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Prof Glenn Banks BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD


Doctoral Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

My research is primarily focussed on the socio-economic and cultural dimensions of large-scale, private sector investment in the extractive industries in Papua New Guinea. This research is framed by theoretical concerns with development, local agency and empowerment. I am currently conducting collaborative research which critically examines private sector claims of corporate social responsibility in the tourism and resource extraction sectors, based on case studies in Fiji and Papua New Guinea. This research connects with applied contracted research and consultancy for institutional and private sector actors in the extractive sector in the region.



  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) - University of Canterbury (1989)
  • Master of Science (Distinction) - University of Canterbury (1991)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - The Australian National University (1997)

Prizes and Awards

  • Distinguished Geographer medal, New Zealand Geographical Society - New Zealand Geographical Society (2020)

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Samting i narakain: Understanding Change in the Pacific from the Inside

Date Range: 2022 - 2025

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Completed Projects

Project Title: The land has eyes and teeth: customary landowners' entanglements with economic systems in the Pacific

External commentators regularly assert that customary practices around land are a ‘constraint’ to economic development in the Pacific. This project turns this proposition on its head, exploring how Pacific communities have been able to establish distinctive models of engagement that allow them to pursue economic development while retaining control over customary land and upholding community processes and values. While land is conventionally understood as a commodity, we draw upon the notion of land as ‘assemblage’ (Li 2014) which counters this narrow economistic perspective. Pacific people view land in a holistic manner which embraces cultural, social and spiritual elements. Implicitly “the land has eyes and teeth” points to people’s deep understanding of the power of the land and its ‘mana’, which demands respect. This fundamentally influences how customary land development is negotiated. Our project seeks to explore the diverse relationships that adhere around such business engagements to illuminate what makes for success for businesses on customary land. A scoping survey will help to identify four case studies of successful cooperatives and family businesses which will be researched, utilising a Vanua Research Framework and Critical Appreciative Inquiry. We anticipate that our research will construct a new way of theorising Pacific economies. Start / End years: 2017-2020 Funder(s): Royal Society of NZ, Marsden Fund Team Members: Regina Scheyvens, Glenn Banks, Litea Meo-Sewabu, Vijay Naidu (USP), Suliasi Vunibola (PhD student) and Hennah Steven (PhD student)
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Date Range: 2017 - 2020

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Harnessing the power of business: the contested invovement of corporations in community initiatives in the Pacific

The central question driving this research is "Can the community development initiatives of mining and tourism corporations operating in the Pacific bring about locally-meaningful development?" While there are increasing calls globally for the private sector to play roles in international development, there is a need for more evidence of how corporations do community development to better understand both the potential and risks associated with this. We have termed these development initiatives of corporations Corporate Community Development (CCD), and will explore how they can potentially narrow the spaces of development or, perhaps, actively contribute to community empowerment, the promotion of human rights and social equity. This research will extend conceptualisation of the private sector's roles in community development by building on fieldwork at four tourism and mining case study sites across the Pacific. We will adopt a novel, qualitative multi-scalar methodology that brings in the perspectives of the corporations, states, communities and other actors. Responding to a recognised lacunae in the literature this research will examine the value of these activities from the perspectives of affected communities, and advance theorisation of the relationship between capital and community.
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Date Range: 2013 - 2016

