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Contact details +6469516047

Prof David Hayman BVMS, MSc, PhD, MRCVS

Group Leader - Academic

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Veterinary Science

I use multidisciplinary approaches (including molecular, serological, quantitative and phylogenetic techniques) to address how infectious diseases are maintained within their hosts and how the process of emergence occurs. More generally, I am interested in how ecological degradation and anthropogenic changes lead to increased pathogen emergence in humans and animals and how multi-disciplinary research can work to improve human and ecological health.

I am the Percival Carmine Chair in Epidemiology and Public Health and Professor of Infectious Disease Ecology and Co-Director of the mEpiLab, a molecular epidemiology and public health lab, and Director of IDReC, a virtual lab at Massey University.

My research focuses on developing research programmes that improve public health and wildlife conservation outcomes, which often means working at the interface between disciplines.

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Contact details

  • Ph: +64(0)6 3569099 Extn 83047
    Location: 2.24, Hopkirk
    Campus: Turitea


  • Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery - University of Edinburgh (2002)
  • Master of Science - University of Kent (2006)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Cambridge (2011)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (Member) (2002)

Prizes and Awards

  • UK Veterinary Student of the Year Award (2002) - Association of Veterinary Students (2002)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Disease ecology
  • Epidemiology
  • Molecular epidemiology
  • Emerging infectious diseases
  • Zoonoses
  • Public Health
  • Wildlife conservation


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000):
Biogeography and Phylogeography (060302): Biological Sciences (060000): Ecology (060200): Evolutionary Biology (060300): Genetics (060400): Host-Parasite Interactions (060307): Infectious Agents (060502):
Medical And Health Sciences (110000):
Microbiology (060500): Molecular Evolution (060409): Population Ecology (060207):
Veterinary Sciences (070700):
Virology (060506)


  • Disease ecology
  • Epidemiology
  • Emerging infectious diseases
  • Zoonoses
  • Wildlife conservation

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Rutherford Discovery Fellowship - From individuals to populations: multi-scale approaches to pathogen emergence

Date Range: 2018 - 2023

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Unpacking infection spillover dynamics

Date Range: 2016 - 2019

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Project Title: Food Safety Centre Postdoctoral Salaries (MBIE/MPI)

