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Contact details +6469518176

Prof Paul Kenyon BAgrSc, MAppSc, PhD

Head of School, School of Agriculture & Environment/Professor in Sheep Husbandry

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Agriculture and Environment

Professor Paul Kenyon completed at BAgrSci 1996, MApplSc in 1997 and PhD in 2002 in Animal Science. Paul is the Head of the School of Agriculture and Environment. The school includes more than 90 academic staff teaching and researching in the broad Agriculture, Horticulture and Environmental science disciplines. He is an Animal scientist and grew up on a sheep and beef farm.  Paul has more than 20 years of experience in sheep research in New Zealand and internationally. Specific large research programs which he has led (or is) or had (or has) a significant role in include; maximizing ewe lamb (hogget) breeding performance, the management of twin and triplet ewe and their offspring in pregnancy and lactation, developing ewe body condition score guidelines, use of alternative herbages including native shrubs to improve sheep performance, sheep interactions with waterways, the impacts on sheep grazing on nitrate leaching levels and farmer learning.  These research projects are undertaken at both the basic biological science level and at the farm systems/applied level. He has a number of research linkages and programmes nationally and internationally. Paul works collaboratively with farmers, industry and veterinarians throughout New Zealand and is a regular presenter at industry and farmer events.  He teaches into the Agriculture, Animal Science and Veterinary Science based programmes.

His research aims to improve on-farm productivity and profitability. He has a number of research linkages and programmes nationally and internationally. He has presented on more 150 occasions to farmer audiences and in the last 17 years and published more than 400 scientific articles (including 190 articles in refereed journals).  A considerable proportion of his research is undertaken in partnership with industry bodies in New Zealand.

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Contact details

  • Location: Room 2.23, AgHort Building
    Campus: Palmerston North


  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science - Massey University (1996)
  • Master of Applied Science - Massey University (1997)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2002)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Sheep production and management

Managing multiple bearing and rearing ewes



Hogget (ewe lamb) breeding

Use of alternative herbages

Improving reproductive performance

Fetal programming


Beef cattle production



Lambs and lamb growth

Lamb survival

Farmer learning




Bull growth


21st Century Citizenship, Resource Development and Management, Health and Well-being, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences (070000): Animal Growth and Development (070202): Animal Management (070203): Animal Nutrition (070204): Animal Production (070200): Animal Reproduction (070206)


Professor Kenyon’s work is focused on pastoral-based sheep production systems and husbandry. He has been part of several successful large sheep research programs.  These include; maximizing ewe lamb (hogget) breeding performance, the management of twin and triplet ewes and their offspring in pregnancy and lactation, developing ewe body condition score guidelines, evaluating ewe efficiency, reducing ewe wastage, using alternative herbages and regenerative productive systems to improve sheep performance, and maximising milk production.  These research projects have been undertaken at both the basic biological science level and at the farm systems/applied level.  He has worked collaboratively with farmers, industry and veterinarians to ensure the results of these studies have resulted in practice change.  His current research projects include; water needs of sheep and their interactions with waterways, upgrading to a self-shedding breed, bioeconomic modeling of sheep production systems to maximise productivity, use of native shrubs as a source of forage, reducing nitrate leaching levels in sheep production systems and use of diverse pasture mixes.  


Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: Science-based Extension for Lower North Island Sheep and Beef Farmers

This is a 2-year project located at Riverside Farm that develops a new extension model based on high-quality farmer/scientist interaction and farmer-led networking. Building on earlier work by Massey's Farmer Learning Group, the project focuses on the use of perennial summer forages in dryland farming. The reconstituted Farmer Learning Group consists of a cross-College and interdisciplinary team of 12 Massey scientists (drawn from the Institute of Education, IAE and IVABS) working together with some 45 sheep and beef farmers from the eastern Lower North Island. Project leader is Brennon Wood and the team includes a newly-appointed Research Officer, Roxanne Henwood, and one PhD student. The extension programme features 8 day-long, science-based workshops to be held at Riverside, network surveys to collect local knowledge, an industry-sponsored Colloquium and an on-site Field Day.
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Date Range: 2015 - 2017