Funding Body: Marsden Fund - Full

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Banks, G., & Overton, J. (2024). The Pacific in Transition: 50 Years on. Asia Pacific Viewpoint.
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Beban, A., & Banks, G. (2023). Institutions, governance and extractives: Where politics and ecologies collide. Extractive Industries and Society. 15
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Beban, A.
Frederiksen, T., & Banks, G. (2023). Can Mining Help Deliver the SDGs: Discourses, Risks and Prospects. Journal of Environment and Development. 32(1), 83-106
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Frederiksen, T., & Banks, G. (2022). How would a mining sector that was committed to sustainable development behave: a 21<sup>st</sup> century manifesto. Extractive Industries and Society. 11
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Overton, J. (2022). Grounding financialisation: Development, inclusion, and agency. Area. 54(2), 168-175
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2021). Resource security in Papua New Guinea: Linking resources, development and security. Development Bulletin. 82, 61-64 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Lander, J., Hatcher, P., Humphreys Bebbington, D., Bebbington, A., & Banks, G. (2021). Troubling the idealised pageantry of extractive conflicts: Comparative insights on authority and claim-making from Papua New Guinea, Mongolia and El Salvador. World Development. 140
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Vunibola, S., Steven, H., & Meo-Sewabu, L. (2020). Business serves society: Successful locally-driven development on customary land in the South Pacific. Geoforum. 112, 52-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Stronge, D., Scheyvens, R., & Banks, G. (2020). Donor approaches to food security in the Pacific: Sustainable development goal 2 and the need for more inclusive agricultural development. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(1), 102-117
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Steven, H., Banks, G., & Scheyvens, R. (2019). Women leadership in business based on customary land: The concept of wanbel. Development Bulletin. 81, 58-61 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, S., & Banks, G. (2019). Reversing the lens: Why corporate social responsibility is not community development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 26(1), 117-126
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2018). Twenty five years grappling with Papua New Guinea’s ‘Dark Heart’ in a ‘Valley of Death’. Development Bulletin. 80, 85-89 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Bainton, NA., & Banks, G. (2018). Land and access: A framework for analysing mining, migration and development in Melanesia. Sustainable Development. 26(5), 450-460
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Leslie, HM., Banks, G., Prinsen, G., Scheyvens, R., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Complexities of development management in the 2020s: Aligning values, skills and competencies in development studies. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 59(2), 235-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Prinsen, J., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Meo-Sewabu, L., & Decena, T. (2017). Indigenous entrepreneurship on customary land in the Pacific: Measuring sustainability. Journal of Management and Organization. 23(6), 774-785
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Cole, P., & Banks, G. (2017). Renewable energy programmes in the South Pacific – Are these a solution to dependency?. Energy Policy. 110, 500-508
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Mawdsley, E., Murray, WE., Overton, J., Scheyvens, R., & Banks, G. (2018). Exporting stimulus and “shared prosperity”: Reinventing foreign aid for a retroliberal era. Development Policy Review. 36, O25-O43
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
McEwan, C., Mawdsley, E., Banks, G., & Scheyvens, R. (2017). Enrolling the Private Sector in Community Development: Magic Bullet or Sleight of Hand?. Development and Change. 48(1), 28-53
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Ali, M., Banks, G., & Parsons, NC. (2016). U.S.-Israel special aid relationship: Dynamics and implications for Pakistan. Policy Perspectives. 13(2), 109-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2016). Natural Resource Extraction and Indigenous Livelihoods: Development Challenges in an Era of Globalization. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY. 27(1), 121-122
[Book Review]Authored by: Banks, G.
Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., & Hughes, E. (2016). The Private Sector and the SDGs: The Need to Move Beyond ‘Business as Usual’. Sustainable Development. 24(6), 371-382
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G. (2016). Mining and natural hazard vulnerability in the Philippines: digging to development or digging to disaster?. AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER. 47(1), 125-126
[Book Review]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., Scheyvens, RA., McLennan, SJ., & Bebbington, A. (2016). Conceptualising corporate community development. Third World Quarterly. 37(2), 245-263
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Ali, M., Banks, G., & Parsons, NC. (2015). Why donors give aid and to whom? A critique of the historical and contemporary aid allocation regime. The Dialogue: A Quarterly Research Journal. X(2),
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., & Banks, G. (2015). Conspicuous production: Wine, capital and status. Capital and Class. 39(3), 473-491