Date Range: 2015 - 2019

Funding Body: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Horpiencharoen, W., Muylaert, RL., Marshall, JC., John, RS., Lynam, AJ., Riggio, A., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2024). Mapping threatened Thai bovids provides opportunities for improved conservation outcomes in Asia.. Royal Society Open Science. 11(9), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Koopmans, MPG., Barton Behravesh, C., Cunningham, AA., Adisasmito, WB., Almuhairi, S., Bilivogui, P., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2024). The panzootic spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 sublineage a critical appraisal of One Health preparedness and prevention. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Knox, MA., Biggs, PJ., Garcia-R, JC., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). Quantifying Replication Slippage Error in Cryptosporidium Metabarcoding Studies.. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 230(1), e144-e148 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Cookson, AL., Devane, M., Marshall, JC., Moinet, M., Gardner, A., Collis, RM., . . . Leonard, M. (2024). Population structure and pathogen interaction of Escherichia coli in freshwater: Implications of land-use for water quality and public health in Aotearoa New Zealand. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 16(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Pita, A.
John, RS., Fatoyinbo, HO., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). Modelling Lassa virus dynamics in West African Mastomys natalensis and the impact of human activities. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 21(216)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Horpiencharoen, W., Marshall, JC., Muylaert, RL., John, RS., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). Impact of infectious diseases on wild bovidae populations in Thailand: Insights from population modelling and disease dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 21(216)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
McKee, CD., Peel, AJ., Hayman, DTS., Suu-Ire, R., Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Cunningham, AA., . . . Kosoy, MY. (2024). Ectoparasite and bacterial population genetics and community structure indicate extent of bat movement across an island chain. Parasitology.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Pepin, KM., Carlisle, K., Anderson, D., Baker, MG., Chipman, RB., Benschop, J., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2024). Steps towards operationalizing One Health approaches. One Health. 18
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., French, N., Hayman, D.
Knox, MA., Bromhead, C., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). Development of a non-infectious control for viral hemorrhagic fever PCR assays. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 18(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Bromhead, C., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Knox, MA., Biggs, PJ., Garcia, JCR., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). Quantifying Replication Slippage Error in Cryptosporidium Metabarcoding Studies. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 230(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
John, RS., Miller, JC., Muylaert, RL., & Hayman, DTS. (2024). High connectivity and human movement limits the impact of travel time on infectious disease transmission. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 21(210)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D.
Sartelli, M., Barie, PS., Coccolini, F., Abbas, M., Abbo, LM., Abdukhalilova, GK., . . . Flocco, G. (2023). Ten golden rules for optimal antibiotic use in hospital settings: the WARNING call to action. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 18(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Mahato, RK., Ghimire, U., Lamsal, M., Bajracharya, B., Poudel, M., Napit, P., . . . Paudel, KP. (2023). Evaluating active leprosy case identification methods in six districts of Nepal. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 12(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Muylaert, RL., Wilkinson, DA., Kingston, T., D’Odorico, P., Rulli, MC., Galli, N., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2023). Using drivers and transmission pathways to identify SARS-like coronavirus spillover risk hotspots. Nature Communications. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D.
Markotter, W., Mettenleiter, TC., Adisasmito, WB., Almuhairi, S., Behravesh, CB., Bilivogui, P., . . . Zhou, L. (2023). Prevention of zoonotic spillover: From relying on response to reducing the risk at source. PLoS Pathogens. 19(10 October)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Mahato, RK., Karna, AK., Thakur, N., Bajracharya, B., Pyakurel, UR., Hayman, DTS., . . . Pandey, BD. (2023). An Early Epidemiological Investigation of COVID-19 in Parsa, Nepal. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 35(8), 564-567
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Adisasmito, WB., Almuhairi, S., Behravesh, CB., Bilivogui, P., Bukachi, SA., . . . Koopmans, M. (2023). Developing One Health surveillance systems. One Health. 17
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Baker, MG. (2023). Low risk of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease transmission from blood transfusions in Aotearoa New Zealand suggests donor exclusion policies can be relaxed. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136(1581), 66-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Jian, CLA., Hayman, DTS., Lockett, B., & Rostami, K. (2023). The differential diagnoses for severe enteropathy or severely damaged small intestinal mucosa. Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench. 16(2), 181-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Barraclough, RK., Muglia, LJ., McGovern, V., Afolabi, MO., N'Jai, AU., . . . Lopez Rivera, A. (2023). Addressing the challenges of implementing evidence-based prioritisation in global health. BMJ Global Health. 8(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Barraclough, R., Hayman, D.
Ogbuigwe, P., Roberts, JM., Knox, MA., Heiser, A., Pita, A., Haack, NA., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2023). A novel, stain-free, natural auto-fluorescent signal, Sig M, identified from cytometric and transcriptomic analysis of infectivity of Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 13
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Hayman, DTS., Garcia-Ramirez, JC., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., Knox, MA., Ogbuigwe, P., . . . Gilpin, BJ. (2023). Diagnosis of protozoa diarrhoea in Campylobacter patients increases markedly with molecular techniques. PLOS Global Public Health. 3(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Knox, MA., Wierenga, J., Biggs, PJ., Gedye, K., Almeida, V., Hall, R., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2023). Abundant dsRNA picobirnaviruses show little geographic or host association in terrestrial systems. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 112
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Garcia-R, JC., & Hayman, DTS. (2023). A review and analysis of cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in New Zealand. Parasitology. 150(7), 606-611
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Garcia-R, JC., Pita, AB., Velathanthiri, N., Pas, A., & Hayman, DTS. (2023). Mammal-related Cryptosporidium infections in endemic reptiles of New Zealand. Parasitology Research. 122(5), 1239-1244
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Hayman, D., Garcia-Ramirez, JC., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., Knox, M., Ogbuigwe, P., . . . Gilpin, B. (2023). Diagnosis of protozoa diarrhoea in Campylobacter patients increases markedly with molecular techniques. PLOS Global Public Health.
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Adisasmito, WB., Almuhairi, S., Barton Behravesh, C., Bilivogui, P., Bukachi, SA., Casas, N., . . . Zhou, L. (2023). One Health action for health security and equity. The Lancet. 401(10376), 530-533
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McCutchan, JL., Knox, MA., Naikatini, A., Hayman, DTS., & Gartrell, BD. (2023). Molecular Evidence of Leptospira spp. in Isolated Fijian Bats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 59(1), 202-206
[Journal article]Authored by: Gartrell, B., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Hayman, DTS., & Woolaston, K. (2023). Pandemic treaty: incorporate a One Health framework. Nature. 613(7942), 27
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McClure, ML., Hranac, CR., Haase, CG., McGinnis, S., Dickson, BG., Hayman, DTS., . . . Olson, SH. (2022). Projecting the compound effects of climate change and white-nose syndrome on North American bat species. Climate Change Ecology. 3
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Rostami, K., Ensari, A., Marsh, MN., Srivastava, A., Villanacci, V., Carroccio, A., . . . Derakhshan, M. (2022). Gluten Induces Subtle Histological Changes in Duodenal Mucosa of Patients with Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity: A Multicentre Study. Nutrients. 14(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Adisasmito, WB., Almuhairi, S., Behravesh, CB., Bilivogui, P., Bukachi, SA., Casas, N., . . . Zhou, L. (2022). One Health: A new definition for a sustainable and healthy future. PLoS Pathogens. 18(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Muylaert, RL., Kingston, T., Luo, J., Vancine, MH., Galli, N., Carlson, CJ., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2022). Present and future distribution of bat hosts of sarbecoviruses: Implications for conservation and public health. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289(1975)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D.
Ogbuigwe, P., Biggs, PJ., Garcia-Ramirez, JC., Knox, MA., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2022). Uncovering the genetic diversity of Giardia intestinalis in isolates from outbreaks in New Zealand. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 11(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Muylaert, R., Kingston, T., Luo, J., Vancine, MH., Galli, N., Carlson, CJ., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2022). Present and future distribution of bat hosts of sarbecoviruses: implications for conservation and public health. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289(1975), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Michael, SA., Hayman, DTS., Gray, R., & Roe, WD. (2022). Clinical parameters of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae disease and ivermectin treatment in New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) pups. PLoS ONE. 17(3 March)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Roe, W.
Hayman, DTS., Sam John, R., & Rohani, P. (2022). Transmission models indicate Ebola virus persistence in non-human primate populations is unlikely. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 19(187)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Beig, J., Rostami, K., Hayman, DTS., Hassan, S., Gerred, S., & Ogra, R. (2022). Is duodenal biopsy always necessary for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in adult patients with high anti-tissue transglutaminase (TTG) antibody titres?. Frontline Gastroenterology. 13(4), 287-294
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Bloomfield, SJ., Midwinter, AC., Biggs, PJ., French, NP., Marshall, JC., Hayman, DTS., . . . Benschop, J. (2021). Genomic adaptations of Campylobacter jejuni to long-term human colonization. Gut Pathogens. 13(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., Fayaz, A., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Muylaert, RL., Davidson, B., Ngabirano, A., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., MacGregor, H., Lloyd-Smith, JO., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2021). Community health and human-animal contacts on the edges of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. PLoS ONE. 16(11 November)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Fayaz, A., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Bloomfield, SJ., Benschop, J., Midwinter, AC., Biggs, PJ., Marshall, JC., Hayman, DTS., . . . French, NP. (2021). Genomic and phenotypic comparison of two Salmonella Typhimurium strains responsible for consecutive salmonellosis outbreaks in New Zealand. International Journal of Medical Microbiology. 311(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., Burgess, S., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Koopmans, M., Daszak, P., Dedkov, VG., Dwyer, DE., Farag, E., Fischer, TK., . . . Watson, J. (2021). Origins of SARS-CoV-2: window is closing for key scientific studies. Nature. 596(7873), 482-485
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McClure, ML., Haase, CG., Hranac, CR., Hayman, DTS., Dickson, BG., McGuire, LP., . . . Olson, SH. (2021). A hybrid correlative-mechanistic approach for modeling winter distributions of North American bat species. Journal of Biogeography. 48(10), 2429-2444
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Knox, MA. (2021). Estimating the age of the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae using host divergence times as calibration ages at two internal nodes. Virology. 563, 20-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Hranac, CR., Haase, CG., Fuller, NW., McClure, ML., Marshall, JC., Lausen, CL., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2021). What is winter? Modeling spatial variation in bat host traits and hibernation and their implications for overwintering energetics. Ecology and Evolution. 11(17), 11604-11614