Funding Body: Ministry for Primary Industries

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Zeleke, MM., Kenyon, PR., Flay, KJ., Aberdein, D., Pain, SJ., Velathanthiri, N., . . . Ridler, AL. (2024). Isolation of Aerobic Bacterial Species Associated with Palpable Udder Defects in Non-Dairy Ewes. Animals. 14(16)
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Ridler, A.
Haslin, E., Blumer, SE., Gordon, D., Kearney, GA., Kenyon, PR., Kubeil, LJ., . . . Thompson, AN. (2024). High Concentrate Supplementation during Late Pregnancy and Lambing Reduced Mortality of Triplet-Bearing Maternal Ewes. Animals. 14(16)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Brett, PTJ., Lawrence, KE., Govindaraju, K., Kenyon, P., Gedye, K., Tait, AB., . . . Pomroy, WE. (2024). Using weather data to predict the presence of Lucilia spp. on sheep farms in New Zealand. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. 49
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lawrence, K.
Haslin, E., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2024). Should lambs born to one-year-old ewes and grown to heavy live weights be retained as replacements and mated at seven months of age?. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2024). A bio-economic modelling comparison of a Friesian Bull-Beef system and a New Generation Beef system with Friesian bulls slaughtered at 10–14 months old. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Sneddon, NW., Handcock, RC., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Burnham, DL., Garrick, DJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2024). Wool shedding and lamb fleece weights: first-cross and backcross Wiltshire–Romney sheep scored at lamb, hogget and two-tooth ages. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 394-401
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Burnham, D., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Littlejohn, M., Morris, S., Sneddon, N.
Al-Tamimi, M., Green, S., Dahr, WA., Al-Muaini, A., Lyra, D., Ammar, K., . . . Clothier, B. (2023). Salt dynamics, leaching requirements, and leaching fractions during irrigation of a halophyte with different saline waters. Soil Research. 62(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Al-Tamimi, M., Green, S., Abou Dahr, W., Al-Muaini, A., Lyra, D., Ammar, K., . . . Clothier, B. (2024). Devices to measure the impacts on groundwater salinity from irrigating halophytic crops with brackish waters in a hyper-arid environment. Journal of Arid Environments. 220
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Flay, KJ., Chen, AS., Yang, DA., Kenyon, PR., & Ridler, AL. (2023). Identification of risk factors for ewe mortality during the pregnancy and lambing period in extensively managed flocks. BMC Veterinary Research. 19(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., Greer, AW., Logan, CM., Morgan, S., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2024). Ewe culling in New Zealand: an interview study of 38 farmers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67(3), 361-371
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Maheswaran, S., Cranston, LM., Millner, JP., Horne, DJ., Hanly, JA., Kenyon, PR., . . . Kemp, PD. (2023). Nitrogen leaching under alternative forages grazed by sheep. European Journal of Agronomy. 151
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Hanly, J., Kenyon, P., Millner, J.
Al-Tamimi, M., Green, S., Dahr, WA., Al-Muaini, A., Lyra, D., Ammar, K., . . . Clothier, B. (2023). Drainage, salt-leaching impacts, and the growth of Salicornia bigelovii irrigated with different saline waters. Agricultural Water Management. 289
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Haslin, E., Allington, T., Blumer, SE., Boshoff, J., Clarke, BE., Hancock, SN., . . . Thompson, AN. (2023). Management of Body Condition Score between Pregnancy Scanning and Lamb Marking Impacts the Survival of Triplet-Bearing Ewes and Their Lambs. Animals. 13(13)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Lockwood, A., Allington, T., Blumer, SE., Boshoff, J., Clarke, BE., Hancock, SN., . . . Thompson, AN. (2023). Decreasing Mob Size at Lambing Increases the Survival of Triplet Lambs Born on Farms across Southern Australia. Animals. 13(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Bunyaga, A., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Kenyon, P., & Burkitt, L. (2023). The Behaviour of Sheep around a Natural Waterway and Impact on Water Quality during Winter in New Zealand. Animals. 13(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Burkitt, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Draganova, I., Kenyon, P.
Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Schreurs, NM., & Garrick, DJ. (2023). Agent-Based Modelling to Improve Beef Production from Dairy Cattle: Young Beef Production. Agriculture (Switzerland). 13(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Haslin, E., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Gedye, KR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Blair, HT. (2023). Genome-Wide Association Studies of Live Weight at First Breeding at Eight Months of Age and Pregnancy Status of Ewe Lambs. Genes. 14(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Thompson, AN., Allington, T., Blumer, S., Cameron, J., Kearney, G., Kubeil, L., . . . Kenyon, P. (2023). Reproductive Performance of Triplet-Bearing Ewes on Commercial Farms and Research Priorities Identified by Sheep Producers to Improve the Survival of Triplet-Bearing Ewes and Their Lambs. Animals. 13(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Coleman, LW., Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2023). Growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Charolais-sired steers and heifers born to Angus-cross-dairy and Angus breeding cows. Meat Science. 201
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Moloney, AJ., Tozer, PR., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2023). Bigger lambs or more lambs: The conundrum for New Zealand lamb producers. Livestock Science. 270
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Zeleke, MM., Flay, KJ., Kenyon, PR., Aberdein, D., Pain, SJ., & Ridler, AL. (2023). Assessment of Changes in Udder Half Defects over Time in Non-Dairy Ewes. Animals. 13(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Ridler, A.
Ramos, Z., Garrick, DJ., Blair, HT., De Barbieri, I., Ciappesoni, G., Montossi, F., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2023). Genetic and phenotypic relationships between ewe reproductive performance and wool and growth traits in Uruguayan Ultrafine Merino sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 101
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Ramos, Z., Garrick, DJ., Blair, HT., Vera, B., Ciappesoni, G., & Kenyon, PR. (2023). Genomic Regions Associated with Wool, Growth and Reproduction Traits in Uruguayan Merino Sheep. Genes. 14(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Anim-Jnr, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2022). Predicting the Feed Intake of Artificially Reared Pre-Weaned Lambs from Faecal and Dietary Chemical Composition. Ruminants. 2(2), 244-254
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Gibson, MJ., Adams, BR., Back, PJ., Dittmer, KE., Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., . . . Rogers, CW. (2022). Increased Dietary Protein to Energy Ratio in Pre-Weaning Lambs Increases Average Daily Gain and Cortical Bone Thickness in the Tibia. Ruminants. 2(4), 478-486
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Blair, H., Dittmer, K., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S., Rogers, C.
Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Schreurs, NM., & Garrick, DJ. (2022). Agent-Based Modeling to Improve Beef Production from Dairy Cattle: Model Description and Evaluation. Agriculture (Switzerland). 12(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating the profitability of male-sexed semen use in extensively farmed beef cow herds. Livestock Science. 266
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Kenyon, PR., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2022). Breeding Ewe Lambs: An Australasian Perspective. Animals. 12(22)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Graña-Baumgartner, A., Dukkipati, VSR., Biggs, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., López-Villalobos, N., . . . Ross, AB. (2022). Mass Spectrometry-Based Lipidomics of Brown Adipose Tissue and Plasma of New-Born Lambs Subjected to Short-Term Cold Exposure. Animals. 12(20)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Graña-Baumgartner, A., Dukkipati, VSR., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., López-Villalobos, N., Gedye, K., . . . Biggs, PJ. (2022). RNAseq Analysis of Brown Adipose Tissue and Thyroid of Newborn Lambs Subjected to Short-Term Cold Exposure Reveals Signs of Early Whitening of Adipose Tissue. Metabolites. 12(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Biggs, P., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Wangui, JC., Millner, JP., Kenyon, PR., Tozer, PR., Morel, PCH., & Pain, SJ. (2022). In Vitro Fermentation of Browsable Native Shrubs in New Zealand. Plants. 11(16)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Millner, J., Morel, P., Pain, S., Tozer, P.
Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2022). Validation of a mechanistic dynamic pre-weaned lamb growth and body composition simulation model. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 291
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Maheswaran, S., Cranston, LM., Millner, JP., Horne, DJ., Hanly, JA., Kenyon, PR., . . . Kemp, PD. (2022). Effects of Sheep Grazing Systems on Water Quality with a Focus on Nitrate Leaching. Agriculture (Switzerland). 12(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Hanly, J., Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Millner, J.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating use of terminal sires in a self-replacing beef suckler herd with varying weaning rate, calf sale policies, and price premiums. Livestock Science. 260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2022). Simulating the productivity and profitability of a herd of beef-dairy crossbred breeding cows on New Zealand hill country with fixed feed supply. Livestock Science. 260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Ridler, AL., Flay, KJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Pettigrew, EJ. (2022). Factors Associated with Mortality of Lambs Born to Ewe Hoggets. Animals. 12(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Flay, KJ., Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2022). Ewe wastage in commercial sheep flocks: a review of current knowledge. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 70(4), 187-197
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Breeding heavier ewe lambs at seven months of age did not impact their subsequent two and three-year-old ewe live weight and reproductive performance. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 129-144
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Capdevila-Ospina, K., Corner-Thomas, RA., Flay, KJ., Kenyon, PR., & Ridler, AL. (2021). Factors Associated with Ewe Death and Casting in an Extensively Farmed Sheep Flock in New Zealand. Ruminants. 1(2), 87-99
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Effects of Increased Growth Rates Prior to the First Breeding as Ewe Lambs and Pregnancy Rank on Mammary Glands of Two-Year-Old Ewes. Ruminants. 1(2), 72-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Maheswaran, S., Cranston, LM., Millner, JP., Horne, DJ., Hanly, JA., Kenyon, PR., . . . Kemp, PD. (2021). Effects of alternative forages on nitrate leaching under intensive sheep grazing. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 81(1), 146-152 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Hanly, J., Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Millner, J.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Correction: Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 248-248 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2021). Rumen development of artificially-reared lambs exposed to three different rearing regimens. Animals. 11(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2021). Effect of breeding heavier romney ewe lambs at seven months of age on lamb production and efficiency over their first three breeding seasons. Animals. 11(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2021). Growth and body composition of artificially-reared lambs exposed to three different rearing regimens. Animals. 11(12)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Wangui, JC., Kenyon, PR., Tozer, PR., Millner, JP., & Pain, SJ. (2021). Bioeconomic modelling to assess the impacts of using native shrubs on the marginal portions of the sheep and beef hill country farms in new zealand. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Millner, J., Pain, S., Tozer, P.
Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Predicting ewe body condition score using adjusted liveweight for conceptus and fleece weight, height at withers, and previous body condition score record. Translational Animal Science. 5(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Tozer, PR., Kenyon, PR., Cranston, LM., & Ramilan, T. (2021). Producing higher value wool through a transition from romney to merino crossbred: Constraining sheep feed demand. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ramilan, T., Tozer, P.
Brett, P., Lawrence, K., Kenyon, P., Gedye, K., & Pomroy, W. (2021). A field evaluation of the lucitrap and the western australian trap with three different baits types for monitoring lucilia cuprina and lucilia sericata in new zealand. Insects. 12(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lawrence, K.
Zeleke, MM., Kenyon, PR., Flay, KJ., Aberdein, D., Pain, SJ., Peterson, SW., . . . Ridler, AL. (2021). Effect of palpable udder defects on milk yield, somatic cell count, and milk composition in non-dairy ewes. Animals. 11(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Aberdein, D., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Ridler, A.
Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Schreurs, NM. (2021). Optimization of profit for pasture-based beef cattle and sheep farming using linear programming: Young beef cattle production in New Zealand. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(9)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Bruce, M., Young, JM., Masters, DG., Refshauge, G., Thompson, AN., Kenyon, PR., . . . Jacobson, C. (2021). The impact of lamb and ewe mortality associated with dystocia on Australian and New Zealand sheep farms: A systematic review, meta-analysis and bio-economic model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 196
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Ramos, Z., Blair, HT., De Barbieri, I., Ciappesoni, G., Montossi, F., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Productivity and reproductive performance of mixed-age ewes across 20 years of selection for ultrafine wool in uruguay. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, SW., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Associations among mammary ultrasound measurements, milk yield of non-dairy ewe lambs and the growth of their single lambs. Animals. 11(7)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability, pregnancy stage and rank on the rate of liveweight loss during fasting in ewes. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Schreurs, NM. (2021). Optimization of profit for pasture-based beef cattle and sheep farming using linear programming: Model development and evaluation. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Farrell, LJ., Kenyon, PR., Tozer, PR., & Morris, ST. (2021). Determining the impact of hogget breeding performance on profitability under a fixed feed supply scenario in New Zealand. Animals. 11(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Molenaar, AJ., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2021). Mammary gland structures are not affected by an increased growth rate of yearling ewes post-weaning but are associated with growth rates of singletons. Animals. 11(3), 1-31
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Ramos, Z., Blair, HT., De Barbieri, I., Ciappesoni, G., Montossi, F., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Phenotypic responses to selection for ultrafine wool in uruguayan yearling lambs. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Flay, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Ewe wastage in new zealand commercial flocks: Extent, timing, association with hogget reproductive outcomes and bcs. Animals. 11(3), 1-19
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). The effect of herbage availability and season of year on the rate of liveweight loss during weighing of fasting ewe lambs. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Pettigrew, E., Hickson, R., Morris, S., Kenyon, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Haslin, E., . . . Blair, H. (2021). The effect of age of dam and birth rank on the reproductive performance of ewes as one-and two-year-olds. Animals. 11(3), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2021). Application of machine learning algorithms to predict body condition score from liveweight records of mature romney ewes. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(2), 1-22
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Zhu, M., Nan, Y., Zhai, M., Wang, M., Shao, Y., Blair, HT., . . . Zhang, H. (2021). Comparative profiling of the resistance of different genotypes of mannose-binding lectin to Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in Chinese Merino sheep based on high-throughput sequencing technology. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 233
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2021). Simulating beef cattle herd productivity with varying cow liveweight and fixed feed supply. Agriculture (Switzerland). 11(1), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2021). Effect of dietary protein to energy ratio on growth performance of pre-and post-weaned lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 272
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Corner-Thomas, R., Sewell, AM., Kemp, P., Wood, BA., Gray, DI., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2020). Body condition scoring of sheep: intra- and inter-observer variability. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 80(1), 107-112 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2020). Selection by lambs grazing plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) across seasons. Animals. 10(12), 1-17
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Tozer, PR. (2020). The impact of hogget and mature flock reproductive success on sheep farm productivity. Agriculture (Switzerland). 10(11), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Haslin, E., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., . . . Blair, HT. (2022). Effects of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at mating on fertility, lambing percentage, subsequent live weight and the performance of their progeny. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 65(2-3), 114-128
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Tozer, PR. (2020). Modelling a transition from purebred romney to fully shedding wiltshire–romney crossbred. Animals. 10(11), 1-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Tozer, P.
Flay, KJ., Ridler, AL., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Palpable udder defects are associated with decreased lamb production in commercial ewes. Livestock Science. 242
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Farrell, LJ., Tozer, PR., Kenyon, PR., Ramilan, T., & Cranston, LM. (2020). Producing higher value wool through a transition from Romney to Merino crossbred ii: Cashflow and profit. Small Ruminant Research. 192
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ramilan, T., Tozer, P.
Farrell, LJ., Tozer, PR., Kenyon, PR., Ramilan, T., & Cranston, LM. (2020). Producing higher value wool through a transition from Romney to Merino crossbred i: Flock dynamics, feed demand, and production of lambs and wool. Small Ruminant Research. 192
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ramilan, T., Tozer, P.
Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Pain, SJ. (2020). Pre-exposure of early-weaned lambs to a herb-clover mix does not improve their subsequent growth. Animals. 10(8), 1-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Jacobson, C., Bruce, M., Kenyon, PR., Lockwood, A., Miller, D., Refshauge, G., . . . Masters, DG. (2020). A review of dystocia in sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 192
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Semakula, J., Corner‐thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Predicting ewe body condition score using lifetime liveweight and liveweight change, and previous body condition score record. Animals. 10(7), 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Farrell, LJ., Kenyon, PR., Tozer, PR., Ramilan, T., & Cranston, LM. (2020). Quantifying sheep enterprise profitability with varying flock replacement rates, lambing rates, and breeding strategies in New Zealand. Agricultural Systems. 184
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ramilan, T., Tozer, P.
Lv, X., Chen, L., He, S., Liu, C., Han, B., Liu, Z., . . . Liu, M. (2020). Effect of nutritional restriction on the hair follicles development and skin transcriptome of chinese merino sheep. Animals. 10(6), 1-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Semakula, J., Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The effect of age, stage of the annual production cycle and pregnancy-rank on the relationship between liveweight and body condition score in extensively managed romney ewes. Animals. 10(5)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Ekanayake, LJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2020). Lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mix have the potential to grow at a similar rate to unweaned lambs on a grass-predominant pasture. Animals. 10(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Herath, HMGP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2020). Effect of dietary protein to energy ratio of milk replacer on growth and body composition of pre-weaned lambs reared artificially. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 264
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Addis, AH., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Schreurs, NM. (2020). Prediction of the hind-leg muscles weight of yearling dairy-beef steers using carcass weight, wither height and ultrasound carcass measurements. Animals. 10(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Corner-Thomas, RA. (2020). Behaviour of twin- And triplet-born lambs and their dam 3 to 18 hours after birth is not a useful predictor of lamb survival to weaning. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 33(11), 1848-1857
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Blair, HT., Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2021). Differences in lamb production between ewe lambs and mature ewes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 64(4), 508-521
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Anim-Jnr, S., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2020). A Mechanistic dynamic simulation model of nutrient utilization, growth and body composition in pre-weaned lambs reared artificially. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 261
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
López-Mazz, C., Baldi, F., Quintans, G., Kenyon, PR., Correa, O., Regueiro, M., . . . Banchero, GE. (2020). Effect of early shearing during gestation on the productive and reproductive behavior of female sheep offspring in their first 18 months of age. Animal. 14(4), 807-813
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kok, JC., Schreurs, NM., Cranston, LM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2019). Comparison of meat quality characteristics of lambs weaned at eight or 14 weeks of age grazing perennial ryegrass-white clover or a plantain-clover mix. New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production. 79(Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Journal of Animal Science and Production, 2019, Palmerston North), 159-161 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Schreurs, N.
Ridler, A., Hickson, R., Griffiths, K., Pettigrew, E., & Kenyon, P. (2019). Effects of Streptococcus dysgalactiae polyarthritis on lamb growth and mortality and risk factors for disease. Small Ruminant Research. 177, 25-28
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, PR., Roca Fraga, FJ., Blumer, S., & Thompson, AN. (2019). Triplet lambs and their dams–a review of current knowledge and management systems. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 62(4), 399-437
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Roca Fraga, F.
Farrell, LJ., Tozer, PR., Kenyon, PR., Ramilan, T., & Cranston, LM. (2019). The effect of ewe wastage in New Zealand sheep and beef farms on flock productivity and farm profitability. Agricultural Systems. 174, 125-132
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ramilan, T., Tozer, P.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Investigating associations between lamb survival to weaning and dam udder and teat scores. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 163-171
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Compton, CWR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2019). Associations between lamb growth to weaning and dam udder and teat scores. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 67(4), 172-179
[Journal article]Authored by: Compton, C., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Blair, HT. (2019). The effects of birth rank (single or twin) and dam age on the lifetime productive performance of female dual purpose sheep (Ovis aries) offspring in New Zealand. PLoS ONE. 14(3)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Ekanayake, WEML., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2019). A comparison of liveweight gain of lambs weaned early onto a herb-clover mixed sward and weaned conventionally onto a ryegrass-clover pasture and herb-clover mixed sward. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 32(2), 201-208
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). The influence of three herbage types on the liveweight change of twin-bearing hoggets and their lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(3), 365-378
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2020). Can herb-clover mixes compensate for the lack of milk in the diet of early-weaned lambs?. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 63(2), 233-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Griffiths, K., Ridler, A., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, P. (2018). Associations between liveweight, body condition score and previous reproductve outcomes, and the risk of ewes bred at 18-months of age being dry at docking. New Zealand veterinary journal. 66(6), 290-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). Associations between liveweight, body condition score and previous reproductive outcomes, and the risk of ewes bred at 18-months of age being dry at docking. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 66(6), 290-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Fermin, LM., Pain, SJ., Gedye, KR., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2018). Timing of exogenous progesterone administration is critical for embryo development and uterine gene expression in an ovine model of maternal constraint. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 30(12), 1699-1712
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Fermin, L., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
Cleland, JD., Johnson, E., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Waterland, MR. (2018). Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a tool for forage feed composition prediction. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 241, 102-111
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Waterland, M.
Gronqvist, GV., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2018). The effect of nutrition and body condition of triplet-bearing ewes during late pregnancy on the behaviour of ewes and lambs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 31(12), 1991-2000
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Roca Fraga, FJ., Lagisz, M., Nakagawa, S., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). Meta-analysis of lamb birth weight as influenced by pregnancy nutrition of multiparous ewes. Journal of Animal Science. 96(5), 1962-1977
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Roca Fraga, F.
Danso, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2018). Effects of dietary protein and energy intake on growth, body composition and nutrient utilisation in lambs reared artificially with milk replacers and pellet feeds. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 237, 35-45
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Fermin, LM., Pain, SJ., Morel, PCH., Gedye, KR., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2018). Effect of exogenous progesterone on embryo size and ewe uterine gene expression in an ovine 'dam size' model of maternal constraint. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 30(5), 766-778
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Fermin, L., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S.
De Barbieri, I., Montossi, F., Viñoles, C., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). Time of shearing the ewe not only affects lamb live weight and survival at birth and weaning, but also ewe wool production and quality. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 57-66
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2018). The performance of single-rearing ewes and their lambs offered ryegrass pasture or herb–clover mix during lactation. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 61(1), 67-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Fields, RL., Moot, DJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, P., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Lucerne with a high coumestrol content is not a suitable feed for ewes just before and during the early breeding period. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 79, 55-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Griffiths, K., Ridler, A., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). Longevity and wastage in New Zealand commercial ewe flocks - a significant cost. The Journal the official publication of The New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management Incorporated. 21(3), 29-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Henwood, R., Wood, B., Sewell, A., Gray, D., Blair, H., Cranston, L., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Engaging with individuality in agricultural learning: a sociocultural study of innovation in a farmer-scientist community. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. 13(2), 76-85 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Henwood,, R., Wood, BA., Sewell, A., Gray, D., Blair, H., Cranston, L., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Engaging with individuality in agricultural learning: A sociocultural study of innovation in a farmer-scientist community. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal. 13(2), 76-85 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Corner-Thomas, RA., Perez, HL., Somasiri, SC., Kemp, PD., . . . Morris, ST. (2017). Improved per hectare production in a lamb finishing system using mixtures of red and white clover with plantain and chicory compared to ryegrass and white clover. Small Ruminant Research. 151, 90-97
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sewell, AM., Hartnett, MK., Gray, DI., Blair, HT., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Wood, BA. (2017). Using educational theory and research to refine agricultural extension: affordances and barriers for farmers’ learning and practice change. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. 23(4), 313-333
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2017). Farmer perceptions of the relative usefulness of information providers and technology transfer methods. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(3), 245-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Morris, ST. (2017). The potential interaction between ewe body condition score and nutrition during very late pregnancy and lactation on the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 30(9), 1270-1277
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Pettigrew, EJ., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Berry, J., Donald, AJ., . . . Hickson, RE. (2017). Growth of weaned Friesian bull calves on a herb sward or with concentrate supplementation during late summer and early autumn. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 60(1), 70-79
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Paten, AM., Pain, SJ., Peterson, SW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2017). Effect of dam weight and pregnancy nutrition on average lactation performance of ewe offspring over 5 years. Animal. 11(6), 1027-1035
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Griffiths, KJ. (2017). Investigation of fetal loss in ewe lambs in relation to liveweight changes and progesterone concentrations in early to mid gestation. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 65(1), 34-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). The effect of liveweight and body condition score on the ability of ewe lambs to successfully rear their offspring. SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH. 145, 130-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, RA., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). The effect of liveweight and body condition score on the ability of ewe lambs to successfully rear their offspring. Small Ruminant Research. 145, 130-135
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Danso, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2016). Effect of different feeding regimens on energy and protein utilization and partitioning for maintenance and growth in pre-weaned lambs reared artificially. Journal of Animal Science. 94(12), 5359-5371
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). The effect of ewe nutrition and body condition during late-pregnancy on the behaviour of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs. Small Ruminant Research. 145, 94-102
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Danso, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2016). Relationships between prenatal ewe traits, milk production, and preweaning performance of twin lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 94(8), 3527-3539
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Morel, PCH., Schreurs, NM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Greer, AW., Jenkinson, CMC., Ridler, AL., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2016). Live weight and body composition associated with an increase in body condition score of mature ewes and the relationship to dietary energy requirements. Small Ruminant Research. 143, 8-14
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Ridler, A., Schreurs, N.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2016). Effect of herb-clover mixes of plantain and chicory on yearling lamb production in the early spring period. Animal Production Science. 56(10), 1662-1668
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2016). The influence of age and breed of cow on colostrum indicators of suckled beef calves. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 163-168
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). The use of farm-management tools by New Zealand sheep farmers: Changes with time. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 78-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). Days to calving and intercalving interval in beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 31-33
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2016). Does ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the neonatal behaviour of twin-born lambs?. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. 76, 8-13
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Coleman, LW., Hickson, RE., Schreurs, NM., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Morris, ST. (2016). Carcass characteristics and meat quality of Hereford sired steers born to beef-cross-dairy and Angus breeding cows. Meat Science. 121, 403-408
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Van Welie, LA., Clews, SA., Beausoleil, NJ., Hickson, R., Kongara, K., Kenyon, PR., . . . Morris, ST. (2016). The sucking behaviour and milk intake of one- to three-week-old triplet lambs during natural and competitive suckling situations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 180, 58-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2016). Mixtures of clovers with plantain and chicory improve lamb production performance compared to a ryegrass-white clover sward in the late spring and early summer period. Grass and Forage Science. 71(2), 270-280
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2016). Morphological and Physiological Responses of Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and Chicory (Cichorium intybus) to Water Stress and Defoliation Frequency. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 202(1), 13-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Asmad, K., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Perera, KC., Parkinson, TJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on fetal ovarian development of their offspring in sheep. Livestock Science. 181, 256-262
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Sequeira, M., Pain, SJ., de Brun, V., Meikle, A., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2015). Gestation-related gene expression and protein localization in endometrial tissue of Suffolk and Cheviot ewes at gestation Day 19, after transfer of Suffolk or Cheviot embryos. Theriogenology. 86(6), 1557-1565
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Paten, AM., Duncan, EJ., Pain, SJ., Peterson, SW., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., . . . Dearden, PK. (2015). Functional development of the adult ovine mammary gland-insights from gene expression profiling. BMC Genomics. 16(1)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2015). A review of the use of chicory plantain red clover and white clover in a sward mix for increased sheep and beef production. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. 77, 89-94 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., Raubenheimer, D., & Nakagawa, S. (2015). Little appetite for obesity: Meta-analysis of the effects of maternal obesogenic diets on offspring food intake and body mass in rodents. International Journal of Obesity. 39(12), 1669-1678
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Influence of demographic factors on the use of farm management tools by New Zealand farmers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 412-422
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Greer, AW., Corner-Thomas, RA., Logan, CM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., . . . Blair, HT. (2015). Perceived importance of areas of future research: Results from a survey of sheep farmers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 359-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Kemp, PD., & Morris, ST. (2015). Herb-clover mixes increase lamb live weight gain and carcass weight in the autumn period. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 384-396
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2015). Effect of post-grazing height on the productivity, population and morphology of a herb and legume mix. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(4), 397-411
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2015). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of lambs grazing forage mixes inclusive of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). Small Ruminant Research. 127, 20-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2015). Effects of body condition score and nutrition in lactation on twin-bearing ewe and lamb performance to weaning. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(2), 156-169
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Ridler, AL., Vallee, E., Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Heuer, C. (2015). Factors associated with fetal losses in ewe lambs on a New Zealand sheep farm. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 63(6), 330-334
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A., Vallee, E.
Sulek, K., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., McKenzie, E., Villas-Boas, SG., Blair, HT., . . . Baker, PN. (2015). Use of Metabolomics To Identify and Validate Biomarkers of Lamb Growth Potential.. REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. 22, 359A-359A
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). Ewe lamb live weight and body condition scores affect reproductive rates in commercial flocks. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 58(1), 26-34
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2015). Effects of body condition score and nutrition in lactation on twin-bearing ewe and lamb performance to weaning. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, AL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). Ewe lamb live weight and body condition scores affect reproductive rates in commercial flocks. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Back, PJ., Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . Morris, ST. (2015). Ad libitum pasture feeding in late pregnancy does not improve the performance of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 28(3), 360-368
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Oliver, MH., Jaquiery, AL., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Jenkinson, CM., Blair, HT., . . . Bloomfield, FH. (2015). Maternal insulin sensitivity in midpregnancy does not determine birth weight after embryo transfer between large and small breed sheep. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 50, 50-54
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2014). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of lambs grazing forage mixes inclusive of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Pain, SJ., Corkran, JR., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2015). The influence of season on lambs' feeding preference for plantain, chicory and red clover. Animal Production Science. 55(10), 1241-1249
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, HT., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., Raubenheimer, D., & Nakagawa, S. (2014). Transgenerational effects of caloric restriction on appetite: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 15(4), 294-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Cave, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2015). Ewe lamb diet selection on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and on a herb and legume mix, including plantain, chicory (Cichorium intybus), red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Animal Production Science. 55(4), 515-525