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Mcgregor, A., Law, L., Banks, G., & Murray, W. (2014). Taking stock: Reflecting on Asia Pacific Viewpoint. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 55(1), 1-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2014). Drilling and digging: Extractives, institutions and development. Development and Change. 45(1), 191-204
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., Klinsrisuk, R., Dilokwanich, S., & Stupples, P. (2013). Wines without Latitude: Global and local forces and the geography of the Thai wine industry. EchoGéo (online). 23(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.Edited by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2013). Between Old Worlds and the New? Transcending place and space in the contemporary geography of wine: Introduction.. EchoGéo (on-line). 23(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2013). Little by little, inch by inch: Project expansion assessments in the Papua New Guinea mining industry. Resources Policy. 38(4), 688-695
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2013). Little by little, inch by inch: Project expansion assessments in the Papua New Guinea mining industry. Resources Policy.
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., Kuir-Ayius, D., Kombako, D., & Sagir, B. (2013). Conceptualizing mining impacts, livelihoods and corporate community development in Melanesi. Community Development Journal. 48(3), 484-500
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., Murray, W., Overton, J., & Scheyvens, RA. (2012). Paddling on one side of the canoe? The changing nature of New Zealand's development assistance programme. Development Policy Review. 30(2), 169-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Gilberthorpe, E., & Banks, G. (2012). Development on whose terms?: CSR discourse and social realities in Papua New Guinea's extractive industries sector. Resources Policy. 37(2), 185-193
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., Murray, WE., & Banks, G. (2012). The Race to the Bottom of the Glass? Wine, Geography, and Globalization. Globalizations. 9(2), 273-287
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & McGregor, A. (2011). Pacific 'solutions' and imaginaries: Reshaping Pacific relations or re-colonising the 'sea of islands'?. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 52(3), 233-235
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Overton, J. (2010). Old world, new world, third world? Reconceptualising the worlds of wine. Journal of Wine Research. 21(1), 57-75
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2009). Activities of TNCs in extractive industries in Asia and the Pacific: Implications for development. Transnational Corporations. 18(1), 43-58
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2009). Book Review: Globalisation and the wealth of nations.. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online. 4, 243-244
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2008). Understanding 'resource' conflicts in Papua New Guinea. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 49(1), 23-34
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., Kelly, S., Lewis, N., & Sharpe, S. (2007). Place 'From One Glance': The use of place in the marketing of New Zealand and Australian wines. Australian Geographer. 38(1), 15-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2007). 'Money rain': Indigenous engagement with business models in Papua New Guinea. Development Bulletin. 72, 36-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Sharpe, S. (2006). Wine, regions and the geographic imperative: The Coonawarra example. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER. 62(3), 173-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Paull, D., Banks, G., Ballard, C., & Gillieson, D. (2006). Monitoring the environmental impact of mining in remote locations through remotely sensed data. Geocarto International. 21(1), 33-42
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Sharpe, S. (2006). Wine, regions and the geographic imperative: The Coonawarra example. New Zealand Geographer. 62(3), 173-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2005). Linking resources and conflict the Melanesian way. Pacific Economic Bulletin. 20(1), 185-191
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Ballard, C., & Banks, G. (2003). Resource wars: The anthropology of mining. Annual Review of Anthropology. 32, 287-313
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2003). Landowner equity in Papua New Guinea's minerals sector: Review and policy issues. Natural Resources Forum. 27(3), 223-234
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2002). Mining and the environment in Melanesia: Contemporary debates reviewed. Contemporary Pacific. 14(1), 39-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2000). Marginality and environment in Papua New Guinea: The strickland river area. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 41(3), 217-230
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (1998). Compensation for communities affected by mining and oil developments in Melanesia. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography. 29(1), 53-67
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Ballard, C. (1997). The Ok Tedi settlement: issues, outcomes and implications. Pacific Policy Paper - Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies. 27
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (1993). Mining multinationals and developing countries: theory and practice in Papua New Guinea. Applied Geography. 13(4), 313-327
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.
BANKS, GA. (1991). Sea‐Level Rise and Beach Response: A Short Note. New Zealand Journal of Geography. 91(1), 12-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G.