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Michael, SA., Hayman, DTS., Gray, R., & Roe, WD. (2021). Risk Factors for New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocarctos hookeri) Pup Mortality: Ivermectin Improves Survival for Conservation Management. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Roe, W.
Knox, MA., Garcia-r, JC., & Hayman, DTS. (2021). Draft genome assemblies of two cryptosporidium hominis isolates from New Zealand. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 10(26)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Knox, MA., Garcia-R, JC., Ogbuigwe, P., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., & Hayman, DTS. (2021). Absence of Cryptosporidium hominis and dominance of zoonotic Cryptosporidium species in patients after Covid-19 restrictions in Auckland, New Zealand. Parasitology. 148(11), 1288-1292
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Rulli, MC., D’Odorico, P., Galli, N., & Hayman, DTS. (2021). Land-use change and the livestock revolution increase the risk of zoonotic coronavirus transmission from rhinolophid bats. Nature Food. 2(6), 409-416
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Garcia-R, JC., Ogbuigwe, P., Pita, AB., Velathanthiri, N., Knox, MA., Biggs, PJ., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2021). First report of novel assemblages and mixed infections of Giardia duodenalis in human isolates from New Zealand. Acta Tropica. 220
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Haase, CG., Fuller, NW., Dzal, YA., Hranac, CR., Hayman, DTS., Lausen, CL., . . . Plowright, RK. (2021). Body mass and hibernation microclimate may predict bat susceptibility to white-nose syndrome. Ecology and Evolution. 11(1), 506-515
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McClure, ML., Crowley, D., Haase, CG., McGuire, LP., Fuller, NW., Hayman, DTS., . . . Olson, SH. (2020). Linking surface and subterranean climate: implications for the study of hibernating bats and other cave dwellers. Ecosphere. 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Phiri, BJ., Hayman, DTS., Biggs, PJ., French, NP., & Garcia-R, JC. (2021). Microbial diversity in water and animal faeces: a metagenomic analysis to assess public health risk. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 48(3-4), 188-201
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Ogbuigwe, P., Pita, AB., Knox, MA., Velathanthiri, N., & Hayman, DTS. (2020). High-Yield Purification of Giardia intestinalis Cysts from Fecal Samples. Current Protocols in Microbiology. 59(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Knox, M., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Olival, KJ., Cryan, PM., Amman, BR., Baric, RS., Blehert, DS., Brook, CE., . . . Wang, LF. (2020). Possibility for reverse zoonotic transmission of sars-cov-2 to free-ranging wildlife: A case study of bats. PLoS Pathogens. 16(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Phiri, BJ., Pita, AB., Hayman, DTS., Biggs, PJ., Davis, MT., Fayaz, A., . . . Death, RG. (2020). Does land use affect pathogen presence in New Zealand drinking water supplies?. Water Research. 185
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Fayaz, A., French, N., Hayman, D., Pita, A.
Garcia-R, JC., Cox, MP., & Hayman, DTS. (2020). Comparative genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium species causing human infections. Parasitology. 147(13), 1532-1537
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Phiri, BJ., French, NP., Biggs, PJ., Stevenson, MA., Reynolds, AD., Garcia-R, JC., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2021). Microbial contamination in drinking water at public outdoor recreation facilities in New Zealand. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 130(1), 302-312
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Gilpin, BJ., Walker, T., Paine, S., Sherwood, J., Mackereth, G., Wood, T., . . . Jones, N. (2020). A large scale waterborne Campylobacteriosis outbreak, Havelock North, New Zealand. Journal of Infection. 81(3), 390-395
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Midwinter, A.
Garcia-R, JC., Pita, AB., Velathanthiri, N., French, NP., & Hayman, DTS. (2020). Species and genotypes causing human cryptosporidiosis in New Zealand. Parasitology Research. 119(7), 2317-2326
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Murdoch, D., Addidle, M., Andersson, HS., Arnold, B., Balm, M., Benschop, J., . . . Wiles, S. (2020). Politicians: please work together to minimise the spread of COVID-19. The New Zealand medical journal. 133(1511), 7-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., French, N., Hayman, D.
Penny, H., Hayman, DTS., & Avci, E. (2020). Micromanipulation system for isolating a single cryptosporidium oocyst. Micromachines. 11(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Berger, KM., Wood, JLN., Jenkins, B., Olsen, J., Morse, SS., Gresham, L., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2019). Policy and science for global health security: Shaping the course of international health. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 4(2)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Michael, SA., Hayman, DTS., Gray, R., Zhang, J., Rogers, L., & Roe, WD. (2019). Pup mortality in New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) at Enderby Island, Auckland Islands, 2013-18. PLoS ONE. 14(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Roe, W.
Reed Hranac, C., Marshall, JC., Monadjem, A., & Hayman, DTS. (2019). Predicting Ebola virus disease risk and the role of African bat birthing. Epidemics. 29
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Muylaert, RL., Sabino-Santos, G., Prist, PR., Oshima, JEF., Niebuhr, BB., Sobral-Souza, T., . . . Ribeiro, MC. (2019). Spatiotemporal dynamics of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome transmission risk in Brazil. Viruses. 11(11)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Haase, CG., Fuller, NW., Reed Hranac, C., Hayman, DTS., McGuire, LP., Norquay, KJO., . . . Olson, SH. (2019). Incorporating evaporative water loss into bioenergetic models of hibernation to test for relative influence of host and pathogen traits on white-nose syndrome. PLoS ONE. 14(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Glennon, EE., Becker, DJ., Peel, AJ., Garnier, R., Suu-Ire, RD., Gibson, L., . . . Restif, O. (2019). What is stirring in the reservoir? Modelling mechanisms of henipavirus circulation in fruit bat hosts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 374(1782)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Muylaert, RL., Bovendorp, RS., Sabino-Santos, G., Prist, PR., Melo, GL., De Fátima Priante, C., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2019). Hantavirus host assemblages and human disease in the Atlantic Forest. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 13(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D.
Bloomfield, S., Vaughan, T., Benschop, J., Marshall, J., Hayman, D., Biggs, P., . . . French, N. (2019). Investigation of the validity of two Bayesian ancestral state reconstruction models for estimating Salmonella transmission during outbreaks. PLoS One. 14(7), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Bloomfield, S., Vaughan, T., Benschop, J., Marshall, J., Hayman, D., Biggs, P., . . . French, N. (2019). Investigation of the validity of two Bayesian ancestral state reconstruction models for estimating Salmonella transmission during outbreaks. PLoS ONE. 14(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Hayman, DTS. (2019). Bat tolerance to viral infections. Nature Microbiology. 4(5), 728-729
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Berger, KM., Wood, JLN., Jenkins, B., Olsen, J., Morse, SS., Gresham, L., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2019). Policy and Science for Global Health Security: Shaping the Course of International Health. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 4(2), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Haase, CG., Fuller, NW., Hranac, CR., Hayman, DTS., Olson, SH., Plowright, RK., . . . McGuire, LP. (2019). Bats are not squirrels: Revisiting the cost of cooling in hibernating mammals. Journal of Thermal Biology. 81, 185-193
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Baker, MG. (2019). Does scientific effort reflect global need? A review of infectious disease publications over 100 years. Epidemiology and Infection. 147
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2019). African Primates: Likely Victims, Not Reservoirs, of Ebolaviruses. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 220(10), 1547-1550
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.Edited by: Hayman, D.
Knox, MA., Gedye, KR., & Hayman, DTS. (2018). The challenges of analysing highly diverse picobirnavirus sequence data. Viruses. 10(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Wilkinson, DA., Marshall, JC., French, NP., & Hayman, DTS. (2018). Habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss and the risk of novel infectious disease emergence. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15(149)
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Hayman, DTS. (2019). Measles vaccination in an increasingly immunized and developed world. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 15(1), 28-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Luis, AD., Restif, O., Baker, KS., Fooks, AR., Leach, C., . . . Webb, CT. (2018). Maternal antibody and the maintenance of a lyssavirus in populations of seasonally breeding African bats. PLoS ONE. 13(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Coupe, A., Howe, L., Burrows, E., Sine, A., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., . . . Roe, WD. (2018). First report of Toxoplasma gondii sporulated oocysts and Giardia duodenalis in commercial green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) in New Zealand. Parasitology Research. 117(5), 1453-1463
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Howe, L., Pita, A., Roe, W., Vallee, E., Velathanthiri, N.
Peel, AJ., Baker, KS., Hayman, DTS., Broder, CC., Cunningham, AA., Fooks, AR., . . . Restif, O. (2018). Support for viral persistence in bats from age-specific serology and models of maternal immunity. Scientific Reports. 8(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Bloomfeld, SJ., Midwinter, AC., Biggs, PJ., French, NP., Marshall, JC., Hayman, DTS., . . . Benschop, J. (2018). Long-term colonization by campylobacter jejuni within a human host: Evolution, antimicrobial resistance, and adaptation. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 217(1), 103-111
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Hayman, DTS., Marshall, JC., French, NP., Carpenter, TE., Roberts, MG., & Kiedrzynski, T. (2017). Cost-benefit analyses of supplementary measles immunisation in the highly immunized population of New Zealand. Vaccine. 35(37), 4913-4922
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Garcia-R, JC., French, N., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., Shrestha, R., & Hayman, D. (2017). Local and global genetic diversity of protozoan parasites: Spatial distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia genotypes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11(7), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Hayman, DTS., Cryan, PM., Fricker, PD., & Dannemiller, NG. (2017). Long-term video surveillance and automated analyses reveal arousal patterns in groups of hibernating bats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8(12), 1813-1821
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Bloomfield, SJ., Benschop, J., Biggs, PJ., Marshall, JC., Hayman, DTS., Carter, PE., . . . French, NP. (2017). Genomic analysis of salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT160 associated with a 14-year outbreak, New Zealand, 1998–2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 23(6), 906-913
[Journal article]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Peel, AJ., Wood, JLN., Baker, KS., Breed, AC., Carvalho, AD., Fernández-Loras, A., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2017). How Does Africa's Most Hunted Bat Vary Across the Continent? Population Traits of the Straw-Coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum) and Its Interactions with Humans. Acta Chiropterologica. 19(1), 77-92
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Garcia-R, JC., & Hayman, DTS. (2017). Evolutionary processes in populations of Cryptosporidium inferred from gp60 sequence data. Parasitology Research. 116(7), 1855-1861
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Marshall, JC., French, NP., Carpenter, TE., Roberts, MG., & Kiedrzynski, T. (2017). Global importation and population risk factors for measles in New Zealand: A case study for highly immunized populations. Epidemiology and Infection. 145(9), 1875-1885
[Journal article]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Wilkinson, D., & Hayman, DTS. (2017). Bat and virus ecology in a dynamic world. Microbiology Australia. 38(1), 33-35
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Rulli, MC., Santini, M., Hayman, DTS., & D'Odorico, P. (2017). The nexus between forest fragmentation in Africa and Ebola virus disease outbreaks. Scientific Reports. 7