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Sales, FA., Pacheco, D., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Nicholas, G., Senna Salerno, M., . . . McCoard, SA. (2014). Identification of amino acids associated with skeletal muscle growth in late gestation and at weaning in lambs of well-nourished sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 92(11), 5041-5052
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Grazing alternative herbages in lactation increases the liveweight of both ewe lambs and their progeny at weaning. Animal Production Science. 54(10), 1741-1746
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2014). Breed effects and heterosis for productivity traits at first calving of Angus, Holstein Friesian, Jersey and crossbred beef cows. Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1381-1387
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Chan, FY., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Garrick, DJ., & Blair, HT. (2014). Growth, feed intake and maternal performance of Angus heifers from high and low feed efficiency selection lines. Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1428-1431
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Peterson, SW., Pain, SJ., & Blair, HT. (2014). Pregnancy nutrition does not influence lamb liveweight in developmentally programmed ewes. Animal Production Science. 54(9), 1465-1470
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Asmad, K., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Parkinson, TJ., Peterson, SW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., . . . Blair, HT. (2014). Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on lifetime performance of female offspring. Small Ruminant Research. 121(2-3), 325-335
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Wood, BA., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Sewell, AM. (2014). Agricultural science in the wild: A social network analysis of farmer knowledge exchange. PLoS ONE. 9(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Ferguson, DM., Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., & Jacob, RH. (2014). Balancing consumer and societal requirements for sheep meat production: An Australasian perspective. Meat Science. 98(3), 477-483
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Schreurs, N.
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Intensive sheep and beef production from pasture - A New Zealand perspective of concerns, opportunities and challenges. Meat Science. 98(3), 330-335
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., Raubenheimer, D., & Nakagawa, S. (2014). Transgenerational effects of caloric restriction on appetite: A meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 15(4), 294-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
De Barbieri, I., Montossi, F., Viñoles, C., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Effect of shearing ewes during mid- and late-pregnancy on lambs weight at birth and survival to weaning under grazing conditions in Uruguay. Small Ruminant Research. 119(1-3), 28-32
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Paten, AM., Pain, SJ., Peterson, SW., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Dearden, PK., . . . Duncan, EJ. (2014). Identification of reference genes for RT-qPCR in ovine mammary tissue during late pregnancy and lactation and in response to maternal nutritional programming. Physiological Genomics. 46(15), 560-570
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Paganoni, BL., Ferguson, MB., Ferrio, S., Jones, C., Kearney, GA., Kenyon, PR., . . . Thompson, AN. (2014). Early reproductive losses are a major factor contributing to the poor reproductive performance of Merino ewe lambs mated at 8-10 months of age. Animal Production Science. 54(6), 762-772
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Lashley, VD., Roe, WD., Kenyon, PR., & Thompson, KG. (2014). Perinatal lamb mortality: an assessment of gross, histological and immunohistochemical changes in the central nervous system. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 62(3), 160-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Roe, W.
Kenyon, PR., Thompson, AN., & Morris, ST. (2014). Breeding ewe lambs successfully to improve lifetime performance. Small Ruminant Research. 118(1-3), 2-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Maloney, SK., & Blache, D. (2014). Review of sheep body condition score in relation to production characteristics. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 57(1), 38-64
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2014). Foetal programming in sheep - Effects on production. Small Ruminant Research. 118(1-3), 16-30
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). The influences of live weight and body condition score of ewe lambs from breeding to lambing on the live weight of their singleton lambs to weaning. Small Ruminant Research. 119(1-3), 16-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., Raubenheimer, D., & Nakagawa, S. (2014). Transgenerational effects of caloric restriction on appetite: A meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews.
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Sewell, AM., Gray, DI., Blair, HT., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Wood, BA. (2014). Hatching new ideas about herb pastures: Learning together in a community of New Zealand farmers and agricultural scientists. Agricultural Systems. 125, 63-73
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Paten, AM., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, CMC., Pain, SJ., . . . Blair, HT. (2013). Lactation biology symposium: Maternal nutrition during early and mid-to-late pregnancy: Comparative effects on milk production of twin-born ewe progeny during their first lactation. Journal of Animal Science. 91(2), 676-684
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Sales, F., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & McCoard, S. (2013). Muscle free amino acid profiles are related to differences in skeletal muscle growth between single and twin ovine fetuses near term. SpringerPlus. 2(1), 1-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., West, DM., Viñoles, C., . . . Glover, KMM. (2013). Comparison between the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets and mature ewes following a progesterone-based oestrus synchronization protocol. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 56(4), 288-296
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sharma, RK., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., & Blair, HT. (2013). Uterine environment and early embryonic development in sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 115(1-3), 67-70
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Scott, I., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., Smith, G., Adlington, B., & Moss, A. (2013). Lack of efficacy of monepantel against Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Veterinary Parasitology. 198(1-2), 166-171
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Scott, I.
Corner, RA., Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., West, DM., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). A comparison of the reproductive performance of ewe lambs and mature ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 114(1), 126-133
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., West, DM., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). A comparison of the reproductive performance of ewe lambs and mature ewes. Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Takahashi, F., Mochizuki, M., Sato, T., Katayama, K., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Tazaki, H. (2013). Semiquantitative multi-analysis of plasma obtained from Romney lambs (Ovis aries) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and the classification according to feed type. Animal Science Journal. 84(6), 496-501
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Ridler, AL., Stafford, KJ., . . . West, DM. (2013). The effects of body condition score and nutrition of triplet-bearing ewes in late pregnancy. Small Ruminant Research. 113(1), 154-161
[Journal article]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Katayama, K., Sato, T., Arai, T., Amao, H., Ohta, Y., Ozawa, T., . . . Tazaki, H. (2013). Non-targeted analyses of animal plasma: Betaine and choline represent the nutritional and metabolic status. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 97(1), 119-125
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Takahashi, F., Mochizuki, M., Sato, T., Katayama, K., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Tazaki, H. (2013). Semiquantitative multi-analysis of plasma obtained from Romney lambs (Ovis aries) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and the classification according to feed type. Animal Science Journal.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Paten, AM., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, CMC., Pain, SJ., . . . Blair, HT. (2013). LACTATION BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM: Maternal nutrition during early and mid-to-late pregnancy: Comparative effects on milk production of twin-born ewe progeny during their first lactation. Journal of Animal Science. 91(2), 676-684
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Jenkinson, CMC., Earl, AK., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2012). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal growth and maternal constraint in sheep. Animal Production Science. 52(6-7), 524-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2012). Nutritional restriction of triplet-bearing ewes and body condition score has minimal impacts. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(4), 359-370
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & West, DM. (2012). Effect of nutrition from mid-pregnancy to parturition on the live weight of twin-bearing hoggets and the live weight and survival of their lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(4), 385-392
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
De Barbieri, I., Montossi, F., Viñoles, C., & Kenyon, PR. (2012). Impact of wool stubble depth after mid pregnancy shearing on Corriedale ewe and lamb performance. Small Ruminant Research. 107(2-3), 111-116
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Viñoles, C., & Morris, ST. (2012). Effect of teasing by the ram on the onset of puberty in Romney ewe lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(3), 283-291
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Martn, NP., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Pain, SJ., Jenkinson, CMC., Hutton, PG., . . . Blair, HT. (2012). Ewe nutrition in early and mid-to late pregnancy has few effects on fetal development. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 533-539
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morel, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2012). Meta-analysis to establish the response of having heavier mature ewes during gestation on the birthweight of the lamb and the weaning weight of the ewe and lamb. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 540-545
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Harding, JE., Oliver, MH., Jaquiery, AL., . . . Burt, KG. (2012). The effect of liveweight and liveweight gain of ewes immediately post-weaning on the liveweight and survival of subsequent lambs. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 491-496
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Cave, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2012). Effect of timing of exposure to vasectomised rams and ewe lamb body condition score on the breeding performance of ewe lambs. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 471-477
[Journal article]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Hutton, PG., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2012). Effect of twin-bearing ewe body condition score and late pregnancy nutrition on lamb performance. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 483-490
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2012). Single female offspring born to primiparous ewe-lambs are lighter than those born to adult multiparous ewes but their reproduction and milk production are unaffected. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 552-556
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Hickson, RE., Laven, RL., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2012). Postpartum anoestrous interval in first-lactation beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 478-482
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Pain, SJ., Van Der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2012). Does dam pre-breeding nutrition and/or birth rank affect the glucose and fat metabolism of 18-month-old female offspring?. Animal Production Science. 52(7), 546-551
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Sharma, RK., Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Cockrem, J., & Parkinson, T. (2012). Uterine environment as a regulator of birth weight and body demensions of newborn lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 90(4), 1338-1348 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Sharma, RK., Blair, HT., Jenkinson, CMC., Kenyon, PR., Cockrem, JF., & Parkinson, TJ. (2012). Uterine environment as a regulator of birth weight and body dimensions of newborn lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 90(4), 1338-1348
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., MacKenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). The effect of ewe size and nutritional regimen beginning in early pregnancy on development of singleton foetuses in late pregnancy. Livestock Science. 142(1-3), 92-98
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Blair, HT., van der Linden, DS., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., MacKenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2011). Do ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy affect foetus and foetal organ weight in twins?. Livestock Science. 142(1-3), 99-107
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Van Der Linden, DS., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2011). The effect of breeding hoggets on lifetime performance. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 54(4), 321-330
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Golding, KP., Wilson, ED., Kemp, PD., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Hutton, PG. (2011). Mixed herb and legume pasture improves the growth of lambs post-weaning. Animal Production Science. 51(8), 717-723
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Hickson, RE., Anderson, WJ., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2012). A survey detailing the calving performance of primiparous 2-year-old beef heifers and outcomes of assisted calving. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 60(1), 35-41
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . Firth, EC. (2011). Effects of dam size and nutritional plane during pregnancy on lamb performance to weaning. Small Ruminant Research. 97(1-3), 21-27
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & West, DM. (2011). Effect of ewe body condition and nutrition in late pregnancy on the performance of triplet-bearing ewes and their progeny. Animal Production Science. 51(6), 557-564
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hutton, PG., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2011). Does early pregnancy nutrition affect the performance of triplet-bearing ewes and their progeny to weaning?. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 54(2), 115-123
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hutton, PG., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). Effects of twin-bearing ewe nutritional treatments on ewe and lamb performance to weaning. Animal Production Science. 51(5), 406-415
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Hutton, PG., Kenyon, PR., Bedi, MK., Kemp, PD., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., . . . Morris, ST. (2011). A herb and legume sward mix increased ewe milk production and ewe and lamb live weight gain to weaning compared to a ryegrass dominant sward. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 164(1-2), 1-7
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Van Der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2011). Carry-over effects of ewe nutrition and birth rank during the previous pregnancy on the milking performance during the subsequent lactation of Romney ewes. Animal Production Science. 51(2), 102-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 39(SUPPL. 1), 169-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Response of additional ewe lamb liveweight during gestation on birth and weaning weight of offspring and liveweight of the ewe lamb at weaning. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 528-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Van Reenen, EH., Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Hickson, RE., & Morris, ST. (2010). Shearing Merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy: Effects on fleece characteristics of progeny. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 603-607
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kerslakea, JI., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Does offering concentrate supplement during late pregnancy affect twin- and tripletbearing ewe and lamb performance?. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(4), 315-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., West, DM., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Effect of liveweight at the start of the breeding period and liveweight gain during the breeding period and pregnancy on reproductive performance of hoggets and the liveweight of their lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(4), 355-364
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2010). The effect of different types of stressors during mid- and late pregnancy on lamb weight and body size at birth. Animal. 4(12), 2065-2070
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Van Der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . MacKenzie, DDS. (2010). Effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on glucose metabolism, fat metabolism and adrenal function of postpubertal female twin offspring. Animal Production Science. 50(9), 869-879
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Van Der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2010). Effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on performance of 2-year-old female offspring. Journal of Agricultural Science. 148(4), 465-475
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & West, DM. (2010). Effect of nutrition pre-breeding and during pregnancy on breeding performance of ewe lambs. Animal Production Science. 50(10), 953-960
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Park, E., Parkinson, TJ., Cockrem, JF., Kenyon, PR., Han, K., & Blair, HT. (2010). Reproductive and metabolic endocrinology of Romney rams selected for high or low circulating IGF-I concentrations. Small Ruminant Research. 93(2-3), 186-192
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Can a herb and white clover mix improve the performance of multiple-bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning?. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 513-521
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, S. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 39, 169-174
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
van Reenen, EH., Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Hickson, RE., & Morris, ST. (2010). Shearing Merino ewes at different stages of pregnancy: effects on fleece characteristics of progeny. ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE. 50(5-6), 603-607
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Response of additional ewe lamb liveweight during gestation on birth and weaning weight of offspring and liveweight of the ewe lamb at weaning. ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE. 50(5-6), 528-532
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Kenyon, PR., Wall, AJ., Burnham, DL., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Effect of offering concentrate supplement in late pregnancy, under conditions of unrestricted herbage, on the performance of multiple-bearing ewes and their lambs to weaning. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 485-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Mulvaney, FJ., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2010). Effect of birthweight and birth rank on the survival of single and twin lambs born to ewe lambs. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 460-464
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Morris, ST., Garrick, DJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Burke, JL., & Blair, HT. (2010). Growth, feed intake and maternal performance of Angus heifers selected for high or low growth and milk production. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 349-353
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Burke, J., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2010). Proportion of rams and the condition of ewe lambs at joining influences their breeding performance. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 454-459
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2010). Effects of dam parity and rearing rank on the glucose and fat metabolism, and adrenal function of post-pubertal single and twin-ewe progeny. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 473-478
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Ridler, BJ., & Morris, ST. (2010). Profitability of calving heifers at 2 compared with 3 years of age and the effect of incidence of assistance at parturition on profitability. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 354-358
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Does the physiological status of lambs within a twin- and triplet-born litter differ during the first 12 hours of life?. Animal Production Science. 50(6), 522-527
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2010). Can maternal iodine supplementation improve twin-and triplet-born lamb plasma thyroid hormone concentrations and thermoregulation capabilities in the first 24-36 h of life?. Journal of Agricultural Science. 148(4), 453-463
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
van der Linden, DS., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., Thorstensen, E., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2010). Comparison of four techniques to estimate milk production in singleton-rearing non-dairy ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 90(1-3), 18-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Blair, HT., Jenkinson, CM., Peterson, SW., Kenyon, PR., van der Linden, DS., Davenport, LC., . . . Firth, EC. (2010). Dam and granddam feeding during pregnancy in sheep affects milk supply in offspring and reproductive performance in grand-offspring.. Journal of animal science. 88(13 Suppl)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Morris, ST., & Oliver, MH. (2010). The effects of pasture availability for twin- and triplet-bearing ewes in mid and late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour 12 to 24 h after birth. Animal. 4(1), 108-115
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Van Der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . Mackenzie, DDS. (2010). Relationships between early postnatal growth and metabolic function of 16-month-old female offspring born to ewes exposed to different environments during pregnancy. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 1(1), 50-59
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., . . . Mackenzie, DDS. (2009). Effects of ewe size and nutrition on fetal mammary gland development and lactational performance of offspring at their first lactation. Journal of Animal Science. 87(12), 3944-3954
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Maternal plasma oestrone sulphate concentration prior to parturition in relation to birth weight of the calf in primiparous, 2-year-old, Angus heifers. Animal Reproduction Science. 114(1-3), 301-305
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Smith, SL., & Burnham, DL. (2009). Estimating the cost of subclinical parasitism in grazing ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 86(1-3), 84-86
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2009). Late-pregnancy nutrition differentially affects the birthweight of lambs born to ewes from divergently selected plasma IGF-1 lines. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(1), 9-16
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., Mackenzie, DDS., Peterson, SW., . . . Johnston, PL. (2009). The effect of ewe size and nutritional regimen beginning in early pregnancy on ewe and lamb performance to weaning. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(2), 203-212
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Smith, SL., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2009). The effect of the maturity and prior breeding activity of rams and body condition score of ewe hoggets on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 57(5), 290-294
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2009). The effect of offering concentrate supplement to twin- and triplet-bearing ewes grazing a 60 mm herbage sward height on lamb birth weight, heat production and post-natal growth. Journal of Agricultural Science. 147(5), 613-624
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2009). Effect of liveweight gain of pregnant 15-month-old Angus heifers on the milk intake of their first calves and the liveweight of their first and second calves. Animal Production Science. 49(2), 112-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., Morel, PCH., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2009). Reproductive performance of progesterone synchronised IGF-1 selection line ewes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(3), 307-314
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Jenkinson, CMC., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2009). Birth weight effect in twin-born lambs from mid-pregnancy shearing is associated with changes in maternal IGF-I concentration. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(3), 261-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Weston, JF., Howe, L., Collett, MG., Pattison, RS., Williamson, NB., West, DM., . . . Kenyon, PR. (2009). Dose-titration challenge of young pregnant sheep with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Veterinary Parasitology. 164(2-4), 183-191
[Journal article]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Weston, J.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Effects of liveweight gain of 15-month-old Angus heifers during the first trimester of pregnancy on liveweight and milk intake of their calves. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(1), 39-46
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2009). Size of foetuses and placentae from primiparous, 15-month-old, Angus heifers fed for moderate or low liveweight gain for 21 days prior to insemination and for the first trimester of pregnancy. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(1), 31-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2009). Plasma progesterone concentrations during early pregnancy in spring- and autumn-bred ewes. Animal Reproduction Science. 111(2-4), 279-288
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
de Nicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Out-of-season breeding of Romney sheep using artificially induced long days. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(6-7), 961-965 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
DeNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Out-of-season breeding of Romney sheep using artificially induced long days. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 961-965
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Golding, KP., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, S. (2008). High weaned lamb live weight gains on herbs. Agronomy New Zealand: Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference. , 33-39
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). Can romney ram lambs whose scrotums had been shortened by the use of a rubber ring be used as an alternative to vasectomised perendale rams for inducing early breeding activity in romney ewe lambs?. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 56(6), 326-329
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Anderson, WJ., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2008). A survey of beef cattle farmers in New Zealand, examining management practices of primiparous breeding heifers. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 56(4), 176-183
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Melatonin-improved reproductive performance in sheep bred out of season. Animal Reproduction Science. 109(1-4), 124-133
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., & Morel, PCH. (2008). Ewe reproduction and lambing performance in a five period mating system. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(4), 397-407
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PCH. (2008). A comparison of two lamb production systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(3), 365-375
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). Ewe lamb nutrition during pregnancy affects pregnancy outcome. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(8), 1085-1089
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Morel, PCH. (2008). Effect of concentrate supplement and sward height on twin-bearing ewe body condition and the performance of their offspring. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 988-994
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2008). Effect of birthweight on survival in triplet-born lambs. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 984-987
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., & Stafford, KJ. (2008). Does dam parity affect the performance of ewe progeny born to 2-year-old ewes?. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 979-983
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Tanaka, Y., Mori, A., Tazaki, H., Imai, S., Shiina, J., Kusaba, A., . . . Arai, T. (2008). Plasma metabolite concentrations and hepatic enzyme activities in pregnant Romney ewes with restricted feeding. Research in Veterinary Science. 85(1), 17-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Firth, EC., Rogers, CW., Vickers, M., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., . . . Morris, ST. (2008). The bone-muscle ratio of fetal lambs is affected more by maternal nutrition during pregnancy than by maternal size. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 294(6)
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Rogers, C.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2008). Effect of nutrition during pregnancy on hogget pregnancy outcome and birthweight and liveweight of lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(2), 77-83
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, ST., . . . Oliver, MH. (2008). Effect of nutrition from mid to late pregnancy on the performance of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their lambs. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(5), 666-671
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2008). Effects of liveweight gain during pregnancy of 15-month-old angus heifers on dystocia and birth weight, body dimensions, estimated milk intake and weaning weight of the calves. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(2), 171-180
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2008). Duration of parturition and frequency of abdominal contractions in primiparous, 2-year-old Angus heifers and the relevance of body dimensions of calves to dystocia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 48(7), 935-939
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2007). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing and litter size on lamb birth weight and postnatal plasma cortisol response. Small Ruminant Research. 73(1-3), 115-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Proctor, L., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). The effect of breeding ewe lambs on subsequent two-year-old ewe performance. Livestock Science. 115(2-3), 206-210
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2008). A note on the effect of vasectomised rams and short-term exposures to entire rams prior to the breeding period on the reproductive performance of ewe lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 110(3-4), 397-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Mori, A., Kenyon, PR., Mori, N., Yamamoto, I., Tanaka, Y., Suzuki, N., . . . Arai, T. (2008). Changes in metabolite, energy metabolism related enzyme activities and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) populations in beef heifers with two differing liveweight change profiles in New Zealand. Veterinary Research Communications. 32(2), 159-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Howe, L., West, DM., Collett, MG., Tattersfield, G., Pattison, RS., Pomroy, WE., . . . Williamson, NB. (2008). The role of Neospora caninum in three cases of unexplained ewe abortions in the southern North Island of New Zealand. Small Ruminant Research. 75(2-3), 115-122
[Journal article]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Parkinson, TJ. (2008). Induced seasonal reproductive performance in two breeds of sheep. Animal Reproduction Science. 103(3-4), 278-289
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Erratum: Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences (New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2006) 54, (256-264)). New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(1), 48
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Re: Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences (vol 54, pg 256, 2006). NEW ZEALAND VETERINARY JOURNAL. 55(1), 48-48
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2007). The effect of mid-pregnancy stressors on twin-lamb live weight and body dimensions at birth. Livestock Science. 107(2-3), 126-131
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Jenkinson, CMC., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). The body composition and metabolic status of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes and their fetuses in late pregnancy. Livestock Science. 107(2-3), 103-112
[Journal article]Authored by: Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2007). Effect of the ratio of teaser rams used prior to breeding on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(6), 342-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2007). The influence of maternal igf-1 genotype on birthweight and growth rate of lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 50(3), 291-297
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Mori, A., Urabe, S., Asada, M., Tanaka, Y., Tazaki, H., Yamamoto, I., . . . Arai, T. (2007). Comparison of plasma metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in beef cattle raised by different feeding systems in Korea, Japan and New Zealand. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A: Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine. 54(7), 342-345
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Stafford, KJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). The physical state and metabolic status of lambs of different birth rank soon after birth. Livestock Science. 111(1-2), 10-15
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2007). Effect of the age of rams on reproductive performance of ewe hoggets. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 55(4), 184-187
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Stafford, KJ., Chambers, JP., Sylvester, SP., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lizarraga, I., . . . De Nicolo, G. (2006). Stress caused by laparoscopy in sheep and its alleviation. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(3), 109-113
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, JK., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing or yarding stress on ewe post-natal behaviour and the birth weight and post-natal behaviour of their lambs. Livestock Science. 102(1-2), 121-129
[Journal article]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2006). Dystocia in beef heifers: A review of genetic and nutritional influences. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(6), 256-264
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2006). The effect of mid- and late-pregnancy shearing of hoggets on lamb birthweight, weaning weight, survival rate, and wool follicle and fibre characteristics. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 57(8), 877-882
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2006). The effect of length of use of teaser rams prior to mating and individual liveweight on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(2), 91-95
[Journal article]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2006). Effect of liveweight and teasing of ewe hoggets prior to breeding on lambing pattern and weight of singleton lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(3), 341-347
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PCH. (2006). Effect of weaning pre- or post-mating on performance of spring-mated ewes and their lambs in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(3), 255-260
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Revell, DK., & Morris, ST. (2006). Mid-pregnancy shearing can increase birthweight and survival to weaning of multiple-born lambs under commercial conditions. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 46(6-7), 821-825
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Morel, PCH., & Kenyon, PR. (2006). The effect of individual liveweight and condition of beef cows on their reproductive performance and birth and weaning weights of calves. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 54(2), 96-100
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PCH., Wildbore, B., Brookes, IM., Kenyon, PR., Purchas, RW., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). A model to evaluate buying and selling policies for growing lambs on pasture. , 195
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Morel, PCH., Wildbore, B., Brookes, IM., Kenyon, PR., Purchas, RW., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). Sensitivity analysis of a growth simulation for finishing lambs. , 196
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Hill, FI., Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., . . . Pattison, RS. (2005). A possible role for Neospora caninum in ovine abortion in New Zealand. Small Ruminant Research.
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2005). Effect of hogget nutrition in pregnancy on lamb birthweight and survival to weaning. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(2), 165-175
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Everett-Hincks, JM., Blair, HT., Stafford, KJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2005). The effect of pasture allowance fed to twin- and triplet-bearing ewes in late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour and performance to weaning. Livestock Production Science. 97(2-3), 253-266
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of progesterone supplementation post mating and shearing of ewes in early pregnancy on the reproductive performance of ewes and birthweight of lambs. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 321-325
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Parkinson, TJ., & Morris, ST. (2005). The effect of maternal shearing and thyroid hormone treatments in mid pregnancy on the birth weight, follicle, and wool characteristics of lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(3), 293-300
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of individual liveweight and use of teaser rams prior to mating on the reproductive performance of ewe hoggets. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 340-343
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2005). Does sward height grazed by ewes in mid- to late-pregnancy affect indices of colostrum intake by twin and triplet lambs?. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 53(5), 336-339
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Morris, ST. (2004). The effect of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating, and shearing mid-pregnancy, on birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs to weaning. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(3), 145-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2004). Effect of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating, and shearing mid-pregnancy, on birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs to weaning. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(3), 145-149
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Pinchbeck, GL., Perkins, NR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2004). Identifying factors which maximise the lambing performance of hoggets: A cross sectional study. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(6), 371-377
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2004). The effect of litter size and sward height on ewe and lamb performance. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 47(3), 275-286
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & Morris, ST. (2004). The effect of individual liveweight and condition scores of ewes at mating on reproductive and scanning performance. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 52(5), 230-235
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2003). Shearing during pregnancy — review of a policy to increase birthweight and survival of lambs in new zealand pastoral farming systems. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 51(5), 200-207
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Nutrition during mid to late pregnancy does not affect the birthweight response to mid pregnancy shearing. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(1), 13-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Maternal constraint and the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5), 511-517
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Revell, DK., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Maternal constraint and the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5), 511-517
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., & Wickham, GA. (1999). A New Technique for Measuring Loose-wool Feltability. Journal of the Textile Institute. 90(2), 266-268
[Journal article]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Wickham, GA., & Blair, HT. (1999). Natural variation in felting and yarn shrinkage in wool from Romney and Romney-cross sheep. Journal of the Textile Institute. 90(1 PART III), 395-403
[Journal article]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.