Le Meur, PY., & Banks, G. (2024). Closure and connection: A Southwest Pacific reappraisal of the mining enclave. In Mining and Indigenous Livelihoods: Rights, Revenues, and Resistance. (pp. 42 - 70).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., & Schwörer, T. (2024). Mining-induced in-migration in Papua New Guinea. In Mining, Mobility, and Social Change in the Global South: Regional Perspectives. (pp. 145 - 164).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2019). Extractive industries in Melanesia. In The Melanesian World. (pp. 501 - 516).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., Kuir-Ayius, D., Kombako, D., & Sagir, B. (2017). Dissecting Corporate Community Development in the Large-Scale Melanesian Mining Sector. In C. Filer, & P-Y. Le Meur (Eds.) Large-scale Mines and Local-level Politics: Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea. (pp. 207 - 228). Canberra, Australia: ANU Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA.(2015). Towards a Melanesian Way of Beating the Resource Curse: A NZADDs Commentary. NZADDs
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., Banks, G., & Murray, W. (2014). Waipara. In Social, Cultural and Economic Impacts of Wine in New Zealand. (pp. 243 - 252).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2014). The origins of capital in natural resource extraction: Does it matter?. In P. D'Arcy, P. Matbob, & L. Crowl (Eds.) Asia Pacific Partnerships in Resource Development. (pp. 34 - 39). Madang, Papua New Guinea: Divine Word University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., Banks, GA., & Murray, WE. (2014). Waipara. In P. Howland (Ed.) Social, Cultural and Economic Impacts of Wine in New Zealand. (pp. 243 - 252). Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G. (2014). What's in a name? Labels and branding in the New Zealand wine industry. In Social, Cultural and Economic Impacts of Wine in New Zealand. (pp. 120 - 136).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Stewart-Withers, R., Banks, GA., McGregor, A., & Meo-Sewabu, L. (2014). Qualitative Research. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 59 - 80). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G., Stewart-Withers, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., & Scheyvens, RA. (2014). Ethical issues. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development fieldwork: A practical guide. (pp. 160 - 187). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G. (2013). Mining. In The Pacific Islands: Environment and Society. (pp. 379 - 391).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2010). What the Pacific can teach the world: Listening to rather than talking at the region.. In . Rukmani Gounder (Ed.) Pacific Development Perspectives: Meeting Our Diverse Goals. (pp. 41 - 59). Massey University, New Zealand: Office of the Directorate Pasifika@Massey
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Sakai, M., Banks, GA., & Walker, JH. (Eds.) (2009). The politics of the periphery in Indonesia. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press
[Edited Book]Authored by: Banks, G.Edited by: Banks, G.
Sakai, M., Banks, GA., & Walker, J. (Eds.) (2009). The politics of the periphery in Indonesia. Singapore: National University of Singapore
[Edited Book]Edited by: Banks, G.
Sakai, M., Banks, GA., & Walker, JH. (2009). Introduction: The place of the periphery. In M. Sakai, G. Banks, & JH. Walker (Eds.) The politics of the periphery in Indonesia. (pp. 1 - 13). Singapore: National University of Singapore NUS Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2009). Beyond economic imperatives: Resources, identity and conflict in the Asia-Pacific. In M. Sakai, G. Banks, & JH. Walker (Eds.) The Politics of the periphery in Indonesia. (pp. 117 - 133). Singapore: National University of Singapore NUS Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Ballard, C., & Banks, GA. (2009). Between a rock and a hard place: Corporate strategy at the Freeport mine in Papua, 2001-2006. In BP. Resosudarmo, & F. Jotzo (Eds.) Working with Nature against Poverty. (pp. 147 - 177). Singapore: ISEAS
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Filer, C., Burton, J., & Banks, G. (2017). The fragmentation of responsibilities in the Melanesian mining sector. In Earth Matters: Indigenous Peoples, the Extractive Industries and Corporate Social Responsibility. (pp. 163 - 179).
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2008). 'Bisnis is not business': the outcomes and implications of 'business development' at the Porgera Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea. In A. Thornton, & A. McGregor (Eds.) Southern Perspectives on Development: Dialogue or Division?. (pp. 79 - 94). Dunedin, NZ: Poverty, Inequality & Development Research Cluster
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2006). Mining, social change and corporate social responsibility: Drawing lines in the Papua New Guinea mud. In S. Firth (Ed.) Globilisation and Governance in the Pacific Islands. (pp. 259 - 274). Canberra, ACT: ANU E Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G.