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Field, HE., Reid, PA., Plowright, RK., Broder, CC., Skerratt, LF., . . . Wang, LF. (2016). The equine Hendra virus vaccine remains a highly effective preventative measure against infection in horses and humans: ‘The imperative to develop a human vaccine for the Hendra virus in Australia’. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology. 6(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Fooks, AR., Marston, DA., & Garcia-R, JC. (2016). The Global Phylogeography of Lyssaviruses - Challenging the 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 10(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2016). As the bat flies. Science. 354(6316), 1099-1100
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Garcia-R, JC., & Hayman, DTS. (2016). Origin of a major infectious disease in vertebrates: The timing of Cryptosporidium evolution and its hosts. Parasitology. 143(13), 1683-1690
[Journal article]Authored by: Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D.
McKee, CD., Hayman, DTS., Kosoy, MY., & Webb, CT. (2016). Phylogenetic and geographic patterns of bartonella host shifts among bat species. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 44, 382-394
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Baker, KS., Hayman, DTS., Suu-Ire, R., Breed, AC., Gembu, GC., . . . Wood, JLN. (2016). Bat trait, genetic and pathogen data from large-scale investigations of African fruit bats, Eidolon helvum. Scientific Data. 3
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2016). Bats as Viral Reservoirs. Annual Review of Virology. 3, 77-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Han, BA., Schmidt, JP., Alexander, LW., Bowden, SE., Hayman, DTS., & Drake, JM. (2016). Undiscovered Bat Hosts of Filoviruses. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 10(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Peel, AJ. (2016). Can survival analyses detect hunting pressure in a highly connected species? Lessons from straw-coloured fruit bats. Biological Conservation. 200, 131-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
O'Shea, TJ., Cryan, PM., Hayman, DTS., Plowright, RK., & Streicker, DG. (2016). Multiple mortality events in bats: A global review. Mammal Review. 46(3), 175-190
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Field, HE., Reid, PA., Plowright, RK., Broder, CC., Skerratt, LF., . . . Wang, L-F. (2016). The equine Hendra virus vaccine remains a highly effective preventative measure against infection in horses and humans: 'The imperative to develop a human vaccine for the Hendra virus in Australia'.. Infect Ecol Epidemiol. 6, 31658
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2016). Conservation as vaccination: Integrated approaches to public health and environmental protection could prevent future disease outbreaks. EMBO Reports. 17(3), 286-291
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Pulliam, JRC., Marshall, JC., Cryan, PM., & Webb, CT. (2016). Environment, host, and fungal traits predict continental-scale white-nose syndrome in bats. Science Advances. 2(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Pepin, KM., Leach, CB., Marques-Toledo, C., Laass, KH., Paixao, KS., Luis, AD., . . . Webb, CT. (2015). Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities. PARASITES & VECTORS. 8
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Luis, AD., O'Shea, TJ., Hayman, DTS., Wood, JLN., Cunningham, AA., Gilbert, AT., . . . Webb, CT. (2015). Network analysis of host-virus communities in bats and rodents reveals determinants of cross-species transmission. Ecology Letters. 18(11), 1153-1162
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Pepin, KM., Leach, CB., Marques-Toledo, C., Laass, KH., Paixao, KS., Luis, AD., . . . Webb, CT. (2015). Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities. Parasit Vectors. 8(1), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2015). Biannual birth pulses allow filoviruses to persist in bat populations. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. 282(1803), 20142591
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Pepin, KM., Leach, CB., Marques-Toledo, C., Laass, KH., Paixao, KS., Luis, AD., . . . Webb, CT. (2015). Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities. Parasites and Vectors. 8(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Bai, Y., Hayman, DTS., McKee, CD., & Kosoy, MY. (2015). Classification of Bartonella Strains Associated with Straw-Colored Fruit Bats (Eidolon helvum) across Africa Using a Multi-locus Sequence Typing Platform. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 9(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ. (2014). The effect of seasonal birth pulses on pathogen persistence in wild mammal populations. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. 281(1786)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Cryan, PM., Gorresen, PM., Hein, CD., Schirmacher, MR., Diehl, RH., Huso, MM., . . . Dalton, DC. (2014). Behavior of bats at wind turbines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(42), 15126-15131
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Pulliam, JRC., Luis, AD., Plowright, RK., O'Shea, TJ., Hayman, DTS., . . . Restif, O. (2014). The effect of seasonal birth pulses on pathogen persistence in wild mammal populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281(1786)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Baker, KS., Suu-Ire, R., Barr, J., Hayman, DTS., Broder, CC., Horton, DL., . . . Wood, JLN. (2014). Viral antibody dynamics in a chiropteran host. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83(2), 415-428
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
O'Shea, TJ., Cryan, PM., Cunningham, AA., Fooks, AR., Hayman, DTS., Luis, AD., . . . Wood, JLN. (2014). Bat flight and zoonotic viruses. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 20(5), 741-745
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Souther, S., Tingley, MW., Popescu, VD., Hayman, DTS., Ryan, ME., Graves, TA., . . . Terrell, K. (2014). Biotic impacts of energy development from shale: Research priorities and knowledge gaps. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 12(6), 330-338
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Olival, KJ., & Hayman, DTS. (2014). Filoviruses in bats: Current knowledge and future directions. Viruses. 6(4), 1759-1788
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Luis, AD., Hayman, DTS., O'Shea, TJ., Cryan, PM., Gilbert, AT., Pulliam, JRC., . . . Webb, CT. (2013). A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: are bats special?. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. 280(1756), 20122753
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Gurley, ES., Pulliam, JRC., & Field, HE. (2013). The application of one health approaches to henipavirus research. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 365, 155-170
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Sargan, DR., Baker, KS., Hayman, DTS., Barr, JA., Crameri, G., . . . Cunningham, AA. (2013). Continent-wide panmixia of an African fruit bat facilitates transmission of potentially zoonotic viruses. Nature Communications. 4
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Gilbert, AT., Fooks, AR., Hayman, DTS., Horton, DL., Müller, T., Plowright, R., . . . Rupprecht, CE. (2013). Deciphering serology to understand the ecology of infectious diseases in wildlife. EcoHealth. 10(3), 298-313
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., McDonald, KD., & Kosoy, MY. (2013). Evolutionary history of rat-borne Bartonella: The importance of commensal rats in the dissemination of bacterial infections globally. Ecology and Evolution. 3(10), 3195-3203
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., McKinley, TJ., Baker, KS., Barr, JA., Crameri, G., Hayman, DTS., . . . Wood, JLN. (2013). Use of cross-reactive serological assays for detecting novel pathogens in wildlife: Assessing an appropriate cutoff for henipavirus assays in African bats. Journal of Virological Methods. 193(2), 295-303
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Luis, AD., Hayman, DTS., O'Shea, TJ., Cryan, PM., Gilbert, AT., Pulliam, JRC., . . . Webb, CT. (2013). A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: Are bats special?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 280(1756)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Baker, KS., Todd, S., Marsh, GA., Crameri, G., Barr, J., Kamins, AO., . . . Wang, LF. (2013). Novel, potentially zoonotic paramyxoviruses from the African straw-colored fruit bat Eidolon helvum. Journal of Virology. 87(3), 1348-1358
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Bowen, RA., Cryan, PM., Mccracken, GF., O'Shea, TJ., Peel, AJ., . . . Wood, JLN. (2013). Ecology of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases in Bats: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Zoonoses and Public Health. 60(1), 2-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., McCrea, R., Restif, O., Suu-Ire, R., Fooks, AR., Wood, JLN., . . . Rowcliffe, JM. (2012). Demography of straw-colored fruit bats in Ghana. Journal of Mammalogy. 93(5), 1393-1404
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Wood, JLN., Leach, M., Waldman, L., MacGregor, H., Fooks, AR., Jones, KE., . . . Cunningham, AA. (2012). A framework for the study of zoonotic disease emergence and its drivers: Spillover of bat pathogens as a case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 367(1604), 2881-2892
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Restif, O., Hayman, DTS., Pulliam, JRC., Plowright, RK., George, DB., Luis, AD., . . . Webb, CT. (2012). Model-guided fieldwork: Practical guidelines for multidisciplinary research on wildlife ecological and epidemiological dynamics. Ecology Letters. 15(10), 1083-1094
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Yu, M., Crameri, G., Wang, LF., Suu-Ire, R., Wood, JLN., . . . Cunningham, AA. (2012). Ebola virus antibodies in fruit bats, Ghana, West Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 18(7), 1207-1209
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Baker, KS., Crameri, G., Barr, JA., Hayman, DTS., Wright, E., . . . Wood, JLN. (2012). Henipavirus neutralising antibodies in an isolated island population of African fruit bats. PLoS ONE. 7(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Fooks, AR., Rowcliffe, JM., McCrea, R., Restif, O., Baker, KS., . . . Wood, JLN. (2012). Endemic Lagos bat virus infection in Eidolon helvum. Epidemiology and Infection. 140(12), 2163-2171
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Billeter, SA., Hayman, DTS., Peel, AJ., Baker, K., Wood, JLN., Cunningham, A., . . . Kosoy, MY. (2012). Bartonella species in bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) from western Africa. Parasitology. 139(3), 324-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Kosoy, M., Hayman, DTS., & Chan, KS. (2012). Bartonella bacteria in nature: Where does population variability end and a species start?. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 12(5), 894-904
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Peel, AJ., Loras, AF., Baker, KS., Hayman, DTS., Kamins, A., Rossiter, SJ., . . . Cunningham, AA. (2011). Evidence of Henipaviruses and Lyssaviruses in Isolated Island Populations of African Fruit Bats. ECOHEALTH. 7, S40-S40
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Banyard, AC., Wakeley, PR., Harkess, G., Marston, D., Wood, JLN., . . . Fooks, AR. (2011). A universal real-time assay for the detection of Lyssaviruses. Journal of Virological Methods. 177(1), 87-93
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2011). Wildlife Zoonoses. Epidemiology: Open Access. 2012, 2161-1165
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Kamins, AO., Restif, O., Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Suu-Ire, R., Hayman, DTS., Cunningham, AA., . . . Rowcliffe, JM. (2011). Uncovering the fruit bat bushmeat commodity chain and the true extent of fruit bat hunting in Ghana, West Africa. Biological Conservation. 144(12), 3000-3008
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Wang, LF., Barr, J., Baker, KS., Suu-Ire, R., Broder, CC., . . . Wood, JLN. (2011). Antibodies to henipavirus or henipa-like viruses in domestic pigs in Ghana, West Africa. PLoS ONE. 6(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Johnson, N., Horton, DL., Hedge, J., Wakeley, PR., Banyard, AC., . . . Fooks, AR. (2011). Evolutionary history of rabies in Ghana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 5(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Banyard, AC., Hayman, D., Johnson, N., McElhinney, L., & Fooks, AR. (2011). Bats and Lyssaviruses. Advances in Virus Research. 79, 239-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., King, T., & Cameron, K. (2010). Successful treatment of acute systemic anaphylaxis in a western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 41(3), 522-525
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Wright, E., Hayman, DTS., Vaughan, A., Temperton, NJ., Wood, JLN., Cunningham, AA., . . . Fooks, AR. (2010). Virus neutralising activity of African fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) sera against emerging lyssaviruses. Virology. 408(2), 183-189
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Emmerich, P., Yu, M., Wang, LF., Suu-Ire, R., Fooks, AR., . . . Wood, JLN. (2010). Long-term survival of an urban fruit bat seropositive for ebola and lagos bat viruses. PLoS ONE. 5(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Fooks, AR., Horton, D., Suu-Ire, R., Breed, AC., Cunningham, AA., . . . Wood, JLN. (2008). Antibodies against Lagos bat virus in megachiroptera from West Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 14(6), 926-928
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Suu-Ire, R., Breed, AC., McEachern, JA., Wang, L., Wood, JLN., . . . Cunningham, AA. (2008). Evidence of henipavirus infection in West African fruit bats. PLoS ONE. 3(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Hayman, D.