Schreurs, NM., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). Animal and on-farm factors affecting sheep and lamb meat quality. In J. Greyling (Ed.) Achieving sustainable production of sheep. (pp. 29 - 52). Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Schreurs, N.
Schreurs, NM., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). Factors affecting sheep carcass characteristics. In J. Greyling (Ed.) Achieving sustainable production of sheep. (pp. 3 - 28). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Schreurs, N.
Kenyon, PR., & Cranston, LM. (2017). Nutritional management. In Advances in Sheep Welfare. (pp. 153 - 175).
[Chapter]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P.
Ridler, AL., Greer, AW., Kenyon, PR., & Cranston, LM. (2017). Sheep production. In K. Stafford (Ed.) Livestock production in New Zealand. (pp. 84 - 123). : Massey University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, PR. (Ed.) (2012). Hogget performance: Unlocking the potential. New Zealand: Beef and Lamb New Zealand
[Edited Book]Authored by: Kenyon, P.Edited by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., & Webby, RW. (2007). Pastures and supplements in sheep production systems. In PV. Rattray, IM. Brookes, & AM. Nicol (Eds.) Pasture and Supplements for Grazing Animals. (pp. 255 - 273). Hamilton, NZ: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Chapter]Authored by: Kenyon, P.

Creative Work

Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., Kemp, PD., & Morris, ST. (2014). Alternative method to measure herbage dry matter mass in plantain and chicory mixed swards grazed by lambs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production: New Zealand Society of Animal Production (Inc.)
[Design]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.Contributed to by: Kenyon, P.


Pike, SJ. (2019). Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Dairy-Origin Steers Slaughtered at Eight, Ten and Twelve Months of Age. (Master's Thesis, Massey University)
[Masters Thesis]Edited by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Cranston, L. (2014). Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata); physiological and morphological responses to water stress, defoliation, and grazing preference with implications for the management of the Herb and Legume Mix. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University) Cranston, L. (2014). Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata); physiological and morphological responses to water stress, defoliation, and grazing preference with implications for the management of the Herb and Legume Mix. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Cranston, L.Edited by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE. (2009). Assistance at parturition of primiparous, two-year-old, angus heifers and the effect of liveweight gain of heifers in early pregnancy on birth weight of the calf. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Edited by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Corner, RA. (2007). Exposure of ewes to stressors in mid- and late- pregnancy: Postnatal effects on the ewe and lamb. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R.Edited by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2002). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing on lamb birthweight and survival to weaning. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Kenyon, P.


Wood, BA., Sewell, A., Henwood,, R., Gray, D., Hartnett, M., Corner-Thomas, R., . . . Morris, S. (2017). Enabling farmer learning: Educational principles for innovation in agricultural extension. Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, S., Pain, S., McCoard, S., Oliver, M., Baker, P., Kenyon, P., . . . Blair, H.Sildenafil citrate therapy to improve fetal triplet lamb growth – a pilot study.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.