Banks, GA. (2014). Papua New Guinea national human development report.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Banks, G.


Leonard, S. (2020). Implementing an interdisciplinary Masters of the SDGs. Proceedings from ICSD 2020. : International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Banks, G., Leonard, S., Scheyvens, R.
Leslie, H., Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Prinsen, G., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Working towards values-based, ethically informed and practice-orientated pedagogy in development studies: what role can competencies play?. , Pedagogy in Practice: How we teach in Development Studies Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Tawake, A., Burton, JA., Banks, GA., Le Muer, P-Y., Namorang, M., & Batchelor, P. (2016, June). Pacific centre for social responsibility and natural resources. Presented at Science, Technology And Resources Conference ‘Geosciences, Geoengineering and the Ocean in the Pacific Island Region’. Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, Fiji.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
McLennan, SJ., & Banks, GA. (2015, September). Power, agency and the anticipation of dependency: Community expectations of corporate community development the mining and tourism sectors in the Pacific. Presented at UK Development Studies Association Annual Conference. Bath, UK.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Scheyvens, ., Banks, GA., Bebbington, A., McLennan, S., Hughes, EL., & Richardson, E. (2014, April). Can corporations do community development? An examination of the mining and tourism industries in the Pacific.. Presented at Association of American Geographers. Tampa, Florida.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA. (2014). The Bottom-Line or the Bottom-Billion? The Difficulties of Articulating Private Sector Interests with Development. , Aotearoa New Zealand Development Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2014). Talking the talk: Management level understanding and discourse of community development in Papua New Guinea’s mining sector.. , Aotearoa New Zealand Development Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2014). Moving from ‘empty growth’ to sustainable human development: Translating Papua New Guinea’s resource wealth into broad-based, equitable forms of development. , State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Seminar
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2014). “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers” : A wobbly moral compass for doing development under the new paradigm.. , Institute of Australian Geographers/ New Zealand Geographical Society Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2014). Local understandings of mining livelihood changes in Melanesia: Reconciling the external and internal dimensions of change. , The Green Economy in the South
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
McLennan, SJ., Banks, G., Scheyvens, ., Hughes, E., Richardson, E., & Bebbington, T. (2014, November). The future is now: Exploring corporate community development initiatives in the Pacific. Presented at The Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2014. London, United Kingdom.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA. (2013, March). Overview of Current Extraction Industry Interventions in the Pacific. Presented at UNDP Pacific Symposium on Managing Extractive Industries in Pacific Island States to Improve Human Development. Nadi, Fiji.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Le Muer, P-Y., Ballard, C., Banks, GA., & Sourisseau, J-M. (2013). Two islands, four states: Comparing resource governance regimes in the Southwest Pacific.. In J. Wiertz (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – SRMINING 2013. : 2nd International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – SRMINING 2013
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Banks, G.
McLennan, SJ., Scheyvens, R., Banks, G., Hughes, E., & Richardson, E. (2013, November). Corporate community development: Unpacking the rhetoric. Presented at Sustainability Conference. Massey University, Albany.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