Salkeld, D., Hopkins, S., & Hayman, D.(2023). Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens: Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, and Conservation.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Banyard, AC., Hayman, DTS., Freuling, CM., Müller, T., Fooks, AR., & Johnson, N. (2013). Bat rabies. In Rabies: Scientific Basis of the Disease and Its Management. (pp. 215 - 267).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Banyard, AC., Hayman, DTS., Freuling, CM., Müller, T., Fooks, AR., & Johnson, N. (2013). Bat Rabies. In Rabies. (pp. 215 - 267).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Johnson, N. (2013). Nipah Virus: A Virus with Multiple Pathways of Emergence. In The Role of Animals in Emerging Viral Diseases. (pp. 293 - 315).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Gurley, ES., Pulliam, JRC., & Field, HE. (2013). The application of one health approaches to Henipavirus research. In One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases. (pp. 155 - 170). : Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[Chapter]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Breed, AC., Plowright, RK., Hayman, DTS., Knobel, DL., Molenaar, FM., Gardner-Roberts, D., . . . Delahay, RJ. (2009). Disease management in endangered mammals. In Management of Disease in Wild Mammals. (pp. 215 - 239).
[Chapter]Authored by: Hayman, D.


Hayman, DTS., Marshall, JC., French, NP., Carpenter, TE., & Roberts, MG.Measles Risk assessment, modelling, and benefit-cost analyses for New Zealand.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.