Wangui, J., Kenyon, P., Tozer, P., Millner, J., Pain, S., & Millner, J. (2022). Bioeconomic Modelling to Assess the Impacts of Using Native Shrubs on the Marginal Portions of the Sheep and Beef Hill Country Farms in New Zealand. Poster session presented at the meeting of 34th Annual FLRC Workshop. Palmerston North
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Millner, J., Pain, S., Tozer, P.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Kemp, PD. (2021). The effect of defoliation frequency and height on plantain and chicory-based swards. Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 51 (pp. 1 - 12).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Cranston, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2021). Early weaning of twin-reared lambs at eight weeks of age onto lucerne. 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. : 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, R., Pomroy, W., Kenyon, P., & Stafford, K. (2020). Insecticide use on sheep as reported by farmers in a postal survey on flystrike and lice in 2016. In Conference Programme and Abstracts(pp. 17 - 17). , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.48
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Brett, PTJ., Lawrence, K., Kenyon, PR., & Pomroy, WE. (2019). The seasonal pattern of the primary strike flies of sheep (Lucilia cuprina, Lucila seriacata and Calliphora stygia) in New Zealand together with a preliminary study of baits to be used fly traps. , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.47
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lawrence, K.
Cranston, L., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2018). Effect of early weaning using lucerne on ewe and lamb live weight gain. 32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. : 32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
McCoard, SA., Adiletta, AM., Jenkinson, CM., Peterson, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, HT. (2018). Impact of maternal plane of nutrition, ewe weight and twinning on fetal mammary gland development in sheep. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 183 - 185). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Wong, HX., Schreurs, NM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Cranston, L., Morris, ST., . . . Kenyon, P. (2018). Effects of early weaning onto herb-clover mixes on lamb carcass characteristics. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 189 - 193). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Cranston, L., Schreurs, N., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2018). Effects of lamb live weight , sex and forage type (grass or plantain-clover mix) on lamb growth during summer. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 78 (pp. 199 - 203). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, R., Blair, H., Griffiths, K., Ridler, A., Morris, S., . . . Kenyon, P. (2018). Differences in birth weights and neonatal survival rates of lambs born to ewe hoggets or mature ewes. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 78 (pp. 16 - 20). : 78th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Roca Fraga, FJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Hickson, RE. (2018). Intake of milk and pasture and growth rate of calves reared by cows with high or low potential for milk production. Animal Production Science. Vol. 58 (pp. 523 - 529).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Martin, N., Morris, S., Roca Fraga, F.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Pomroy, W., Kenyon, PR., & Stafford, K. (2017). A report on a "survey of aspects of sheep management: flystrike and lice". (pp. 22 - 22). , New Zealand society for parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Gronqvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). The effect of mid-pregnancy nutrition and body condition score on the behaviour of triplet-bearing ewes and their lambs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 143 - 148).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Panns, JM., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2017). The effect of grazing ewe lambs on lucerne(medicago sativa) prior to breeding on aspects of reproductive performance. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 55 - 60). : New zealand society of animall production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Ekanayake, WEMLJ., Corner-Thomas, RA., Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2017). The effect of live weight at weaning on liveweight gain of ealy weaned lambs onto a herb-clover mixed sward. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 37 - 42). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Tait, IM., Kenyon, PR., Garrick, DJ., Pleasants, AB., & Hickson, RE. (2017). Effect of cow body condition score on inter-calving interval, pregnancy diagnosis, weaning rate and calf weaning weight in beef cattle. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 77 (pp. 23 - 28). : New Zealand society of animal production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., & Stafford, KJ. (2017). A report on a "survey of aspects of sheep management: flystrike, lice, tailing and castration". 2017 Conference Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians and Deer Branch of the NZVA. (pp. 35 - 37). Wellington, New Zealand: Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians and Deer Branch of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, A., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, P. (2017). Investigating longevity and wastage in New Zealand commercial ewe flocks. , International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Griffiths, KJ., Ridler, AL., Heuer, C., Corner-Thomas, R., & Kenyon, PR. (2017, May). Investigating longevity and wastage in New Zealand commercial ewe flocks. Presented at International Sheep Veterinary Congress 2017
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, PR. (2016, July). Reproductive performance of singleton and twin female offspring born to ewe-lamb dams and mature adult dams. Presented at The New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Adelaide, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Danso, A., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., & Morel, PCH. (2016). Predicting intake from faecal chemical composition in pre-weaned lambs consuming milk and pellets. , EAAP Annual Meeting 2016
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Fermin, L., Pain, SJ., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). Progesterone regulation of endometrial genes and their function in pre-implantation conceptus growth and development in an ovine model of maternal constraint. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Animal Reproduction. Tours, France
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Pettigrew, EJ., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Lee, RL., Bagley, D., Pickering, NK., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). Can farmers select good rams based on phenotype?. In Australian Society of Animal Production, Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sullivan, KL., Stowell, KM., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2016). Does dam age effect gene expression in fetal and young sheep?. , Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Peterson, SW., Pain, SJ., McCoard, SA., Oliver, M., Baker, PB., Kenyon, PR., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). Does Viagra protect fetal lambs against maternal pregnancy toxaemia?. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 172 - 174). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., & Blair, HT. (2016). Reproductive performance of singleton and twin female offspring born to ewe-lamb dams and mature adult dams. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 151 - 154).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
McCoard, SA., Ginter, D., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). Invited review: Innovations and the future: where do new feeding developments fit within future hill country practices for sheep production?. Hill country symposium. (pp. 317 - 322). : Hill country symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.Contributed to by: Kenyon, P.
Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., & Kenyon, PR. (2016, July). Days to calving and intercalving interval in beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. Presented at The New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Adelaide, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., & Kenyon, PR.Days to calving and intercalving interval in beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. . Adelaide, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Hickson, RE., Martin, N., & Kenyon, PR. (2016). Days to calving and intercalving in beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 31 - 33). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference 2016
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2016). The influence of age and breed of cow on colostrum indicators of suckled beef calves. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 163 - 168). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production (inc)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., Greer, AW., . . . Blair, HT. (2016). The use of farm-management tools by New Zealand sheep farmers: Changes with time. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 78 - 800). New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Cranston, LM., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2016). Growth of early weaned lambs on a plantain-clover mix compared with lambs suckling their dam on a plantain-clover mix or a grass based sward. Proceeding of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 76 (pp. 65 - 68).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Sewell, AM., Hartnett, M., Wood, B., Kemp, P., Blair, H., . . . Morris, ST. (2016, April). Improved extension practices for sheep and beef farmers. Presented at Hill Country Symposium. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Walsh, VP. (2015). Update on anaesthesia in foals. Abstracts to the 2015 NZVA Equine Conference. (pp. 36 - 37). : Annual seminar of the Equine Branch of the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA)
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Walsh, V.
Gray, DI., Sewell, AM., Hartnett, M., Wood, BA., Kemp, PD., Blair, HT., . . . Morris, ST. (2016). Improved extension practices for sheep and beef farmers. Grassland Research and practice Series no. 16. (pp. 61 - 66). : Hill Country Symposium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.Contributed to by: Morris, S.
Cranston, LM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2015, November). A review of the use of chicory, plantain, red clover and white clover in a sward mix for increased sheep and beef production. Presented at New Zealand Grasslands. Masterton.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Somasiri, S., Kenyon, P., Kemp, P., Morel, P., & Morris, ST. (2015). New herbage accumulation rate (NHAR) of plantain and chicory based sward mixes. , 23rd International Grassland Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Somasiri, S., Kenyon, P., Kemp, P., Morel, P., & Morris, ST. (2015). Seasonal influence on botanical composition of plantain, chicory, white-and red- clover based herbage mixes.. , 23rd International grassland congress: Range management society of india
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Coleman, LW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2015). Brief communication: Composition of milk sampled from beef-cross-dairy cows unaccustomed to milking. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 257 - 259). New Zealand: 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Coleman, LW., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2015). Brief Communication: Composition of milk sampled from beef-cross-dairy cows unaccustomed to milking. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 260 - 262). Dunedin, New Zealand: 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2015). The influence of hogget liveweight change during their first lactation on pregnancy rates at the subsequent breeding period. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 247 - 250). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Tait, IM., Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2015). Relationships among skin thickness fat depth and eye muscle depth in sire and their progeny and the breeding value for survival of their progeny. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 243 - 246). : 75th New Zealand society of animal production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Pain, SJ., Loureiro, MFP., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2015). The effect of dam age on ewe offspring productive performance and efficiency. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 239 - 242). : 75th New Zealand society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Firth, EC., Rogers, CW., & Blair, HT. (2015). Effect of dam age on the growth and body compostition of singleton ram offspring to 11 months of age. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 231 - 234). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Rogers, C.
Grongvist, GV., Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., & Morris, ST. (2015). The effect of ewe nutrition and body condition score during very late pregnancy and the perinatal period on the behaviour of twin-bearing ewes and their lambs. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 219 - 222). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Gronqvist, G., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Little, CL., Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., Beausoleil, NJ., Cockrem, JF., Kenyon, PR., . . . Morris, ST. (2015). Beef cattle wintering systems: Effects on cattle and pasture. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 167 - 171). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Beausoleil, N., Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Martin, NP., Draganova, I., Horne, D., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2015). Brief communication waling distance and energy expenditure of beef cows grazing on hill country in winter. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 164 - 166). Dunedin, New Zealand: 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Draganova, I., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Corner-Thomas, RA., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2015). Stayability of beef-cross-dairy breeding cows to six years of age. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 75 (pp. 159 - 163). : 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Collier, KJD., Hickson, RE., Schreurs, NM., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2015). Growth rate and carcass characteristics of simmental - and angus-sired steers born to angus and angus-cross-dairy cows. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2015. Vol. 75 (pp. 15 - 19). Dunedin, New Zealand: 75th New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Schreurs, NM., Hickson, RE., Coleman, LW., Kenyon, PR., Martin, NP., & Morris, ST. (2014, June). Brief communication: Quality of meat from steers born to beef-cross-dairy cows and sired by hereford. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Pain, SJ., Asmad, K., Fermin, LM., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2014, June). Brief communication: Are fetal programming effects, due to maternal early pregnancy nutrition, evident in adult male offspring in sheep?. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Fermin, LM., Pain, SJ., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2014, June). Brief communication: Comparison of early embryo development in cheviot and Suffolk breeds of sheep. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Burnham, DL., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hickson, RE., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2014, June). Brief Communication: Inter-generational effects on male offspring born to ewes whose dams were offered varying feeding levels in pregnancy. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Peterson, SW., Garnett, E., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2014). Intergenerational developmental programming effects on lamb growth. , 2nd JRC workshop on sheep breeding and developmental biology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Loureiro, MFP., Pain, SJ., & Blair, HT. (2014). Are there long term impacts from being born to a ewe-lamb.. , 2nd JRC Workshop on sheep breeding and developmental biology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Danso, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2014). Effect of early life diet on lamb growth and organ development. , 2nd JRC Workshop on Sheep Breeding and Developmental Biology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Fermin, LM., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Oliver, MH., Bloomfield, FH., & Blair, HT. (2014). Understanding embryo growth in sheep. , 2nd JRC Workshop on Sheep Breeding and Developmental Biology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Pain, SJ., Sequeira, M., Sartore, A., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2014). Uterine expression of progesterone receptor in Suffolk and cheviot ewes at day 19 of pregnancy, following embryo transfer. , 2nd JRC workshop on sheep breeding and developmental biology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Ridler, AL., Hickson, RE., & Blair, HT. (2014, June). Brief Communication: Ewe ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis and its use by New Zealand farmers. Presented at New Zealand society of Animal Production. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Schreurs, NM., Hickson, RE., Coleman, LW., Kenyon, PR., Martin, NP., & Morris, ST. (2014). Brief Communication: Quality of meat from steers born to beef-cross-dairy cows and sired by Hereford bulls. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 229 - 232). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Peterson, SW., Pain, S., Jenkinson, CMC., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2014). Brief communication: developmental programming in sheep due to early pregnancy nutrition alters milk yields of adult female offspring but not of grand-offspring. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 212 - 214). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Pain, SJ., Asmad, K., Fermin, LM., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2014). Brief communication: Are fetal programming effects, due to maternal early pregnancy nutrition, evident in adult male offspring in sheep?. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 209 - 211). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Danso, AS., Morel, PCH., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2014). Brief communication: Effect of early life diet on lamb growth and organ development. In S. Peterson (Ed.)Vol. 74 (pp. 205 - 208). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Fermin, LM., Pain, SJ., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Brief communication: Comparison of early embryo development in cheviot and Suffolk breeds of sheep. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 202 - 204). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Burnham, DL., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hickson, RE., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2014). Brief Communication: Inter-generational effects on male offspring born to ewes whose dams were offered varying feeding levels in pregnancy. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 199 - 204). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Burnham, DL., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hickson, RE., & Blair, HT. (2014). Brief communication: Grand-dam age has no effect on ram lamb live weight and carcass characteristics. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 196 - 198). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Wood, BA., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Hartnett, M., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Sewell, AM. (2014). From extension to distributed learning: The embedding of agricultural scientists in farmer - knowledge networks. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceeding of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 173 - 178). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sewell, A., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Hartnett, M., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Wood, BA. (2014). The farmer-learning project: Improving the design of agricultural extension to promote learning. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceeding of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014. Vol. 74 (pp. 166 - 172). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, S., & Corner-Thomas, R. (2014). Farmer-learning contract session farmer learning, successful technology transfer and agricultural extension. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 164 - 165). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Brown, IC., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Utilising a plantain, red clover and white clover mix - A farmer's perspective. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceeding of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014. Vol. 74 (pp. 121 - 123). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Somasiri, S., Kenyon, PR., Morel, P., Kemp, P., & Morris, S. (2014). Alternative method to measure herbage dry matter mass in plantain and chicory missed swards grazed by lambs. In S. peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 115 - 120). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2014). Alternative forages for livestock production. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 85). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Vinoles, C., & Morris, S. (2014). Brief communication: does feeding level of ewe lambs affect their response to vasectomised rams?. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 76 - 78). Palmerston North, New Zealand: The New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A., Hickson, R., Greer, A., . . . Blair, H. (2014). Brief communication: Ewe ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis and its use by New Zealand farmers. In S. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 65 - 72). Palmerston North, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Blair, HT., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Peterson, S., Firth, E., Vickers, M., . . . Barrell, G. (2014). Understanding and communicating fetal programming in sheep. , Science Symposium
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014). Does pregnancy as a ewe lamb and liveweight affect 18-month-old ewe performance?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, PR., Ridler, AL., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014). The relationship between breeding liveweight and the fertility and reproductive rates of ewe lambs.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, PR., Corner-Thomas, RA., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014). Percentage of mature liveweight affects reproductive performance in ewe lambs. Poster session presented at the meeting of Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014. Canberra, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., corner-Thomas, RA., Paganoni, BL., & Morris, ST. (2014). Percentage of mature liveweight affects reproductive performance in ewe lambs. In Proceedings of the 30th Biennial Conference of the australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 (pp. 255). , Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014: Australian society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Kenyon, P., Ridler, A., Paganoni, B., & Morris, S. (2014). The relationship between breeding liveweight and the fertility and reproductive rates of ewe lambs. In Proceeding of the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 , Joint ISNH/ ISRP International Conference 2014: Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Ridler, AL., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Paganoni, B., & Morris, S. (2014). Does pregnancy as a ewe lamb and liveweight affect 18-month-old ewe performance?. In Proceedings of the 30th Biennial conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production Vol. 30 , Joint ISNH / ISRP International Conference 2014: australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Blair, H., & Kemp, P. (2014). Influence of herbage mixes fed to lambs during the spring on the meat quality. , Joint ISNH / ISRP international Conference 2014
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2014). Differences in live weight and milking potential does not affect reproductive efficiency in beef breeding cows. In Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VIII: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants(pp. 537). , Ninth International symposium on reproduction in Domestic Ruminants Leicestershire, England: Society for Reproduction and Fertility
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Back, PJ., Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2014). Differences in live weight and milking potential does not affect reproductive efficiency in beef breeding cows. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ninth International symposium on Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants. Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Back, P., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Wood, BA., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Hartnett, MK., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Sewell, AM. (2014). From extension to distributed learning: The embedding of agricultural scientists in farmer knowledge networks. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 173 - 178). Cambridge, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production (NZSAP) 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sewell, AM., Blair, HT., Gray, DI., Hartnett, MK., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., . . . Wood, BA. (2014). The farmer learning project: Improving the design of agricultural extension to promote learning. In SW. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 166 - 172). Cambridge, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production (NZSAP) 2014
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Hartnett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Johnston, T., Appleton, H., & Best, HK. (2014). Summer lamb production and grazing management of pure swards of plantain (Plantago lanceolata). In SW. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 74 (pp. 94 - 101). Palmerston North: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Roca Fraga, FJ., Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., & Morris, ST. (2013). Lactational performance of straighbred Angus cows and three Angus-dairy-cross genotypes. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. (pp. 142 - 146).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S., Roca Fraga, F.
Blair, H., Sewell, AM., Corner-Thomas, R., Kemp, P., Wood, B., Gray, D., . . . Kenyon, P. (2013, June). Understanding how farmers learn. Presented at The Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Somasiri, SC. (2013). Plantain (plantago lanceolata) in herb and legume pastures increases lamb growth relative to perennial ryegrass and white clover pasture. In DL. Michalk, GD. Millar, WB. Badgery, & KM. Broadfoot (Eds.) Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress. (pp. 561 - 562). : 22nd International Grassland Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Cranston, L., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2013). Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) outperforms chicory (cichorium intybus) under moisture stress in glasshouse. Poster session presented at the meeting of 22nd International Grassland Congress
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Cranston, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Martin, NP., Kenyon, PR., Hickson, RE., Kerslake, JI., & Morris, ST. (2013). Brief communication: Ewe live weight and body condition in mid-to late-pregnancy does not affect the maximum heat production capacity of its lamb at birth. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 143 - 145). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2013
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Martin, N., Morris, S.
Sequeira, M., Pain, SJ., Sartore, I., Meikle, A., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2013). Brief communication: Uterine expression of oestrogen receptor alpha in Suffolk and Cheviot ewes at day 19 of pregnancy, following embryo transfer. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 86 - 89). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2013). Brief Communication: A comparison of aspects of the reproductive success of ewe lamb and mixed age ewes joined over the same period.. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 76 - 78). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schreurs, NM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Blair, HT., Somasiri, SC., & Kemp, PD. (2013). Brief communication: Effect of different herbage mixes on lamb meat quality. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 65 - 67). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Asmand, K., Kenyon, PR., Parkinson, TJ., Pain, SJ., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Blair, HT. (2013). Brief communication: Effect of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on fetal testicular development in sheep. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 41 - 44). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Law, NL., Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2013). Efficiency of beef breeding cows that vary in live weight and milking potential. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 73 (pp. 11 - 16). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Fernanda Pereira Loureiro, M., Pain, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, HT. (2013). Reproductive performance of single and twin female offspring born to either young or mature dam. (pp. 62). , Gravida Annual Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Kari, A., Kenyon, PR., Pain, S., Parkinson, T., & Blair, H. (2013). Effect of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on fetal ovary development of offspring. (pp. 44). , Gravida Annual Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Paten, A., Duncan, E., Drearden, P., Pain, S., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, S., . . . Blair, H. (2013). Transcriptome analysis of the ovine mammary gland during late pregnancy and lactation. (pp. 42). , Gravida Annual Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Corner, R., Blair, HT., Morris, S., Logan, C., Greer, A., Ridler, A., . . . Kenyon, P. (2013). How do New Zealand farmers wish to learn about technologies?. (pp. 34). , Gravida Annual Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, PR. (2013, September). Fetal programming its potential role in agricutlure. Presented at Gravida Annual Science Symposium. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2013). Fetal programming its potential role in agriculture. (pp. 33). , Gravida Science Symposium: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P. (2013, February). Keynote address: Sheep production: Increasing the total weight of lambs weaned per ewe lifetime. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P. (2013). Keynote address: Sheep production: Increasing the total weight of lambs weaned per ewe lifetime. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 59 - 59). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Blair, H., & Kenyon, P. (2013). Keynote address: Fetal programming in ewes - affecting lifetime performance. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 59 - 59). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Blair, H., & Kenyon, P. (2013, February). Keynote address: Fetal programming in ewes - affecting lifetime performance. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Conference: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Fermin, LM., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, P., & Ridler, A. (2013). The effect of nutritional foetal-programming on post pubertal male reproduction in sheep. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 84 - 84). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Corner, R., Ridler, A., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013, February). Hogget ewe reproductive performance: The effect of body condition and live weight. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner, R., Ridler, A., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013). Hogget ewe reproductive performance: The effect of body condition and live weight. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 78 - 78). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner, R., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013, February). The effect of live weight and body condition score on the reproductive performance of two-tooth and mature ewes. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, R., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2013). The effect of live weight and body condition score on the reproductive performance of two-tooth and mature ewes. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 79 - 79). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Fermin, LM., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, PR., & Ridler, AL. (2013). The effect of nutritional foetal-programming on post pubertal male reproduction in sheep. (pp. 84 - 84). , 8th Interntional Sheep Veterinary Congress New Zealand 2013
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Fermin, LM., Parkinson, T., Kenyon, P., & Ridler, A. (2013, February). The effect of nutritional foetal-programming on post pubertal male reproduction in sheep. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Ridler, A.
Gronqvist, G., Hickson, R., Corner, R., Kenyon, P., & Stafford, K. (2013, February). Ewe/lamb behaviour and triplet survival. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Gronqvist, G., Hickson, R., Stafford, K., Corner, R., & Kenyon, P. (2013). Ewe/lamb behaviour and triplet survival. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 90 - 90). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Scott, I., Pomroy, B., Kenyon, P., Smith, G., Adlington, B., & Moss, A. (2013, February). Efficacy of monepantel against goat-derived parasite strains: the results of an egg count reduction test in goats and a slaughter study in sheep. Presented at 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science. Rotorua, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Scott, I.
Scott, I., Pomroy, B., Kenyon, P., Smith, G., Adlington, B., & Moss, A. (2013). Efficacy of monepantel against goat-derived parasite strains: the results of an egg count reduction test in goats and a slaughter study in sheep. In 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Handbook(pp. 136 - 136). , 8th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Connecting Sheep and Science New Zealand: International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Scott, I.
Sewell, AM., Blair, H., Kemp, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Gray, D., . . . Wood, B. (2012, October). A learning community of farmers and scientists. Presented at National Research Centre for Growth and Development Science Symposium. Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sinhadipathige, S., Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, P., Kemp, P., Morris, S., & Morel, P. (2012). Effect of herb and clover mixes on lamb average daily gain (ADG) in different seasons. In Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences [IVABS] Postgraduate Colloquium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 5 - 5). , Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences [IVABS] Postgraduate Colloquium New Zealand: Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sinhadipathige, S., Somasiri, SC., Kenyon, P., Kemp, P., Morris, S., & Morel, P. (2012, November). Effect of herb and clover mixes on lamb average daily gain (ADG) in different seasons. Presented at Report on the welfare impact of common ectoparasites on cattle in New Zealand [IVABS] Postgraduate Colloquium. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sharma, RK., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., & Parkinson, TJ. (2012, July). The effects of uterine environment upon foetal development in sheep: An ultrasonographic study. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Sinhadipathige, SCS., Kenyon, P., Kemp, PD., Morris, S., & Morel, P. (2012, November). Can herb-clover mixes increase lamb liveweight gains in spring?. Presented at New Zealand Grassland Association Conference 2012: Opportunities of changing land use. Gore, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sinhadipathige, SCS., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH. (2012). Can herb-clover mixes increase Iamb liveweight gains in spring?. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW ZEALAND GRASSLAND ASSOCIATION, VOL 74. Vol. 74 (pp. 137 - 141). : Conference of the New-Zealand-Grassland-Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Paten, AM., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, C., Pain, S., . . . Blair, H. (2012, November). Nutrition of the dam affects mammary gland development and milk production of the offspring. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., & Nakagawa, S. (2012, November). You are what your mother ate: Transgenerational effects of maternal nutrition on feeding behavior in mammals- A meta-analysis. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?,. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Pain, S., Sequeira, M., Sartore, I., Meikle, A., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, November). Uterine progesterone receptor in Suffolk and Cheviot dams at gestation day 19, following transfer of a Suffolk or Cheviot embryo. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Sales, F., Sciascia, Q., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & McCoard, S. (2012, November). What do we know about the role of free amino acids in fetal and neonatal muscle growth in sheep?. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Asmad, K., Nakagawa, S., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., & Blair, H. (2012, November). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on the growth and reproductive development of male sheep: A meta-analysis. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Pain, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, November). Can dam age and lamb birth rank affect female offspring development. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Sewell, A., Gray, D., Wood, B., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., . . . Kemp, P. (2012, November). A learning community of farmers and scientists in New Zealand. Presented at Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life?. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Lagisz, M., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Uller, T., & Nakagawa, S. (2012). You are what your mother ate: Transgenerational effects of maternal nutrition on feedings behavior in mammals- a meta-analysis. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 56 - 56). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Paten, AM., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, C., Pain, S., . . . Blair, H. (2012). Nutrition of the dam affects mammary gland development and milk production of the offspring. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 47 - 47). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Pain, S., Sequeira, M., Sartore, I., Meikle, A., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Uterine progesterone receptor in Suffolk and Cheviot dams at gestation day 19, following transfer of a Suffolk or Cheviot embryo. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 66 - 66). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Sales, F., Sciascia, Q., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & McCoard, S. (2012). What do we know about the role of free amino acids in fetal and neonatal muscle growth in sheep?. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 43 - 43). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Asmad, K., Nakagawa, S., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., & Blair, H. (2012). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on the growth and reproductive development of male sheep: A meta-analysis. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 44 - 44). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Pain, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Can dam age and lamb birth rank affect female offspring development?. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 37 - 37). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Sewell, A., Gray, D., Wood, B., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., . . . Kemp, P. (2012). A learning community of farmers and scientists in New Zealand. In Gravida Annual Sciences Symposium Programme(pp. 13 - 13). , Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development Annual Science Symposium: What makes the best start for a healthy life? New Zealand: Gravida National Centre for Growth and Development, The University of Auckland
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Cave, LM., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2012, July). Effect of timing of exposure to vasectomised rams and ewe lamb body condition score on the breeding performance of ewe lambs. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Hickson, R., Hutton, PG., Morris, S., Stafford, K., & West, DM. (2012, July). Effect of twin-bearing ewe body condition score and late pregnancy nutrition on lamb performance. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sequeira, M., Pain, S., Sartore, I., Meikle, A., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Expression of uterine progesterone receptor in Suffolk and Cheviot ewes at day 19 of pregnancy, following embryo transfer. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Hickson, R., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., & Morris, ST. (2012, July). Postpartum anoestrous interval in first-lactation beef and dairy-beef crossbred cows. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, R., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Harding, JE., Oliver, MH., Jaquiery, AL., . . . Burt, KG. (2012, July). The effect of liveweight and liveweight gain of ewes immediately post-weaning on the liveweight and survival of subsequent lambs. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Jenkinson, C., Earl, AK., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal growth and maternal constraint in sheep. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Martin, NP., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Pain, S., Jenkinson, C., Hutton, PG., . . . Blair, H. (2012, July). Ewe nutrition in early and mid- to late-pregnancy has few effects on fetal development. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Schreurs, N., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., & Morris, S. (2012, July). Meta-analysis to establish the response of having heavier mature ewes during gestation on the birth weight of the lamb and the weaning weight of the ewe and lamb. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Pain, S., van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Does dam pre-breeding nutrition and/or birth rank affect the glucose and fat metabolism of 18-month-old female offspring?. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Pain, S., Kenyon, PR., Peterson, SW., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Single female offspring born to primiparous ewe-lambs are lighter than those born to adult multiparous ewes but their reproduction and milk production are unaffected. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Jenkinson, C., Sharma, RK., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Effect of the maternal environment on fetal growth at mid-gestation in sheep. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Asmad, K., Nakagawa, S., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., & Blair, H. (2012, July). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on the growth and reproductive development of male sheep: a meta-analysis. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Sales, F., Treloar, BP., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Nicholas, G., . . . McCoard, SA. (2012, July). Relationship between profiles of free amino acids in fetal and maternal plasma with those in skeletal muscle, in twin and single fetuses from ad-libitum fed ewes in late gestation. Presented at Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Sharma, RK., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., & Parkinson, TJ. (2012). The effects of uterine environment upon foetal development in sheep: An ultrasonographic study. In MA. Friend, & GL. Krebs (Eds.) The Proceedings of the 29th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Vol. 29 (pp. 58 - 58). Australia: Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Sequeria, M., Pain, S., Sartore, I., Meikle, A., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Expression of uterine progesterone receptor in Suffolk and Cheviot ewes at Day 19 of pregnancy, following embryo transfer. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 72 (pp. 35 - 37). New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production 72nd Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Asmad, K., Nakagawa, S., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., & Blair, H. (2012). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on the growth and reproductive development of male sheep: a meta-analysis. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 72 (pp. 51 - 57). New Zealand: Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Pain, S.
Jenkinson, C., Sharma, RK., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Effect of the maternal environment on fetal growth at mid-gestation in sheep. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 72 (pp. 205 - 209). New Zealand: Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Sales, FA., Treloar, BP., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Nicholas, G., . . . McCoard, SA. (2012). Relationship between profiles of free amino acids in fetal and maternal plasma with those in skeletal muscle, in twin and single fetuses from ad-libitum fed ewes in late gestation. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 72 (pp. 213 - 215). Christchurch, New Zealand: Second Joint 72nd New Zealand Society of Animal Production and 29th Biennial Australian Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Peterson, S., Garnett, E., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Intergenerational fetal programming effects on lamb growth. Poster session presented at the meeting of 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction: Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Peterson, S., Garnett, E., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2012). Intergenerational fetal programming effects on lamb growth. In REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS Vol. 47 (pp. 609 - 609). , 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR): WILEY-BLACKWELL
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Laven, RL., Fraser, KR., Balcomb, CC., . . . Morris, ST. (2012). The most efficient beef cow. In B. Hodgson, G. Dodunski, J. Chisnall, S. Marshall, A. Roe, K. Kelly, . . . A. Ridler (Eds.) Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA Annual Conference. Vol. 296 (pp. 4.22.1 - 4.22.7). New Zealand: Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA] Annual Conference: The Heart of Practice
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Laven, R., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Oliver, MH., Hancock, SN., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Pain, S., Morris, S., . . . Bloomfield, FH. (2011). Pregnancy Associated Changes in Insulin Signalling in Daughters of Adolescent Ewes.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Peterson, SW., Garnett, EJ., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2011). Intergenerational epigenetic effects on milk production in sheep. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2011 Science Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P., Cave, LM., Blair, H., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Nicoll, GB. (2011). Does dam age, ewe birth rank and sex of a co-twin affect a ewe's lifetime performance?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2011 Science Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Sales, F., Sciascia, Q., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & McCoard, S. (2011). The association of free intracellular arginine concentration in sheep muscle with mTOR activation and gene expression of membrane transporters between single and twin fetuses at term. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2011 Science Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Wood, B., Blair, H., Gray, D., Kemp, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., . . . Sewell, A. (2011). Translational agriculture: Herb mix pastures and farmer learning. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 19 - 19). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Buckels, E., Jaquiery, A., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S., Blair, H., . . . Oliver, M. (2011). Glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and body composition in adult offspring of adolescent and mature ewes. In 2011 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 16 - 16). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Loureiro, MFP., Paten, AM., Asmad, K., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, P., Pomroy, B., . . . Blair, H.(2011, November 15). The effect of dam age and parity and lamb birth rank on the growth rate, and onset of puberty of the offspring. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 15 - 15). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Scott, I.
Paten, AM., van der Linden, DS., Adiletta, AM., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, H. (2011). The effects of dam nutrition during pregnancy on the lifetime milk production of ewe offspring. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 11 - 11). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2011 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Asmad, K., Paten, AM., Loureiro, MFP., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Parkinson, TJ., . . . Blair, H. (2011). Effects of dam nutrition during pregnancy of the development of male offspring. Proceedings of the 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 71 (pp. 59 - 59). New Zealand: 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Productin Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Oliver, MH., Hancock, SN., Kenyon, P., Blair, HT., Pain, SJ., & Morris, ST. (2011). Pregnancy induces down-regulation of post-receptor insulin signalling in muscle of ewes born to adolescent or mature ewes. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2011 Science Symposium. Dunedin, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Smith, SL., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2011). Effect of parasitism on bodyweight and reproductive performance in adult sheep. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology(pp. 17 - 17). , 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology Argentina: Asociacion Argentina de Parasitologia Veterinaria
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Barry, TN. (2011). Forage secondary compounds; past, present and future. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Prodcution Conference. Vol. 71 (pp. 314 - 321). Hamilton New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Prodcution Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2011). Breeding ewe hoggets successfully. Proceedings of The Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 40th Annual Conference. (pp. 2.26.1 - 2.26.7). Wellington, New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Hutton, PG., Kenyon, PR., Bedi, MK., Kemp, PD., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., . . . Morris, ST. (2011, June). Brief communication: The influence of a herb and legume sward on maternal behaviour and lamb colostrum intake and thermoregulation. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Invercargill New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Stafford, K., & Morel, P. (2011). Physical and physiological factors associated with twin- and triplet-born lamb heat production at 24 to 36 hours of age. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 71 (pp. 286 - 290). Hamilton New Zealand: 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2011). Effect of gender and prior exposure on the intake and preference of sheep for plantain post-weaning. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 278 - 280). Hamilton New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PCH., & West, D. (2011). Is there any advantage of early weaning of twin lambs born to yearlings?. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 71 (pp. 79 - 82). Hamilton, New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hutton, PG., Kenyon, P., Bedi, MK., Kemp, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., . . . Morris, S. (2011). Brief communication: The influence of a herb and legume sward on maternal behaviour and lamb colostrum intake and thermoregulation. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 71 (pp. 50 - 52). New Zealand: 71st New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2011, June). Maximising performance of hoggets. Presented at 2011 New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Loureiro, MFP., Paten, AM., Asmad, K., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., Pomroy, WE., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). Brief communication: The effect of dam age and lamb birth rank on the growth rate, faecal egg count and onset of puberty of single and twin female offspring to 12 month of age. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 83 - 85). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Scott, I.
Paten, AM., Asmad, K., Loureiro, MFP., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Peterson, SW., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). Brief communication: The effects of dam nutrition during pregnancy on the postnatal growth and puberty attainment of ewe progeny. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 56 - 58). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Scott, I.
