bourke, R. (2002). Providing for learners with moderate needs through school based resourcing.
NZARE symposium at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Assoication (AERA). (pp. 126 - 126). Washington, DC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bourke, R., Carroll Lind, J., Kearney, AC., & Bevan Brown, JM. (2002). The evaluation of Special Education policy in Aotearoa/New Zealand: What's up down under?.
American Educational Research Conference.
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, J., Kearney, AC., & Carroll Lind, J. (2001, December). The impact on special education policy change on practice. Presented at
Australian Association for Research in Education, AARE International Education Research Conference. Fremantle, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., Prochnow, JE., & Carroll Lind, J. (2000, July). Inclusion: The changing role of teachers. Presented at
5th International Special Education Congress: Including the Excluded. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
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Kearney, A. (2019).
Don't fix the child fix the system. : Education HQ
[Internet publication]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Mentis, M., Kearney, A., & Holley-Boen, W. (2018).
2018 FLANZ Award.
[Other]Authored by: Holley-Boen, W., Kearney, A., Mentis, M.
Kearney, AC. (2015, May). The Exclusion and Marginalisation of Disabled Students From and Within School. Presented at Children's Rights Centre, Queens University, Belfast.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.Read Abstract:
Ward, AR., & Kearney, AC. (2009, March). Professional development day: Inclusive education. In
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO). Presented at Levin, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
view more...
Kearney, AC. (2008). Barriers to school inclusion for disabled learners. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC. (2007). Barriers to school inclusion for disabled learners. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Powell, K., Raskauskas, JL., Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2005).
No place for bullies. (pp. 12 - 12). Manawatu Standard
[Other]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Riley, TL., Bevan Brown, JM., Bicknell, BA., Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2004).
A summary of research on the extent, nature, and effectiveness of planned approaches in New Zealand schools for identifying and providing for gifted and talented students. (pp. 1 - 38). Ministry of Education
[Other]Authored by: Kearney, A., Riley, T.
Bourke, R., Kearney, AC., Bevan Brown, JM., & Carroll Lind, J. (2000, August). Forum on Children with Special needs. : Daughters and Sons Early Childhood Centre Sdn Bhd.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Kearney, AC., Bourke, R., Bevan Brown, JM., Carroll Lind, J., & Ward, AR. (2000, July). Learning disability and module planning. : Malaysian Ministry of Education, Special Education Department.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.
Carroll Lind, J., & Kearney, AC. (2000, February). Curriculum adaptations for resource teachers, learning and behaviour and classroom teachers working together. : RTLBs.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kearney, A.