Muylaert, R., Wilkinson, D., Kingston, T., D`Odorico, P., Rulli, MC., Galli, N., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2024). Using drivers and transmission pathways to identify SARS-like coronavirus spillover risk hotspots. : Paradigm Shifts for Global One Health Book of Abstracts: Greater resilience requires transformation and integration
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: de Lara Muylaert, R., Hayman, D.
Kemp, A., Lofroth, M., Barnes, V., Pita, A., Hayman, DTS., & Avci, E.Isolation of Parasites by Micropipette Aspiration. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM. (pp. 865 - 870).
[Conference]Authored by: Hayman, D., Pita, A.
Hayman, D. (2019, October). Mitigating Pathogen Emergence from Wildlife. Presented at 5th International Conference on Mitigation Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases. Colombia USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, D. (2019). Infectious disease transmission at the human-animal interface in rural Uganda. (pp. 23 - 24). , 2019 Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, D. (2019, September). Infectious disease transmission at the human-animal interface in rural Uganda. Presented at 2019 Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference. Tasmania Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Michael, S., Hayman, D., Gray, R., & Roe, W. (2019). Pup mortality in New Zealand sea lions at Enderby Island, Auckland Islands, 2013-18. (pp. 16 - 16). , 2019 Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D., Roe, W.
Hayman, D. (2019). Linking biodiversity loss mitigation and infectious disease prevention. (pp. 2 - 3). , 2019 Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McCutchan, J., Gartrell, B., Hayman, D., & Knox, M. (2019). Leptospirosis, bats and people in Fiji. (pp. 13 - 13). , 2019 Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Gartrell, B., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Hayman, D. (2019, September). Linking biodiversity loss mitigation and infectious disease prevention. Presented at Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Conference. Tasmania Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Rostami, K., Derakhshan, M., Ensari, A., Srivastava, A., Villanacci, V., Marsh, M., . . . Rodger, C.GLOBAL TRANSLATION OF COELIAC DISEASE HISTOLOGY AND OTHER GLUTEN RELATED MICROENTEROPATHY. GUT. (pp. A168 - A168). 0017-5749.
[Conference]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, D. (2018, December). Infectious disease transmission at the human-animal interface in rural Uganda. Presented at 2018 One Health Aotearoa Symposium. Wellington New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Fuller, I., Macklin, M., Death, R., & Hayman, D. (2018, December). Global Health: a catchment systems approach.. Presented at One Health Aotearoa Symposium. Wellington.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Fuller, I., Hayman, D.
McKee, C., Webb, C., Kosoy, M., Bai, Y., Osikowicz, L., Suu-Ire, R., . . . Hayman, D. (2017). Long-term monitoring of Bartonella bacteria in a captive colony of fruit bats and experimental evidence of bat flies as vectors of bartonella. (pp. 38 - 38). , Infectious Diseases of Bats Symposium
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hranac, CR., Klug-Baerwald, BJ., Dzal, YA., Lausen, C., Marshall, JC., Olson, SH., . . . Hayman, D. (2017). Modeling the impact of White-nose syndrome on two western bat species. (pp. 35 - 35). , Infectious Diseases of Bats Symposium
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Peel, AJ., Baker, KS., Hayman, D., Cunningham, AA., Wood, JLN., Garnier, R., . . . Restif, O. (2017). Age-specific dynamics of maternally- and infection- derived immunity within African bat populations. (pp. 23 - 24). , Infectious Diseases of Bats Symposium
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, D. (2017, June). Predicting undiscovered filovirus reservoirs and patterns of disease emergence. Presented at Infectious Diseases of Bats Symposium. Colorado USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Garcia-R, JC., French, N., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., & Hayman, D. (2017). Local and global genetic diversity of protozoan parasites: spatial distribution of cryptosporidium and giadia genotypes. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand society for parasitology. Palmerston north, New zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Cornelius, A., Biggs, PJ., Hayman, D., French, N., Draper, J., Wilkinson, D., . . . Gilpin, B. (2017). use of genotyping tools to characterise and investigate the New Zealand Havelock North campylobacteriosis outbreak. , 19th international workshop on campylobacter, helicobacter and related organisms
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Zhang, J., Biggs, P., Wilkinson, D., Midwinter, A., Gilpin, B., Draper, J., . . . French, N. (2017, September). Ad hoc whole-genome MLST (wgMLST) analysis reveals multiple Campylobacter jejuni clones caused a massive waterborne outbreak in New Zealand in 2016. Presented at 19th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms. Nantes, France.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Midwinter, A.
Garcia–R, JC., French, N., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., Shrestha, R., & Hayman, D. (2017). Local and global genetic diversity of protozoan parasites: Spatial distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia genotypes.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: French, N., Garcia Ramirez, J., Hayman, D., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N.
Wierenga, JR., Gedye, K., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., Valdivia, W., Hall, R., Biggs, PB., . . . Hayman, DTS. (2016, December). Metagenomic studies of infection transmission between multiple species in rural Uganda. Presented at One Health Ecohealth 2016 Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Biggs, P., Hayman, D.
sarah, M., Gray, R., Hayman, D., & Roe, WD. (2016). Investigating risk factors for pup mortality in New Zealand sea lions. , Wildlife disease association and wildlife society of the New Zealand veterinary association - Joint conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D., Roe, W.
Hayman, DTS. (2016, March). Policy and Science for Global Health Security: Lessons from the West African Ebola Outbreak. Presented at One Health Aotearoa Symposium. Otago University, Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2016, June). Perspectives on One Health. Presented at NZVA Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2016, June). Zoonotic disease at human-livestock-wildlife interface. Presented at NZVA Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2015, August). International Disease Issues. Presented at 2nd Wildbase Recovery Conference. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., & Whitcombe, E. (2015, November). MODELLING CHOLERA AND MALARIA IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: DATABASE AND METHODS OF ANALYSIS. Presented at 8TH Annual Conference: Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN). Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2015, March). Conservation as Vaccination: A Way to Prevent the Next Ebola Crisis. Presented at Gordon Research Conference. California, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Bloomfield, S., Benschop, J., Midwinter, AC., Biggs, P., Marshall, J., Hayman, D., . . . French, N. (2015). Evolution of Campylobacter in a persistently infected human host. : 18th International Conference on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Benschop, J., Biggs, P., French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J., Midwinter, A.
Hayman, DTS. (2014). Can modelling filoviruses in bats help understand hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in humans caused ebola and Marburg viruses?. , Society for Risk Analysis
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2014, May). Diagnostic challenges of emerging bat viruses: Implications for the study of wildlife infectious diseases. Presented at Molecular Diagnostics Workshop 2014. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2014, September). Can comparing models of measles introductions into New Zealand and Ebola virus outbreaks in West Africa lead to better control of both?. Presented at Infectious disease research minisymposium. Wellington, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2013, July). Environmental conditions inside winter hibernation sites predict white-nose syndrome mortality in bats. Presented at 26th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Baltimore, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Cryan, P., Pulliam, J., & Webb, C. (2013, September). Environmental conditions inside winter hibernation sites predict white-nose syndrome mortality in bats. Presented at 6th Annual White-Nose Syndrome workshop. Boise, Idaho.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS. (2012, August). Understanding lyssavirus dynamics in an African fruit bat population. Presented at Ecoloical Society of America Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Hayman, DTS., Fooks, AR., Horton, D., Suu-Ire, R., Breed, AC., Cunningham, AA., . . . Wood, JLN. (2008, September). Antibodies against Lagos Bat Virus in Megachiroptera from West Africa. Presented at XIX International Conference on Rabies in the Americas (RITA) 2008. Atlanta, United States of America.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.