Asmad, K., Paten, AM., Loureiro, MFP., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Parkinson, TJ., . . . Blair, HT. (2011). Brief communication: The effects of dam nutrition during pregnancy on the growth of male offspring. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 59 - 61). Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Scott, I.
Hickson, RE., Balcomb, CC., Fraser, KR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2011). The effect of breed on the onset of puberty in heifers. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. (pp. 51 - 54). Australia: 19th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Sharma, RK., Parkinson, TJ., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2010). Effects of maternal uterine environment on embryonic development, birth weight and post-natal growth rate in breeds of sheep of dissimilar mature bodyweight. Poster session presented at the meeting of 8th International Symposium on Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants. Anchorage, AK
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Martin, N., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., & Morel, P. (2010). The effect of ewe nutritional regimen in early- and mid- to late-pregnancy on the development of twin fetuses. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2010 Science Symposium(pp. 33 - 33). : National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Martin, N., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., & Morel, P. (2010). The effect of ewe nutritional regimen in early- and mid- to late-pregnancy on the development of twin fetuses. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Research Centre for Growth and Development [NRCGD] 2010 Science Symposium. Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Pain, S., van der Linden, D., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2010). Effect of dam pre-breeding nutrition and birth rank on glucose and insulin metabolism of single, twin and triplet ewe progeny. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2010 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 20 - 20). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development [NRCGD] 2010 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Oliver, M., Digby, S., Honeyfield-Ross, M., Kenyon, P., Pain, S., Blair, H., . . . Bloomfield, F. (2010). Glucose and insulin tolerance during pregnancy in ewes born to mothers who were immature or mature at mating. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2010 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 19 - 19). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development [NRCGD] 2010 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Sales Zlatar, F., Pacheco, D., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & McCoard, S. (2010). The role of intracellular amino acid availability in the regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in the mid-late gestation ovine fetus. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2010 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 18 - 18). , Natinal Research Centre for Growth and Development [NRCGD] 2010 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Pereira Loureiro, M., Pain, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2010). Do fetuses from primiparous one-year-old ewes differ from those of multiparous mature ewes?. In National Research Centre for Growth and Development 2010 Science Symposium: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 18 - 18). , National Research Centre for Growth and Development [NRCGD] 2010 Science Symposium New Zealand: National Research Centre for Growth and Development
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
West, D., Pomroy, W., Smith, S., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2010). Targeted, strategic use of Bionic drench capsules to improve reproductive performance of ewes. In New Zealand Society of Parasitology Annual Meeting No. 38(pp. 14 - 15). , New Zealand Society of Parasitology Annual Meeting No. 38: New Zealand Society of Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, D., Pomroy, W., Smith, S., Kenyon, P., & Morris, S. (2010, October). Targeted, strategic use of Bionic drench capsules to improve reproductive performance of ewes. Presented at New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No. 38. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schreurs, N., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., & Morel, P. (2010). Brief communication: Effect of birth weight on survival of lambs born to ewe lambs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 70 (pp. 101 - 103).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Schreurs, N., Kenyon, P., Mulvaney, F., Morel, P., West, D., & Morris, S. (2010, July). Effect of birth weight on survival of lambs born to ewe lambs. Presented at Australian Society of Animal Production 28th Biennial Conference
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Sharma, R., Parkinson, T., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2010). Effects of maternal uterine environment on embryonic development, birth weight and post-natal growth rate in breeds of sheep of dissimilar mature bodyweight. Poster session presented at the meeting of 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium. Anchorage, Alaska
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Peterson, S., Jenkinson, C., Hickson, R., Morris, S., Blair, H., & Kenyon, P. (2010). Preliminary investigation of milk production in Angus heifers exposed to different planes of nutrition in utero. Proceedings of the 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2010. Vol. 70 (pp. 194 - 198). New Zealand: 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Pacheco, D., Treloar, B., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., & McCoard, S. (2010). Intracellular concentrations of free amino acids are reduced in skeletal muscle of late gestation twin compared to single fetuses. Proceedings of the 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2010. Vol. 70 (pp. 199 - 201). New Zealand: 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Sciascia, Q., Pacheco, D., Bracegirdle, J., Berry, C., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., . . . McCoard, S. (2010). Effects of restricted fetal nutrition in utero on mTOR signalling in ovine skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2010. Vol. 70 (pp. 180 - 182). New Zealand: 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Pain, SJ., Hutton, PG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2010). Preference of lambs for novel pasture herbs. (pp. 285 - 287). : Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Pereira Loureiro, MF., Pain, S., Kenyon, P., & Blair, H. (2010). Do fetuses from primiparous one-year-old ewes differ from those of multiparous mature ewes?. Proceedings of the 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 70 (pp. 118 - 120). New Zealand: 70th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Roca, F., Hutton, PG., Pain, SJ., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2010). Use of novel pasture species to reduce methane emissions from New Zealand's grazing ruminants. (pp. 77 - 79). : Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Developments in hogget breeding- earlier mating enhances lifetime fecundity. In 2010 Sheep & Beef Council Farmer Science Day(pp. 12 - 12). : Meat & Wool NZ, Sheep & Beef Council
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Blair, H., van der Linden, DS., Davenport, LC., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, SW., . . . Firth, EC. (2009). Dam/grand-dam nutrition during pregnancy affects milk supply in offspring and reproductive performance in grand-offspring. In Journal of Animal Science Vol. 87 (pp. 365 - 365). , Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association [ADSA], Canadian Society of Animal Science [CSAS] and American Society of Animal Science [ASAS] United States: American Society of Animal Science
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Morris, S., Firth, E., & Rogers, C. (2009, July). Dam parity influences offspring liveweight and abdominal adiposity. Presented at 2009 Joint Annual Meeting of American Dairy Science Association, Canadian Society of Animal Science and American Society of Animal Science. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Rogers, C.
Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Morris, S., Firth, E., & Rogers, C. (2009). Dam parity influences offspring liveweight and abdominal adiposity. In Journal of Animal Science Vol. 87 (pp. 504 - 504). , Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association [ADSA], Canadian Society of Animal Science [CSAS] and American Society of Animal Science [ASAS] United States: American Society of Animal Science
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Rogers, C.
Blair, H., van der Linden, D., Davenport, L., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, S., . . . Firth, E. (2009, July). Dam/grand-dam nutrition during pregnancy affects milk supply in offspring and reproductive performance in grand-offspring. Presented at Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association [ADSA], Canadian Society of Animal Science [CSAS] and American Society of Animal Science [ASAS]. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Blair, H., van der Linden, D., Davenport, L., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, S., . . . Firth, E. (2009). Dam/grand-dam nutrition during pregnancy affects milk supply in offspring and reproductive performance in grand-offspring. In Journal of Animal Science Vol. 87 (pp. 365 - 365). , Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association [ADSA], Canadian Society of Animal Science [CSAS] and American Society of Animal Science [ASAS] United States: American Society of Animal Science and SAGE Publishing
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
McCoard, S., Sciascia, Q., Bracegirdle, J., Berry, C., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., . . . Nicholas, G. (2009). Effects of restricted foetal nutrition in utero on mTOR signalling in ovine skeletal muscle. Poster session presented at the meeting of 19th Annual Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting. Queenstown, New Zealand
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Berry, C., Bracegirdle, J., McCoard, S., Senna Salerno, M., McMahon, C., Sciascia, Q., . . . Nicholas, G. (2009). Smaller muscles of twin lambs are not related to reduced activation of satellite cells. In Programme and Abstracts of the 19th Annual Queenstown Molecular Biology [QMB] Meeting(pp. 121 - 121). , 19th Annual Queenstown Molecular Biology [QMB] Meeting New Zealand: The Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2009, November). Key factors for successful hogget lambing. Presented at Sheep Farmers Seminar "Less Sheep More $$". Waipukurau, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Scott, I., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Blair, H., Tunnicliffe, A., & Adlington, B. (2009). Variable experience of parasitism by five ram lamb mobs grazing the same pasture. In NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Vol. 36 (pp. 486 - 487). : RSNZ PUBLISHING
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Scott, I., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., West, DM., Burnham, DL., . . . Tunnicliffe, AC. (2009). Suppressive drenching of lambs before weaning: Effects on lamb performance pre- and post-weaning. In New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.37 2009(pp. 28 - 28). , New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.37: New Zealand Society for Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Kenyon, PR. (2009). Maximising ewe lamb reproductive performance. Proceedings of the Australian Cattle, sheep and Reproduction Veterinarians 2009 Conferences (Gold Coast and Darwin). (pp. 58 - 64).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2009). Maximising mutiple born lamb survival. Proceedings of the Australian Cattle, Sheep and Reproduction Veterinarians 2009 Conferences (Gold Coast and Darwin). (pp. 116 - 121).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR.(2009). Maximising multiple born lamb survival. . Gold Coast, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Davenport, LC., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., & Blair, H. (2009). Are there inter-generational effects of grand-dam size and dam nutrition during pregnancy on lamb performance to 1-year-of age. In Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Vol. 1 (pp. S10 - S11). , 6th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease [DOHaD]: Cambridge University Press
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P., Blair, H., & Morris, S. (2009). Does dam parity affect the lambing performance of two-year-old ewes and their lambs growth and survival to weaning?. In Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Vol. 1 (pp. S9 - S10). , 6th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Cambridge University Press
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, R., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Harding, JE., Oliver, MH., Jaquiery, AL., . . . Burt, KG. (2009). Does feeding regimen between pregnancies affect the birth weight and survival of lambs?. In Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Vol. 1 (pp. S9 - S9). , 6th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Martin, GB., Durmic, Z., Kenyon, PR., & Vercoe, PE. (2009). Clean green and ethical animal reproduction: Extension to sheep and dairy systems in New Zealand. In . Roland Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 140 - 147).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., West, DM., & Morel, PC. (2009). The effect of weaning at 10 weeks or 14 weeks of age on liveweight changes in the hogget and her lambs. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production(pp. 68 - 70). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sharma, RK., Jenkinson, C., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., & Parkinson, T. (2009). Maternal environment as a regulator of birth weight and body dimensions of newborn lambs. In . Roland Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the 69th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 69 (pp. 10 - 14). New Zealand: 69th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2009). Maximising ewe lamb reproductive performance. Proceedings of the Australian Cattle, Sheep & Reproduction Veterinarians Conference. (pp. 58 - 64).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Burnham, D., Morel, P., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., & Stafford, K. (2009). The effect of fasting on live weight in hogget wethers and pregnant mature ewes.. In R. Sumner (Ed.) The Proceedings of the 69th New Zealand Society of Animal Production.. Vol. 69 (pp. 112 - 114). New Zealand: 69th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Mulvaney, FJ., Morris, S., Kenyon, PR., West, DM., & Morel, PC. (2009). The effect of weaning at 10 or 14 weeks of age on liveweight changes in the hogget and her lambs. The Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production.. (pp. 68 - 70).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2009). Effect of birth weight on survival in twin born lambs. The Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. (pp. 75 - 79).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Kenyon, PR., Lopez-Villalobos, N., & Morris, ST. (2008). The influence of liveweight gain in early pregnancy on birth weight and dystocia in 2-year-old beef heifers. Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, Annual Seminar 2008. (pp. 155 - 165). : The Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, Annual Seminar 2008
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
van Reenen, EH., Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., Hickson, RE., & Morris, ST.Liveweight and body condition of single - and twin - bearing Merino ewes. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 68 (pp. 67 - 68). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
de Nicolo, G., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Morel, PCH., & Wall, AJ. (2008). Mid-pregnancy shearing of autumn-lambing ewes in New Zealand. In DG. Barber, RT. Cowan, CA. Anderson, & LE. Webb (Eds.) Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Vol. 48 (pp. 957 - 960). Victoria, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Stafford, KJ., & Morel, PCH. (2008). Effect of concentrate supplement and sward height on twin-bearing ewe body condition and the performance of their offspring. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE. Vol. 48 (pp. 988 - 994). : 27th Biennial Conference of the Australian-Society-of-Animal-Production/68th Annual Conference of the New-Zealand-Society-of-Animal-Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PCH., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR.(2008, June). Effect of birthweight on survival in triplet-born lambs. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE. 48 (6-7)(pp. 984 - 987). 0816-1089.
[Conference]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
deNicolo, G., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Morel, PCH., & Wall, AJ.(2008, June). Mid-pregnancy shearing of autumn-lambing ewes in New Zealand. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE. 48 (6-7)(pp. 957 - 960). 0816-1089.
[Conference]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST.(2008, June). Duration of parturition and frequency of abdominal contractions in primiparous, 2-year-old Angus heifers and the relevance of body dimensions of calves to dystocia. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE. 48 (6-7)(pp. 935 - 939). 0816-1089.
[Conference]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
van der Linden, D., Kenyon, P., Lopez Villalobos, N., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, S., & Blair, H. (2008). Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on the milking ability of offspring. In Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production Vol. 14 (pp. 75 - 75). , 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production [EAAP]: European Association for Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Lindsay, CL., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Wall, AJ. (2008). Lamb growth on leaf turnips, white clover and pasture in summer. 21st International Grassland Congress. (pp. 24 - 24).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Christensen, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Golding, KP., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Kemp, PD. (2008). Comparison of ewe lamb growth on herb based and ryegrass based pastures.. In 21st International Grassland Congress(pp. 47 - 47). : Guangdong People's Publishing House
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Parker, LT., Kemp, PD., Loganathan, P., West, D., Anderson, CW., Kenyon, PR., . . . Morris, ST. (2008). Effect ofchicory and plantain on cadmium levels in lambs. In 21st International Grassland Congress(pp. 454 - 456). : Guangdong People's Publishing House
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Anderson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Brookes, IM., Matthew, C., . . . Osborne, MA. (2008). Strategies used to manage climatic risk: lessons from farmers with expertise in dryland farming.. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association Conference. (pp. 59 - 68).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Osborne, M.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Smith, SL., & Burnham, DL. (2008). The effect of subclinical parasitism on a ewe flock. Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA, 2008. (pp. 97 - 102). : Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Seminar
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Denicolo, G., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Morel, PCH., & Wall, AJ. (2008). Mid-pregnancy shearing of autumn-lambing ewes in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Vol. 48 (pp. 957 - 960).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, CMC., Mackenzie, DDS., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Firth, EC., . . . Blair, HT.Effect of fetal number, ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on mammary gland size. EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. (pp. S151 - S151). 0378-3782.
[Conference]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH.Effect of maternal nutrition from mid-pregnancy on the summit metabolic rate of twin-born lambs. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH. 62 (3)(pp. 380 - 380). 0031-3998.
[Conference]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kerslake, JI., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., Morris, ST., & Morel, PCH.Effect of birth rank on the physiological status of the newborn lamb. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH. 62 (3)(pp. 380 - 380). 0031-3998.
[Conference]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Effect of maternal liveweight gain in early pregnancy on birth weight and conformation of calves born to 2-year-old beef heifers. In Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference(pp. 137 - 137). , Northern Beef Research Update Conference Australia: North Australia Beef Research Council
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Jenkinson, CMC., Earl, AK., Blair, HT., & Kenyon, PR. (2007). Effects of nutrition during pregnancy on fetal growth and maternal constraint.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Howe, L., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., . . . Pattison, R. (2007). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. In NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Vol. 34 (pp. 149 - 150). : RSNZ PUBLISHING
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Effect of liveweight change of 15-month-old heifers in early pregnancy on fetal weight. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S86 - S87). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Morris, ST., & Stafford, KJ. (2007). Does dam parity affect offspring growth and onset of puberty?. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S70 - S70). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, CM., Mackenzie, DD., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Firth, EC., . . . Blair, HT. (2007). Effect of fetal number, ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on mammary gland size. In Early Human Development- Abstracts of the 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Vol. Suppl. 1 (pp. S151 - S151). , 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Elsevier
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Johnson, PL., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., Morris, ST., . . . Firth, EC. (2007). Effects of dam body mass, feeding during pregnancy and birth rank on body composition in sheep. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S86 - S86). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2007). Effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on glucose metabolism in offspring. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S140 - S140). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., & Blair, HT. (2007). Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on HPA-axis function in offspring. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S105 - S105). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Morris, S., & Stafford, K. (2007, November). Does dam parity affect offspring growth and onset of puberty?. Presented at 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA, Australia.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2007). Effect of liveweight change of 15-month-old heifers in early pregnancy on fetal weight. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Johnson, PL., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, SW., Morris, ST., . . . Firth, E. (2007). Effects of dam body mass, feeding during pregnancy and birth rank on body composition in sheep. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA, Australaia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2007). Effect of IGF-1 selection and mid-pregnancy shearing on lamb birthweight.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Jenkinson, CMC., Earl, AK., Kenyon, PR., & Blair, HT. (2012). Effects of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal growth and maternal constraint in sheep.
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Lopez Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., & Blair, H. (2007). Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on HPA-axis function in offspring. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Peterson, SW., Jenkinson, C., Mackenzie, DD., Morris, ST., Kenyon, P., Firth, E., . . . Blair, H. (2007). Effect of fetal number, ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on mammary gland size. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Lopez Villalobos, N., Peterson, SW., & Blair, H. (2007). Effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on glucose metabolism in offspring. Poster session presented at the meeting of 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Kenyon, PR. (2007, November). Fetal/neonatal development and sheep/ruminant production. Presented at 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Perth, WA.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Fetal/neonatal development and sheep/ruminant production. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 83 (pp. S41 - S42). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Howe, LJ., Pomroy, WE., West, DM., Collett, MG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2007). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. In New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No.35(pp. 14). : New Zealand Society for Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Johnson, PL., Kenyon, PR., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2007). To wether-short scrotum or leave lambs as entire rams? Revisiting an old question using new genetics. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol. 67. (pp. 44 - 47).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P.
Lindsay, C., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2007). Summer lamb finishing on forage crops. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol. 67. (pp. 121 - 125).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
van der Linden, DS., Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Peterson, SW., Lopez Villalobos, N., & Blair, H. (2007). The effects of ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy on growth and onset of puberty in female progeny. Proceedings of the 67th New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol. 67. (pp. 126 - 129). New Zealand: 67th New Zealand Soceity of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N.
Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Breier, B., & Gluckman, PD. (2007). Maternal constraint in sheep breeds with diverse birth weight. Proceedings of the 67th New Zealand Society of Animal Production, Vol. 67. Vol. 67 (pp. 187 - 191). New Zealand: 67th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Morris, S., Kerslake, JI., Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., West, DM., . . . Stafford, K. (2007). Nutritional needs of high lambing percentage flocks. In S. Smith (Ed.) Proceedings from the 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Vol. 260 (pp. 1 - 8). New Zealand: 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA]
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., Morris, ST., West, DM., Mulvaney, FJ., Wall, A., . . . Burnham, DL. (2007). Improving hogget breeding performance and an evaluation of the effect of ewe hogget breeding on four-tooth ewe breeding performance. In S. Smith (Ed.) Proceedings from the 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. (pp. 55 - 62).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez-Villalobos, N. (2007). Effect of maternal liveweight gain in early pregnancy on birth weight and conformation of calves born to 2-year-old beef heifers. In Proceedings of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference(pp. 216 - 216). , New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference 2007 New Zealand: VetLearn
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Lopez Villalobos, N. (2007). Effect of maternal liveweight gain in early pregnancy on birth weight and conformation of calves born to 2-year-old beef heifers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Conference. Christchurch, NZ
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Hickson, RE., Lopez Villalobos, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2007). The effect of maternal liveweight gain of 15-month-old beef heifers on foetal weight. In DG. Elvidge (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 67th Conference. (pp. 117 - 120).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Morris, S.
Howe, LJ., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2007, May). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. Presented at 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Howe, LJ., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2007). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. In S. Smith (Ed.) Proceedings from the 37th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. (pp. 129 - 135).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006). Does prenatal stress affect lambs' basal cortisol and postnatal cortisol reponse to a painful stressor?. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand [PSANZ]. Perth, WA, Australia
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Howe, L., West, D., Pomroy, W., Collett, M., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., . . . Pattison, R. (2006). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. In Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Research Colloquium 2006(pp. 10 - 10). : Massey University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Blair, H., Breier, B., & Gluckman, P. (2006). Effect of plane of nutrition on maternal contraint in sheep breeds with diverse birth weight. In Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Research Colloquium 2006: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 8 - 9). , Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Research Colloquium 2006 New Zealand: Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
de Nicolo, G., Morris, S., Kenyon, P., & Morel, P. (2006). Out of season reproduction of New Zealand sheep. In Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences 2006 Research Colloquium(pp. 4 - 4). , Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences 2006 Research Colloquium: Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Weston, J., Howe, L., Collett, M., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., & Morris, S. (2007). A dose-titration challenge of Neospora caninum in pregnant hoggets. In NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Vol. 34 (pp. 150 - 150). : RSNZ PUBLISHING
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Weston, J.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Brookes, IM., . . . Horne, D. (2006). High sheep performance on hill country: Critical winter management decisions. Agronomy New Zealand, Proceedings. Vol. 36 (pp. 12 - 23). : 36th Annual Conference of the Agronomy-Society-of-New-Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Proctor, LE., Barry, TN., & Kenyon, PR. (2006). Can short-term grazing on Lotus corniculatus be used to increase reproductive performance in ewe hoggets?. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 68 (pp. 117 - 120). : New Zealand Grassland Association Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Firth, EC., Rogers, CW., Vickers, M., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Blair, HT., . . . Peterson, SW. (2006). Does maternal size and feeding during pregnancy affect lean mass and bone content in sheep?. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 82 (pp. 551 - 551). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Rogers, C.
Blair, HT., Kenyon, PR., Jenkinson, CMC., Peterson, SW., Mackenzie, DDS., Johnson, PL., . . . Firth, EC. (2006). Does DAM size and feeding during pregnancy affect fetal organ weight?. In EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Vol. 82 (pp. 548 - 548). : ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
de Nicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PC. (2006). An accelerated lamb production system in New Zealand: Results from two years. In Book of Abstracts of the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production(pp. 198 - 198). , 57th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production: Wageningen Academic Publishers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Morris, S. (2006). The effect of nutrition during pregnancy on the behaviour of adolescent ewes and their lamb(s) within 12 hrs of birth. Proceedings of the 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 66 (pp. 439 - 443). New Zealand: 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Morris, S. (2006). The effect of maternal nutrition during gestation on the reproductive success of female progeny as 2-tooths. Proceedings of the 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 66 (pp. 434 - 438). New Zealand: 66th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, SW., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2006). Milk production in Romney ewes lambing out of season. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 66 (pp. 450 - 455). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, SW., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2006). Do ewes with twin and triplet lambs produce different yields of milk and does the grazing behavior of their lambs differ?. In R. Sumner (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 66 (pp. 444 - 449). : New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., & Kenyon, PR. (2006). Sensitivity analysis of weaner lamb production in New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 66. (pp. 377 - 381).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Howe, LJ., West, DM., Collett, MG., Tattersfield, GJ., Pomroy, WE., Morris, ST., . . . Hughes, PL. (2006). The role of Neospora caninum in causing foetal loss in maiden ewes. Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. (pp. 93 - 98). : Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association 2006 Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., de Nicolo, G., Kenyon, PR., West, DM., Morel, PC., Kemp, PD., . . . Pomroy, WE. (2006). Year-round lambing systems. Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Vol. 36 (pp. 111 - 116). : Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Kenyon, P., West, DM., Morris, S., Stafford, K., Kerslake, JI., Johnson, PL., . . . Hughes, PL. (2006). Improving sheep performance: Three research trial results. In S. Smith (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Annual Seminar. Vol. 255 (pp. 99 - 109). New Zealand: Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA] Annual Seminar
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Howe, LJ., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2006). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. In New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting No. 33(pp. 18). : New Zealand Society for Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Weston, JF., Howe, LJ., Collett, MG., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2006). A dose-titration challenge of Neospora caninum in pregnant hoggets. In New Zealand Society of Parasitology Annual Meeting No. 33(pp. 19). : New Zealand Society of Parasitology
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Weston, J.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH. (2006). Poster: Does prenatal stress affect lambs' basal cortisol and postnatal cortisol response to a painful stressor?. In PSANZ 2006 Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Congress: Abstracts and Program(pp. 379 - 379). , 10th Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand [PSANZ] Australia: Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Jenkinson, C., Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Harding, JE., Bloomfield, FH., Breier, B., . . . Gluckman, PD. (2006). Maternal constraint in sheep breeds with diverse birth weight. In Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Congress: Abstracts and Program(pp. 152 - 152). , Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Conference [PSANZ 2006] Australia: Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Blair, H., Breier, B., & Gluckman, PD. (2006). The effect of juvenile IGF-1 selection on birthweight. In Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Congress: Abstracts and Program(pp. 380 - 380). , Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 10th Annual Congress [PSANZ 2006] Australia: Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., West, DM., Perkins, NR., & Pinchbeck, GL. (2006). Achieving the best reproductive performance from your hoggets. In Agribusiness Sheep Updates(pp. 40). : Government of Western Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Jenkinson, C., Blair, H., Johnson, P., Mackenzie, DD., Peterson, SW., . . . Firth, E. (2006). The effects of the extremes of maternal size within a genotype and maternal nutrition on the resulting offspring. In 12th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology: Programme and Abstracts(pp. 18 - 18). , 12th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Australia: Monash University, Fetal and Neonatal Research Group
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., & Oliver, MH.(2006, April 7). The effect of mid-pregnancy shearing on lamb birth weights. In 20th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology: Programme and Abstracts(pp. A17 - A17). , 20th National Workshop on Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Australia
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., de Nicolo, G., Morel, PC., West, DM., Kemp, PD., . . . Scott, I. (2006). Five lambings in three years in New Zealand. In 26th Australian Society of Animal Production Biennial Conference: Working Papers, 26th Australian Society of Animal Production Biennial Conference: Working Papers: Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., West, DM., & Perkins, NR. (2006). Optimal management techniques to maximise hogget lambing percentage. In 26th Australian Society of Animal Production Biennial Conference: Working Papers(pp. unpaged). : Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., & Morris, ST. (2006). Can shearing of ewes in mid-pregnancy result in lambs with finer wool?. In 26th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production(pp. unpaged). : Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2006). The effect of sward height and litter size on ewe and lamb performance. In 26th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production(pp. unpaged). : Australian Society of Animal Production
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, S., Kenyon, P., Corner, R., Stafford, K., & West, DM. (2005). The effect of nutrition on the progeny of twin- and triplet-bearing ewes. In GC. Fthenakis, & QA. McKaller (Eds.) Proceeedings of the 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress. (pp. 253 - 254). Greece: 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Scott, I., Pomroy, WE., Morris, ST., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2005). Parasitism in a year round lambing system. In GC. Fthenakis, & QAM. Eds (Eds.) 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Proceedings. (pp. 279 - 280). Athens, Greece
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Morris, ST., & Blair, HT. (2005). The effect of ewe nutrition during gestation on the maternal behaviour of their ewe lambs. (pp. 12). , Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference (ASSAB2005) Palmerston North, NZ: Massey University, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., de Nicolo, G., & West, DM. (2005). Year-round lamb production systems on pasture: Theory and practice. In Book of Abstracts(pp. 265). , 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Scott, I., Pomroy, WE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Burnham, DL. (2005). Parasitism in a year-round lambing system. In New Zealand Journal of Zoology Vol. 32 (pp. 283). Wellington, NZ: Royal Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2005). Shearing during pregnancy to increase lamb birthweight. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress. Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., West, DM., & Perkins, NR. (2005). Maximising hogget lambing percentage. In GC. Fthenakis, & QAM. Eds (Eds.) 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Proceedings. (pp. 204 - 205). Athens, Greece
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2005). Management of pasture quality for sheep on New Zealand hill country. In FP. O'Mara, RJ. Wilkins, L. t'Mannetje, DK. Lovett, PAM. Rogers, & TMB. Eds (Eds.) XX International Grassland Congress: Offered Papers. (pp. 926). Wageningen, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Morel, PC., de Nicolo, G., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2005). Accelerated lamb production systems in New Zealand. In GC. Fthenakis, & QAM. Eds (Eds.) 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress: Proceedings. (pp. 255 - 256). Athens, Greece
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Corner, R., Stafford, K., Jenkinson, C., & West, DM. (2005). Manipulating triplet lamb survival. In G. Tattersfield (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the New Zealand Veterinary Association [NZVA]. Vol. 35 (pp. 83 - 90). New Zealand: 35th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Mulvaney, FJ., Burnham, DL., & West, DM. (2005). Management of lambing hoggets. In GT. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA. Vol. 35 (pp. 65 - 71). Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ: 35th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians of the NZVA
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Hill, FI., Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., . . . Pattison, RS. (2005). A possible role for Neospora caninum in ovine abortion in New Zealand?. 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress. (pp. 106 - 108). Crete,Greece
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Scott, I., Pomroy, BE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, P., & Burnham, DL. (2005). Parasitism in a year-round lambing system. In New Zealand Journal of Zoology Vol. 32 (pp. 283 - 283). : The Royal Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Scott, I., Pomroy, BE., Morris, ST., Morel, PM., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2005, June). Parasitism in a year round lambing system. Presented at 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress. Maris Conference Centre, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, D., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2005). Management of pasture quality for sheep on New Zealand hill country. (pp. 157).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Parker, WJ., Kemp, EA., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., . . . Valentine, I. (2005). Feed planning: Methods used by "expert" farmers. (pp. 885 - 885). , 20th International Grassland Congress Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2005). Summer management of sheep on summer-wet hill country: insights into decisions made by an 'expert' farmer. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 67 (pp. 87 - 96). New Plymouth, NZ: New Zealand Grassland Association's 67th Annual Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Hill, FI., Ridler, AL., Kenyon, PR., . . . Pattison, RS. (2006). A possible role for Neospora caninum in ovine abortion in New Zealand. Small Ruminant Research. Vol. 62 (pp. 135 - 138).
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Corner, RA., Kenyon, P., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., Morris, S., & Blair, H. (2005). Does the ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the behaviour of ewe lambs at 1 and 2 years of age?. Proceedings of the 65th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 29 - 32). New Zealand: 65th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2005). The effect of sward height during pregnancy on the wool follicle and fibre characteristics of twin- and triplet-born lambs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 168 - 172). : 65th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner, R., Kenyon, P., Stafford, K., West, DM., Oliver, MH., Morris, S., . . . Blair, H. (2005). Does ewe nutrition during pregnancy affect the metabolism of twin-born lambs?. Proceedings of the 65th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 163 - 167). New Zealand: 65th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Blair, H., Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Peterson, SW., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Lopez Villalobos, N., & Morel, PC. (2005). Milk production in East Fresian-cross ewes lambing year round. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 65 (pp. 173 - 177). : 65th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., Wildbore, BL., Brookes, IM., Kenyon, PR., Purchas, RW., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). Sensitivity analysis of a growth simulation for finishing lambs. (pp. 915 - 915). , 20th International Grassland Congress Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Morel, PC., Wildbore, BL., Brookes, IM., Kenyon, PR., Purchas, RW., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). A model to evaluate buying and selling policies for growing lambs on pasture. (pp. 916 - 916). , 20th International Grassland Congress Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Scott, I., Pomroy, WE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Burnham, DL. (2004). Parasitism in a year-round lambing system. In New Zealand Journal of Zoology Vol. 32 (pp. 283). : The Royal Society of New Zealand
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2004). Controlling pasture quality on hill country: Key decisions and techniques. Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 34 (pp. 73 - 82). Christchurch, NZ: The thirty-fourth Annual Conference of the Agronomy Society of New Zealand
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Burnham, DL., West, DM., . . . Pomroy, WE. (2004). Year-round lamb production in the Manawatu region - results from year one. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 66 (pp. 215 - 219). Dunedin, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2004). Controlling pasture quality on hill country - key decisions and techniques. Thirty-fourth Annual Conference: Agronomy New Zealand. Vol. 34 (pp. 73 - 82). Christchurch, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Burnham, DL., West, DM., . . . Pomroy, BE. (2004, October). Year-round lamb production in the Manawatu region: Results from year one. Presented at 66th New Zealand Grassland Association Conference. Ashburton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Gray, DI., Reid, JI., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, D., Kenyon, PR., . . . Valentine, I. (2004). Controlling pasture quality on hill country - Key decisions and techniques. Presented at 34th Annual Conference of the Agronomy-Society-of-New-Zealand. Ashburton, NEW ZEALAND.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Scott, I., Pomroy, BE., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Burnham, DL. (2004, November). Parasitism in a year round lambing system. Presented at 32nd New Zealand Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting. Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Morris, ST., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., Kemp, PD., Burnham, DL., West, DM., . . . Pomroy, BE. (2004). Year-round lamb production in the Manawatu region: Results from year one. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 66 (pp. 215 - 219). Wellington, NZ: 66th New Zealand Grassland Association Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Scott, I.
Morris, ST., Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., & Burnham, DL. (2004, May). Condition score, liveweight, age and reproductive performance in beef cattle. Presented at 34th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morel, PC., & Morris, ST. (2004, May). Condition score, body weight and reproductive performance in sheep. Presented at 34th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Pinchbeck, GL., Perkins, NR., Morris, ST., & West, DM. (2004, May). Maximising hogget lambing performance. Presented at 34th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA. Auckland, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2004, June). Economical analysis of year round lamb production. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Torbatinejad, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2004, June). The effect of sward height during pregnancy on wool grown by ewes rearing twins or triplets. Presented at New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Hamilton, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Sherlock, RG., & Morris, ST. (2004). Are elevated maternal thyroid hormone concentrations after-mid-pregnancy shearing responsible for changes in lamb fleece characteristics?. In DGE. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 64 (pp. 272 - 276). Hamilton, NZ: 64th Conference of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., Perkins, NR., & West, DM. (2004). Hogget mating in New Zealand: A survey. In DGE. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 64 (pp. 217 - 222). Hamilton, NZ: 64th Conference of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morel, PC., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2004). Economical analysis of year round lamb production. In DGE. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 64 (pp. 179 - 182). Hamilton, NZ: 64th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, P., Morris, S., West, DM., Stafford, K., Corner, R., Ottema, K., . . . Burnham, D. (2004). Manipulating lamb birth weight and survival rate in singletons born to hoggets. In DG. Elvidge (Ed.) Proceedings of the 64th New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 64 (pp. 175 - 178). New Zealand: 64th Conference of The New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Torbatinejad, N., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2004). The effect of sward height during pregnancy on wool grown by ewes rearing twins or triplets. In DGE. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 64 (pp. 171 - 174). Hamilton, NZ: 64th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, DM., Collett, MG., Perkins, NR., Christodoulopoulos, G., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2004). Investigations of foetal loss in maiden ewes. In ALR. Ed (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians. Vol. 234 (pp. 147 - 160). Palmerston North, NZ: 34th Seminar of the Society of Sheep and Beef Cattle Veterinarians
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Parkinson, TJ., Revell, DK., Morris, ST., & McCutcheon, SN. (2003). Development of a technique to evaluate the role of elevated maternal thyroid hormone concentrations in the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 149 - 151). Hamilton, NZ: 63rd Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Parkinson, TJ. (2003). Metabolic changes in ewes shorn during mid-pregnancy. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 144 - 148). Hamilton, NZ: 63rd Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., Burnham, DL., & Everett Hincks, JM. (2003). The effect of sward height on twin and triplet lamb birth weights and survival rates to weaning. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 152 - 154). : 63rd Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Burnham, DL., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2003). Effect of drying method on accuracy of n-alkane estimation of forage intake. Proceedings of The New Zealand Grasslands Association. Vol. 65 (pp. 123 - 126). Palmerston North: 65th Conference of the New Zealand Grassland Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Parkinson, TJ. (2003). Metabolic changes in ewes shorn during mid-pregnancy. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 63 (pp. 144 - 148). Hamilton, NZ: 63rd New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Parkinson, TJ., Revell, DK., Morris, ST., & Mccutcheon, SN. (2003). Development of a technique to evaluate the role of elevated maternal thyroid hormone concentrations in the birthweight response to mid-pregnancy shearing. New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference. Vol. 63 (pp. 149 - 151). Hamilton, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Gray, DI., Parker, WJ., Kemp, EA., Kemp, PD., Brookes, IM., Horne, DJ., . . . Valentine, I. (2003). Feed planning: alternative approaches used by farmers. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 65 (pp. 211 - 217). Wellington, NZ: 65th New Zealand Grassland Association Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Horne, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Sherlock, RG., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2002). Does mid-pregnancy shearing affect lamb fleece characteristics?. In SW. Peterson (Ed.) Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 62 (pp. 57 - 60). Hamilton: 62nd Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Burnham, DL. (2002). A comparison of two scales of body condition scoring in Hereford x Friesian beef breeding cows. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. Vol. 64 (pp. 121 - 123). : 64th Conference of the New Zealand Grassland Association
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Burnham, D., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & McCutcheon, SN. (2002). Does an increase in lamb birth weight through mid-pregnancy shearing necessarily mean an increase in lamb survival rates to weaning?. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Vol. 62 (pp. 53 - 56). : 62nd Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Schlink, AC., Greeff, J., & Kenyon, PR. (2000). Felting characteristics of a medium wool western Australian Merino flock. In ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES Vol. 13 (pp. 228 - 228). , 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian-Association-of-Animal-Production-Societies/23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian-Society-of-Animal-Production: ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN ASSOC ANIMAL PRODUCTION SOCIETIES
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Kenyon, P.