McLennan, SJ. (2013, December). Culturescapes of Corporate Community Development in Mining and Tourism in the Pacific. Presented at Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Ethnoscapes, Culturescapes: Anthropologies for the present,. Raglan, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Contributed to by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2012, December). Assessing mining impacts at operational and regional scales. Presented at New Zealand Association for Impact Assessment Annual Conference. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., McLennan, S., & Bebbington, A.Conceptualising corporate community development.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, G., Stupples, P., Klinsrisuk, R., & Kilokwanich, S. (2012, December). Wines without latitude: Development and challenges of the Thai wine industry. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., Stupples, P., Klinsrisuk, R., & Dilokwanich, S. (2012). Wines without latitude: Development and challenges of the Thai wine industry. In New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes: Book of Abstracts(pp. 18 - 18). , New Zealand Geographical Society Conference: Connecting Landscapes New Zealand: New Zealand Geographical Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., Kuir-Ayius, D., Kombako, D., & Sagir, B. (2011, November). Corporate community development in Melanesian mining: Past lessons and future challenges. Presented at Mining and Mining Policy in the Pacific: History, Challenges and Perspectives. Noumea, New Caledonia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., & Banks, GA. (2010, July). From Waste to Wine: Wealth, Conspicuous Production, and Image Management. Presented at Joint New Zealand Geographical Society/ Institute of Australian Geographers Conference. Christchurch.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2010, October). The origins of capital in natural resource extraction: does it matter?. Presented at Pacific-Asia Partnerships in Resource Development. Madang, Papua New Guinea.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2010, July). Constituting Development: When the 'will to improve' meet 'desires for development'. Presented at Joint New Zealand Geographical Society/ Institute of Australian Geographers Conference. Christchurch.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., & Scheyvens, RA.(2009, September 29). The Pacific as a Development Disaster: New Zealand's retrograde constructions of Pacific problems and solutions. , Institute of Australian Geographers Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA. (2009, September). Moving Places: The discourse and practice of terroir in the New Zealand wine industry. Presented at Institute of Australian Geographers Conference. James Cook University, Cairns.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA., & Overton, J. (2008, July). Old World, Third World, New World: Changing Geographies of the Global Wine Industry. Presented at New Zealand Geographical Society Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Overton, J., & Banks, GA. (2008, December). Charge your glasses for the poor? Wine and Development. Presented at DevNet Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2008, December). Comparing corporate and donor approaches to community development in Papua New Guinea. Presented at DevNet Conference. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2008, October). Mining developments and their impacts on rural dynamics. Presented at Ruralité and Développment Durable en Nouvelle-Calédonie (Rurality and Sustainable Development in New Caledonia). Poindimié, New Caledonia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2007, February). Putting closure in context: Limits to planning for sustainability in the minerals sector.. Presented at Association of Social Anthropologists in Oceania Conference (Formal Symposium 'After Mining: Anticipations, Aspirations and Memories of post-mining life in Papua New Guinea). Charlottesville, Virginia, United States..
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Green, S., & Banks, GA. (2006, July). Kate, Ken and Jim: An alternative narrative of wine industry development. Presented at International Geographical Union Conference: Regional Responses to Global Changes. A View from the Antipodes. Brisbane.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2006, November). ‘Bisnis is not business’: The outcomes and implications of ‘business development’ at the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea. Presented at DevNet 2006: Southern perspectives on development: Dialogue or division?. Dunedin.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2006, December). ‘Money Rain’: Indigenous engagement with business models in Papua New Guinea. Presented at Adddressing Poverty. National Museum, Canberra, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, GA. (2006, July). Remote Worlds, Local Centres: Decentering the concept of resource peripheries. Presented at International Geographical Union Conference. Brisbane.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.