Hayman, DTS., Biggs, P., Pita, A., Velathanthiri, N., Phiri, B., Shrestha, R., . . . French, NP. (2014). Gastrointestinal Protozoa Report for the New Zealand Ministry of Health, July 2013 to June 2014.
[Other]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Pita, A.
Hayman, DTS., Marshall, JC., French, NP., Carpenter, TE., & Roberts, MG. (2014). "Measles risk assessment, modelling, and benefit-cost analyses for New Zealand".
[Other]Authored by: French, N., Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Hayman, D. (2014, September). conservation as vaccination. In Global Healther Security Agenda.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Hayman, D.


Knox, M., Bromhead, C., & Hayman, D.MayFebruary
[Preprint]Authored by: Bromhead, C., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
John, RS., Miller, J., Muylaert, R., & Hayman, D.July
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Horpiencharoen, W., Muylaert, R., Marshall, J., John, RS., Lynam, A., Riggio, A., . . . Hayman, D.August
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Horpiencharoen, W., Marshall, J., Muylaert, R., John, RS., & Hayman, D.September
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D., Marshall, J.
Muylaert, R., Wilkinson, D., Kingston, T., D’Odorico, P., Rulli, MC., Galli, N., . . . Hayman, DTS.MayAugustMuylaert, R., Wilkinson, D., Kingston, T., D’Odorico, P., Rulli, MC., Galli, N., . . . Hayman, D.DecemberMuylaert, R., Wilkinson, D., Kingston, T., D’Odorico, P., Rulli, MC., Galli, N., . . . Hayman, DTS.MayAugustOctober
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D.
McKee, CD., Webb, CT., Kosoy, MY., Bai, Y., Osikowicz, L., Suu-Ire, R., . . . Hayman, DTS.MarchJanuaryMcKee, C., Webb, C., Kosoy, M., Bai, Y., Osikowicz, L., Suu-Ire, R., . . . Hayman, D.MarchMcKee, CD., Webb, CT., Kosoy, MY., Bai, Y., Osikowicz, L., Suu-Ire, R., . . . Hayman, DTS.MarchFebruaryFebruary
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D.
Muylaert, R., Davidson, B., Ngabirano, A., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., MacGregor, H., Lloyd-Smith, J., . . . Hayman, D.JulyMuylaert, RL., Davidson, B., Ngabirano, A., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., MacGregor, H., Lloyd-Smith, JO., . . . Hayman, DTS.JulyJanuaryMuylaert, RL., Davidson, B., Ngabirano, A., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., MacGregor, H., Lloyd-Smith, JO., . . . Hayman, DTS.FebruaryFebruaryMuylaert, RL., Davidson, B., Ngabirano, A., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., MacGregor, H., Lloyd-Smith, JO., . . . Hayman, DTS.JulyFebruaryFebruary
[Preprint]Authored by: Fayaz, A., Hayman, D., Knox, M.
Rulli, MC., D’Odorico, P., Galli, N., & Hayman, DTS.AugustJanuaryRulli, MC., D’Odorico, P., Galli, N., & Hayman, DTS.JanuaryRulli, MC., D’Odorico, P., Galli, N., & Hayman, DTS.AugustFebruaryFebruary
[Preprint]Authored by: Hayman, D.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 3
Co-supervisor 3 1

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Anthony Pita - Doctor of Philosophy
    Estimating the undetected burden of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis
  • Dinithi Bowatte - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating Molecular to macro-level drivers of infectious disease emergence in Buhoma, Uganda
  • Valter Dos Anjos Almeida - Doctor of Philosophy
    Genetic diversity of enteric microbes and its impacts on host switching
  • Wantida Horpiencharoen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Wild bovid habitat and infectious disease risk in Thailand

Co-supervisor of:

  • James Bristow - Doctor of Philosophy
    Advancing epidemiological insights of New Zealand under climate change using Bayesian spatiotemporal methods
  • Abi Schoup - Doctor of Philosophy
    Enlisting Kākahi - developing a model system to protect Māui dolphins from toxoplasmosis
  • Jason Archer - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Ecology of Emerging Infectious Diseases

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2022 - Janelle Wierenga - Doctor of Philosophy
    Interpreting highly diverse dsRNA viral sequences from Picobirnaviridae within and among species for interspecies transmission inference
  • 2021 - Paul Ogbuigwe - Doctor of Philosophy
    The role of protozoan genetic diversity in human disease: Implications for the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in New Zealand
  • 2019 - Carter Hranac - Doctor of Philosophy
    Ecology of infectious diseases in wild bats

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2017 - Samuel Bloomfield - Doctor of Philosophy
    Transmission and evolution of bacteria during the course of enteritis outbreaks