Burnham, DL., Kenyon, PR., Pain, SJ., Hickson, RE., & Blair, HT. (2014). Brief communication: Grand-dam age has no effect on ram lamb live weight and carcass characteristics.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P.
Scott, I., Pomroy, W., Kenyon, P., Adlington, B., & Moss, A. (2013, November). Rapid development of resistance to monepantel in more than one nematode species on more than one farm. In IVABS Research Colloquium, Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Scott, I.
Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Corner, R. (2013). How early can we identify the hogget that will successfully breed and wean a lamb?. (pp. 31 - 34). The New Zealand Veterinary Association
[Other]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kemp, P., Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2012). Turbo-boosting lamb finishing.
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Corner-Thomas, RA., Ridler, A., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, P. (2012). Ewe reproductive performance: the effect of body condition and live weight.
[Other]Authored by: Corner-Thomas, R., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Ridler, A.
Kenyon, P. (2012, May). Sheep research- The past, the present, the future. In Massey Agriculture: Inaugural Professional Address, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Blair, HT., Morris, S., & Kenyon, P. (2012). Farmers' learning preferences studied. (pp. 6 - 6).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Blair, HT., Morris, ST., & Kenyon, PR. (2012). Spotlight on knowledge sharing. (pp. 13 - 13).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2012). Breeding ewe hoggets successfully. (pp. 20 - 20).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2012). Summer ewe management to maximise the future lamb crop. (pp. 20 - 20).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2011). A good example of success with sheep.
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2011). Raising output key theme.
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2011). Maximising returns from hoggets. (pp. 9 - 9).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2011). Hogget lambing can be highly productive. (pp. 12 - 12).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, P. (2011). Condition score at weaning. (pp. 97 - 97). Countrywide
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Schreurs, N., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., & Morel, P. (2010, June). Effect of birth weight on survival of lambs born to ewe lambs. In 70th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Presented at Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Schreurs, N., Kenyon, P., Mulvaney, F., Morel, P., West, D., & Morris, S. (2010, July). Gestational live weight of ewe lamb on offspring's birth and weaning weights. In Australian Society of Animal Production 28th Biennial Conference. Presented at University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S., Schreurs, N.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Heifer breeding. (pp. 33 - 33). Media Monitors
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Study says breeding early not a problem. (pp. 8 - 8). Media Monitors
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Hogget breeding bolsters returns. (pp. 22 - 22). Rural News Group Limited
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Morel, PC., & Kenyon, PR. (2010). Research makes case for mating hoggets. (pp. 21 - 21). Marlborough Express
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P.
Kemp, PD., Pain, SJ., & Kenyon, PR. (2010). Farmers get a taste of science. (pp. 5 - 5). Media Monitors
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Pain, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Keep the feed coming to hoggets. (pp. 23 - 23). NZX Agri
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). New venture good for business. (pp. 4 - 4).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Uni's glimpse of the future. (pp. 2 - 2).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Keep those hoggets growing. (pp. 50 - 50).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2010). Massey innovations showcased in pavilion. (pp. 18 - 18).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2009). Renewed interest in hogget mating. (pp. 34 - 34).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2009). Farmers hoop it up at lambing field day. (pp. 9).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Morris, ST., Kemp, PD., Tillman, RW., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Yule, IJ., . . . Sutherland, IA. (2009, May). Farming sheep in China and search for gene markers. In Central Districts & East Coast Sheep & Beef Council Science Day. Presented at Massey University Rugby Institute, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Kenyon, P., Morris, S., Pain, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Non seasonal breeding could boost lambing output. (pp. 5 - 5).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Search starts for lambing gene. (pp. 28 - 28).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Start plans now for hogget mating. (pp. 30 - 30).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Gene search is on to breed lambs all year. (pp. 15 - 15).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2008). Research may enable farmers to produce lambs year round. (pp. 6 - 6).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Search starts for lambing gene. (pp. 45 - 45).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). The China factor. (pp. 11 - 11).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Chinese Government in $750,000 lamb deal. (pp. 2 - 2).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Retain flexibility in hogget mating plans. (pp. 32 - 32).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Lambing all year could become norm. (pp. 14 - 14).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2008). Start plans now for hogget mating. (pp. 31 - 31).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Minimise wastage through nutrition. (pp. 43).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Hogget mating myth explored. (pp. 5).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Facts about hoggets. (pp. 43).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Minimise wastage through nutrition. (pp. 43).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2007). Light ewes the priority from weaning. (pp. 25).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Jenkinson, CM., Kenyon, PR., Blair, HT., Breier, BH., & Gluckman, PD. (2006). Effect of plane of nutrition on maternal constraint in sheep breeds with diverse birth weight. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Blair, H., Jenkinson, C., Kenyon, P.
Howe, LJ., West, DM., Pomroy, WE., Collett, MG., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., . . . Pattison, RS. (2006). Investigations into the involvement of Neospora caninum in unexplained sheep abortions. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Howe, L., Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
de Nicolo, G., Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PC. (2006). Out of season reproduction of New Zealand sheep. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2006). Teasers essential for hogget mating. (pp. 11).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2006). Teasers essential for hogget mating. (pp. 30).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, DM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Pomroy, WE. (2006). Probe into neospora risk. (pp. 38).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
West, DM., Kenyon, PR., Morris, ST., & Pomroy, WE. (2006). Massey team probes sheep risk to neospora. (pp. 59).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & West, DM. (2006). Hogget mating performance under scrutiny. (pp. 21). Country-Wide Publications
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2006). Teaser rams will improve hogget mating results. (pp. 58).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR., Stafford, KJ., West, DM., & Morris, ST. (2006). Study to assess mothering ability to triplet-born ewes. (pp. 17). Country-Wide Publications
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). A fundamental principle of mating hoggets and the need to keep them well fed is challenged at veterinarians conference. National Radio
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Peas top protein source for ewes late pregnancy. (pp. 25 - 25).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). On-farm research plans Hawke's Bay field day. (pp. 20 - 20).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Pregnancy losses due to feeding. (pp. 15 - 15).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Lamb survival trial outlined. (pp. 15 - 15).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Hogget lambing under investigation. (pp. 11).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). More intensive shepherding of triplets suggested. (pp. 25 - 25).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Management questions put to lambing expert. (pp. 22 - 23).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). More intensive shepherding of triplets suggested. (pp. 25).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Intensive management of triplets cost effective. (pp. 22).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Over-feeding ewe hoggets recipe for disaster. (pp. 21).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005). Over-feeding ewe hoggets recipe for disaster. (pp. 41).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2005, April). Manipulation of birth weight in heifers. : Beef Council.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR., Burke, JL., & Shadbolt, NM. (2005, December). Research in beef and dairy cattle and sheep; farm business management. : Teagasc, Agriculture Research and Extension.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Burke, J., Kenyon, P., Shadbolt, N.
Kenyon, PR., & Morris, ST. (2004). Year-round lambing shows profit potential. (pp. 26 - 26).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morris, S.
Morris, ST., Kenyon, PR., & Morel, PC. (2004). Year-round lambing shows profit potential. (pp. 9 - 9).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P., Morel, P., Morris, S.
Kenyon, PR. (2004). Much to learn about hoggets: Scientist. (pp. 22 - 22).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2004). Science does not support any hogget lambing disadvantage. (pp. 21 - 21).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR. (2004). Early finish to shearing will pay dividends. (pp. 21 - 21).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR.A good example of success with sheep. (pp. 11 - 11).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR.Raising output key theme. (pp. 11 - 11).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.
Kenyon, PR.Maximising the lamb crop. (pp. 52 - 52).
[Other]Authored by: Kenyon, P.