Banks, GA. (2015). Towards a Melanesian Way of Beating the Resource Curse.. In NZADDs Commentaries(pp. 1 - 7). : NZADDs
[Working Paper]Authored by: Banks, G.
Mawdsley, E., Murray, WE., Overton, J., Scheyvens, RA., & Banks, GA. (2015). Sharing Prosperity? A Comparative Analysis of Aid Policy in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in the 2010s. (pp. 1 - 28). In Online: New Zealand Aid and Development Dialogues -
[Working Paper]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA. (2013, September). Mining and the environment: Corporate perspectives and culture in Papua New Guinea,. Presented at University of Surrey, Guildford.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.
Banks, G., Murray, W., Overton, J., & Scheyvens, R. (2012). Paddling on One Side of the Canoe? The Changing Nature of New Zealand's Development Assistance Programme. (pp. 169 - 186).
[Working Paper]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R.
Banks, GA. (2011, March). “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers”: A wobbly moral compass for doing development under the new paradigm.. In Massey Institute of Development Studies Seminar Series.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Banks, G.

Consultancy and Languages


  • December 2010 - ongoing - Xstrata
    Develop Inward Migration Plan for proposed Freida River Copper Gold mine
  • 2007-2010 - Lihir Gold Ltd
    Social Impact Assessment for Plant Upgrade, Lihir Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea


  • English
    Last used: today!
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Tok Pisin (PNG Pidgin)
    Last used: Last month
    Spoken ability: Average
    Written ability: Average

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 8
Co-supervisor 0 6

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Clare Wedu Kokinai - Doctor of Philosophy
    A study examining change, indigenous resilience and adaptation processes through socio-cultural structures in post-conflict communities of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.
  • Ruveni Tuimavana - Doctor of Philosophy
    Understanding iTaukei Relational Living through Re-settled Land: Exploring Internal Migratory Fijians
  • Maria Ross - Doctor of Philosophy
    Turning off the plastics tap in Aotearoa New Zealand? Supermarket responses to multilevel plastic pollution policy and legislation governing single-use plastic packaging.
  • James Stiefvater - Doctor of Philosophy
    Otonomi bilong wanem? Autonomy for What?: the Confluence of Identity, Development, and Decentralisation in Papua New Guinea

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2020 - Hennah Steven - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring the Role of Women in Indigenous Businesses Based on Customary Land: Case Studies from Papua New Guinea
  • 2019 - Virginia Adams - Doctor of Philosophy
    In what ways and to what extent is the global oil and gas industry able to deliver enduring empowerment outcomes for women in Asia-Pacific? A case study exploring the employment and skills development of Timorese women on Timor Sea offshore facilities.
  • 2018 - Emma Richardson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Mining and Development: Examining the effectiveness of mining company-community development intervention in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea
  • 2017 - Dean Stronge - Doctor of Philosophy
    Invasive Alien Species: A Threat to Sustainable Livelihoods in the Pacific? An Assessment of the Effects of Wasmannia auropunctata (little fire ant) and Achatina fulica (giant African snail) on Rural Livelihoods in the Solomon Islands
  • 2016 - Dora Kuir-Ayius - Doctor of Philosophy
    Building Community Resilience In Mine Impacted Communities: A Study on Delivery of Health Services In Papua New Guinea
  • 2016 - Ross Cassells - Doctor of Philosophy
    Custom, Governance and Westminster in Solomon Islands: Charting a Course Out of the Political Quagmire
  • 2015 - Peter Cole - Doctor of Philosophy
    The role of energy supply in the shaping of development prospects in small & isolated Pacific Island communities-past,present & future
  • 2012 - Murad Ali - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Politics of Development Aid: The Allocation and Delivery of Aid from the United States to Pakistan

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Catherine Averill - Doctor of Philosophy
    Values-Based Evaluative Management : An integrated and adaptive approach to enhance inclusion, development effectiveness, governance, and sustainability
  • 2017 - Yuanheng Zheng - Doctor of Philosophy
    Political and Ethnic Representation in Chinese Local Governance - Analysis of the Roles of the Deputies of Leishan County People's Congress, Guizhou Province, China
  • 2016 - Emma Hughes - Doctor of Philosophy
    The tourist resort and the village: Local perspectives of corporate community development in Fiji
  • 2012 - Polly Stupples - Doctor of Philosophy
    Breaking the Frame: Art in International Development
  • 2011 - Lorena Gibson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Hope, agency and the 'side effects' of development in India and Papua New Guinea
  • 2011 - Winifereti Nainoca - Doctor of Philosophy
    The influence of the Fijian way of life (bula vakavanua) on community-based marine conservation (CBMC) in Fiji, with a focus on social capital and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)

Media and Links


  • 06 May 2015 - Newspaper, Television, Radio
    Media requests and interviews.
    These include being interviewed by Paul Henry on live television in relation to the MDGs, Bryan Crump regarding the Papua New Guinea Human Development Report, Radio National International on two occas