Media and Links


  • 31 Oct 2014 - Online
    SMC Media Briefing - Ebola
    The Science Media Centre assembled a panel of experts — including a live update from a Kiwi scientist currently visiting the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta — to provide a comprehensive
  • 31 Jan 2016 - Online
    Waking up once costs energy for 67 days
    In North America, bats die en masse from a fungal infection. Bats rarely contract it in Europe. What makes Europeans more resilient?
  • 30 Jun 2017 - Online
    Cameras light up bats in the dark
    An Associate Professor in veterinary public health at Massey University has been involved in developing tools to watch bats as they hibernate that may be key to saving them from a disease decimating t
  • 30 Jan 2020 - Online
    Coronavirus requires 'cool heads'
  • 29 Sep 2014 - Online
    Bats lured to deaths at wind farms
    Bats lured to deaths at wind farms because they think turbines are trees. Flashing red lights may be needed to prevent bats making potentially-fatal mistake, scientists say.
  • 29 Jan 2016 - Online
    Bats’ fight against white-nose syndrome
    Behavior, body size impact bats’ fight against white-nose syndrome
  • 28 Jan 2020 - Online
    Coronavirus outbreak
    As coronavirus continues to spread rapidly around the world, Kiwis are being reminded that xenophobia is a criminal offence.
  • 28 Jan 2020 - Online
    Coronavirus: Infectious disease professor explains how coronavirusmay have spread to humans
  • 28 Jan 2020 - Online, Radio
    Wuhan Coronavirus
  • 27 Feb 2020 - Other, Community Service
    What's happening with the virus
    Hear about virus origins and how they can affect much more than health
  • 27 Apr 2016 - Online
    Bat mortality no longer sustainable, global review
  • 27 Apr 2016 - Online
    Bat mortality no longer sustainable global review
    Bat mortality no longer sustainable global review finds
  • 26 Sep 2014 - Online
    Global Heath Security Agenda
    In February 2014, 29 partner nations launched the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in partnership with the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, t
  • 25 May 2019 - Online
    What's really causing NZ measles epidemics
    Joining the Dots: What's really causing New Zealand's measles epidemics. Hardline anti-vaxxers often cop the blame for New Zealand's frequent measles outbreaks - but researchers say an 'immunity gap'
  • 22 Sep 2011 - Online
    West Africans at risk from bat epidemics
    Serious viruses carried by bats pose a considerable risk to people in West Africa, warn epidemiologists cataloguing bat–human interactions in the region.
  • 22 Jan 2020 - Online
    Are bats to blame for China's virus?
    As bats and humans cross paths more viruses are making the jump from bat to people. China’s latest scare is the latest coronavirus to affect humans likely to have its origins in bats.
  • 22 Jan 2020 - Online
    Are bats to blame for China's new virus?
    As bats and humans cross paths more viruses are making the jump from bat to people. China's latest scare is the latest coronavirus to affect humans likely to have its origins in bats.
  • 21 Sep 2014 - Online
    NZ 'not immune' from Ebola
    An outbreak of the Ebola virus in New Zealand is unlikely, but possible, a Manawatu University ebola expert says.
  • 21 Feb 2017 - Online
    Animal-human disease transmission
    Deforestation helping animal-human disease transmission
  • 20 Sep 2014 - Newspaper
    NZ not immune to ebola spread
  • 20 Feb 2017 - Online
    Ebola linked to habitat destruction
    A Massey University veterinary scientist has co-authored research suggesting that Ebola virus emergence is linked to the clearing of animal habitat through deforestation in West and Central Africa.
  • 20 Feb 2017 - Online
    Deforestation & animal-human disease transmission
    Deforestation helping animal-human disease transmission: New Zealand scientist
  • 20 Feb 2017 - Online
    Animal-human disease transmission: NZ scientist
    Deforestation helping animal-human disease transmission: NZ scientist
  • 18 Jul 2016 - Online
    New Zealand scientist helps identify future Ebola
    New Zealand scientist helps identify future Ebola hotspots
  • 17 Apr 2014 - Online
    Re-emergence of Ebola
    Re-emergence of Ebola focuses need for global surveillance strategies
  • 16 Feb 2017 - Online
  • 16 Feb 2017 - Online
    Link between deforestation and ebola
    Link between deforestation and ebola a lesson in habitat encroachment
  • 15 Nov 2015 - Radio, Online
    DAVID HAYMAN.. diseases and animals and us
  • 15 Feb 2017 - Online
    NZ researcher: Ebola linked to deforestation
    New research co-authored by a New Zealand scientist has linked deforestation in Central and West Africa to the deadly Ebola virus.
  • 14 Mar 2019 - Online
    Forty-seven measles cases in NZ this year
  • 14 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles warning for babies across the country
    Parents of young unvaccinated babies living outside measles outbreak areas such as Christchurch have been urged to contact their GP to discuss bringing forward the first vaccine. Massey University In
  • 14 Jul 2016 - Online
    Computers vs Ebola
    Scientists use big data to predict future disease hotspots
  • 14 Feb 2017 - Online
    Ebola: the nexus between virus disease outbreaks and landscape fragmentation
  • 14 Feb 2017 - Online
    Virus dell’ebola e la deforestazione
    Studio ‘Nature’ rivela legame tra il virus dell’ebola e la deforestazione
  • 13 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles: who's at risk?
  • 13 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles: What you need to know
    In the midst of an outbreak, it’s surprising to find out measles has been eliminated in New Zealand. Any outbreak which occurs is caused by somebody infected with measles caught overseas coming into N
  • 13 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles: who's at risk?
    Professor David Hayman, Infectious Disease Ecology and Director, Infectious Disease Research Centre, Massey University (Palmerston North), answers some common questions about the measles virus.
  • 13 Feb 2013 - Online
    Bats as disease reservoirs
    Research Highlights Published: 13 February 2013 Zoology Bats as disease reservoirs Nature volume 494, pages150–151(2013)Cite this article 66 Accesses 3 Altmetric Metricsdetails
  • 13 Aug 2014 - Online
    Fracking's impact on wildlife remains unknown
    Fracking's impact on wildlife remains unknown, study finds
  • 12 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles in Canterbury - Expert Q & A
  • 12 Mar 2019 - Online
    Measles in Canterbury – Expert Q&A
    Measles are continuing to spread in Canterbury, with a Christchurch police prosecutor among the latest to reportedly contract the virus.
  • 12 Aug 2017 - Online
    Experts slam chlorine debate
  • 11 Oct 2017 - Newspaper
    What Ebola could tell us about how diseases spreda
  • 11 Aug 2014 - Online
    Animal source of Ebola outbreak eludes scientists
    Researchers try to pin down whether bats or bush meat passed virus to people in West Africa
  • 10 May 2019 - Online
    Local Focus: Measles cases are a case for vaccines
  • 10 May 2019 - Online
    Local Focus: Measles cases are a case for vaccines
    The Minister of Education has labelled anti-vax parents as 'pro-plague'. Meanwhile cases of measles are continuing to be reported on a weekly basis around the country. But one of New Zealand's leadi
  • 09 Aug 2020 - Online
    Drinking water study
    Drinking water study raises fresh concern over intensive farming
  • 09 Aug 2020 - Newspaper
    Habitat destruction
    Habitat destruction makes another Covid-19 'entirely feasible' - NZ scientist
  • 08 Mar 2020 - Online
    Coronavirus: Everything you need to know
    Coronaviruses are a large and diverse family of viruses which includes the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome – better known as Sars - and Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers)
  • 07 Sep 2018 - Newspaper
    Wanganui Chronical
    Press release for forum
  • 07 Feb 2013 - Online
    Bat species carry more viru
    Compared with rodents, bat species carry more viruses
  • 06 Sep 2018 - Newspaper
    River City Press
    Press release re forum
  • 06 Feb 2013 - Online
    Bats host more than 60 human-infesting viruses
  • 06 Feb 2013 - Online
    Bats Host More Than 60 Human-Infecting Viruses
    When it comes to carrying viruses that can jump to other species — so-called "zoonotic" viruses — bats may be in a class of their own. The flying mammals are reservoirs for more than 60 viruses that c
  • 06 Dec 2017 - Online
    Researchers use migratory bats to track ebola
  • 05 Jul 2019 - Online, Radio
    Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs
    Funding cuts hamper efforts to combat antibiotic resistant superbugs
  • 05 Jul 2017 - Online
    Hot imagery of wintering bats
    Hot imagery of wintering bats suggests group behavior for battling white-nose syndrome. Hot new imagery from temperature-sensing cameras suggests that bats who warm up from hibernation together throu
  • 04 Apr 2019 - Online
    People with measles not vaccinated
    More than three-quarters of people with measles not vaccinated
  • 03 Feb 2016 - Online
    Bat cave choice affects disease
  • 02 Jan 2015 - Online
    Where Could Ebola Strike Next?
  • 02 Feb 2016 - Online
    What makes bats more resistant in Europe
    Auckland - The so-called white-nose syndrome kills millions of bats in the USA, but in Europe the animals survive. An international team of researchers got to the bottom of this peculiar discrepancy.
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Online
    Fruit bats could help predict Ebola outbreaks
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Online
    The West African Ebola epidemic isn’t going a hurr
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Online
    Will banning the consumption of bats in Guinea
    Will banning the consumption of bats in Guinea stop outbreak of Ebola?
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Newspaper
    Bat man hunts disease clues.NZ ‘not immune’ from E
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Television
    Preparing NZ for Ebola
  • 01 Jan 2014 - Radio
    Will banning the consumption of bats in Guinea sto
  • 01 Jan 2013 - Online
    Bats Host More Than 60 Human-Infecting Viruses
  • 01 Jan 2013 - Online
    Compared with rodents, bat species carry more viru
  • 01 Feb 2016 - Online
    Dem Weißnasen-Syndrom auf der Spur
  • 01 Feb 2016 - Online
    Big, dry bats more likely to survive fatal fungus
    Bats’ body type and the environmental conditions they hibernate in may explain species differences in bat mortality from deadly fungus, according to a study published today in Science Advances.
  • 01 Feb 2016 - Online
    Little brown bats
    Models suggest little brown bats more susceptible to fungus than bigger bats
  • 01 Aug 2015 - Online
    Fruit bats could help predict Eolba outbreaks

Other Links