Consultancy and Languages


  • English
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

Professor Kenyon teaches undergraduate courses in Reproduction, Sheep Production, Wool Production and Farm Management to Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of AgScience, Bachelor of AgriComm, Bachelor of Veterinary Technology and Bachelor of Veterinary Science students.  He supervises honours, masters and PhD students. 

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 1 12
Co-supervisor 4 19

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Mansoor Altamimi Altamimi - Doctor of Philosophy

Co-supervisor of:

  • Marryana Wang - Doctor of Philosophy
    Optimizing Black Soldier Fly Nutrition
  • Varthani Susruthan - Doctor of Philosophy
    Dairy cow performance and pasture characteristics under conventional and regenerative management systems
  • Thomas Mutunga - Doctor of Philosophy
    Ewe and Lamb performance, sward productivity and quality under conventional and regenerative management systems
  • Joseph Adjabui - Doctor of Philosophy
    Bioeconomic modelling of sheep and beef farm systems in New Zealand to investigate the impact of management changes on methane emissions and farm profitability.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Zully Ramos Alvez - Doctor of Philosophy
    Reproductive consequences of genetic improvement in clean fleece production in ultrafine Merino ewes
  • 2021 - Jimmy Semakula - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improving the measurement of live weight and body condition score in sheep
  • 2017 - Fernando Roca Fraga - Doctor of Philosophy
    Optimal nutrition of the pregnant ewe. A meta-analytic approach
  • 2016 - Gabriella Gronqvist - Doctor of Philosophy
    The effect of maternal nutrition during mid-to-late pregnancy on ewe and lamb behaviour and the association with lamb survival
  • 2015 - Amy Paten - Doctor of Philosophy
    Maternal nutritional programming in the sheep: Effects on post-natal growth, mammogenesis and lactation in adult-ewe offspring
  • 2015 - Maria Pereira Loureiro - Doctor of Philosophy
    Effects of ewe age on offspring development and performance
  • 2014 - Lydia Cranston - Doctor of Philosophy
    Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata); physiological and morphological responses to water stress, defoliation, and grazing preference with implications for the management of the Herb and Legume Mix
  • 2014 - Sharini Sinhadipathige - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Effect of Herb-Clover mixes on lamb performance
  • 2014 - Asmad Kari - Doctor of Philosophy
    The effect of ewe nutrition during pregnancy on the reproductive system of the offspring
  • 2010 - Danitsja Van Der Linden - Doctor of Philosophy
    Ewe size and nutrition during pregnancy: Effects of metabolic and productive performance of the offspring
  • 2010 - Joanne Kerslake - Doctor of Philosophy
    Improving triplet lamb survival in New Zealand
  • 2008 - Rene Corner - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exposure of ewes to stressors in mid-and late-pregnancy: Postnatal effects on the ewe and lamb

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2023 - James Wangui - Doctor of Philosophy
    Use of New Zealand native browse shrubs on sheep and beef hill country farms.
  • 2023 - Andrea Grana - Doctor of Philosophy
    Exploring innovative ways, based on skin thickness and brown adipose tissue metabolism, for genetic improvement of new-born lamb survival
  • 2023 - Mandefrot Zeleke - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigation of Palpable Udder Defects in Non-Dairy Ewes
  • 2023 - Paul Brett - Doctor of Philosophy
    Developing a risk prediction model for the seasonality of Lucilia spp. in New Zealand
  • 2022 - Addisu Addis - Doctor of Philosophy
    Modelling the role of dairy-origin cattle for young beef production in New Zealand
  • 2022 - Gayani Hitihamy Mudiyanselage - Doctor of Philosophy
    Artificial rearing strategies to optimise new-born lamb growth and development
  • 2021 - Emmanuelle Haslin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Effect of heavier live weight of ewe lambs at breeding on reproductive performance, mammary gland development, and subsequent live weight
  • 2020 - Emma Pettigrew - Doctor of Philosophy
    The effect of birth rank and age of dam on the reproductive performance of ewe replacements managed under New Zealand pastoral conditions
  • 2020 - Lydia Farrell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Bio-economic system-dynamics modelling to investigate strategic management options in New Zealand sheep farming enterprises.
  • 2020 - Isabel Vialoux - Doctor of Philosophy
    Genetic parameters of body condition score (BCS) and effects of BCS and BCS change on ewe performance
  • 2020 - Lukshman Weerasekara Ekanayake Mudiyanse - Doctor of Philosophy
    Early weaning of twin-born lambs onto a herb-clover mix containing plantain (Plantago lanceolata), chicory (Cichorium intybus), red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens)
  • 2020 - Kate Griffiths - Doctor of Philosophy
    An epidemiologic investigation of wastage and productivity of ewes in a sample of New Zealand commercial flocks
  • 2017 - Lisanne Fermin - Doctor of Philosophy
    Pre-implantation maternal uterine effects on embryo growth and development: An investigation using models of maternal constraint in sheep
  • 2016 - Antoinette Danso - Doctor of Philosophy
    Nutrient utilisation, growth and chemical body composition of pre-weaned lambs reared artificially: Effects of feeding milk replacer and pellets
  • 2014 - Francisco Sales Zlatar - Doctor of Philosophy
    Amino acids and skeletal muscle growth in lambs
  • 2012 - Fraser Mulvaney - Doctor of Philosophy
    Investigating methods to improve the reproductive performance of hoggets
  • 2010 - Rajesh Sharma - Doctor of Philosophy
    The effects of uterine environment upon embryonic, fetal, neonatal and post-natal development and glucose metabolism in sheep
  • 2009 - Rebecca Hickson - Doctor of Philosophy
    Assistance at parturition in primiparous, two-year-old, Angus heifers and the effect of liveweight gain of heifers in early pregnancy on birth weight of the calf
  • 2008 - Gina De Nicolo - Doctor of Philosophy
    Acceleration and out-of-season lamb production in New Zealand

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